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Preview New The Fall dev diary at RPGVault


Nov 9, 2002
Monkey Island
Tags: Fall: Last Days of Gaia; Silver Style

<b>Sebastian Tusk</b>, one of Carsten's henchmen, has written up the <a href=http://rpgvault.ign.com/articles/516/516746p1.html>third</a> in a series of dev diaries at <A HREF="http://rpgvault.ign.com" target="_blank">RPG Vault</a> about The Fall - Last Days of Gaia.
<blockquote>Many games try to solve this problem by blending out the outdoor part once you enter a building. Morrowind is an example of that, but also a title like Fallout 3 would have handled it the same way. The Fall, however, will feature a seamless environment. It took us quite a bit, but we're very satisfied with the outcome. There won't be any loading times when you enter a building. You can look through windows into the interior parts and vice versa, and see all the characters and objects.</blockquote>
Well that is kinda neat. I hate when games make you load a whole new map just to enter the community outhouse.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
...but also a title like Fallout 3 would have handled it the same way
I have to admire the persistence. They mention the Fallout name every time they talk to press.

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