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Interview Two Worlds II Interview


Staff Member
Apr 4, 2009
Tags: Reality Pump Studios; Two Worlds

<p>RPG Italia <a href="http://www.rpgitalia.net/main/viewtopic.php?t=14777" target="_blank">had a chat</a> with Reality Pumps J&ouml;rg Schindler.</p>
<p><span style="color: red;">RPG Italia</span>: Can you have a house or a wife (Something like in Fable)? <br /> <span style="color: green;">J&ouml;rg Schindler</span>: You will be able to buy a house or get one during a quest. Moreover there will be some emotional relationships between the hero and a number of women in the game. Some will be more platonically and some less&hellip; <br /> <br /> <span style="color: red;">RPG Italia</span>: How in-depth will the character interaction be? Like will the player be to choose who they want to be friends and enemies with, and will they help and hinder in the future? <br /> <span style="color: green;">J&ouml;rg Schindler</span>: Actions of the player will influence the gameplay. For example if the player decides to pay a &ldquo;toll&rdquo; to one of the rogues in a city to keep it from being interfered with,the guy will insult the player during the next meetings and demanding even more money. If the player fights the guy right from the beginning and wins, this will dispose of the rogue right away. Moreover there are much more emotional contacts to a lot of NPCs which not only appear once but a few times in the game. Depending on the former behavior these NPCs will determine If they are friendly or not.</p>
<p>Spotted at: <a href="http://www.rpgwatch.com/#15053">RPGWatch</a></p>


Waster of Time
Sep 15, 2006
Finnegan's Wake
DramaticPopcorn said:
RPG Italia: Will there be Armour for the mounts you ride?
Jörg Schindler: Not in the version released in September.
I wonder what that means...

RPG Italia: Will the game have DLC in the future?
Jörg Schindler: Of course we will offer it. DLC is very important and we will deliver multiple content like new weapons, maps, quests etc.



Apr 9, 2010
A trite metaphor near you
Some will be more platonically and some less…

But will you get collectable cards?

For example if the player decides to pay a “toll” to one of the rogues in a city to keep it from being interfered with,the guy will insult the player during the next meetings and demanding even more money. If the player fights the guy right from the beginning and wins, this will dispose of the rogue right away.

That's, like, deep, man.
Nov 8, 2007
The island of misfit mascots
DramaticPopcorn said:
RPG Italia: Will there be Armour for the mounts you ride?
Jörg Schindler: Not in the version released in September.
I wonder what that means...

Wait up....combine that with the comment about introducing more sex into the game and this might actually be interesting...is the DLC going to be fetish 'armour' that your companion wears, or is it some specialised armour that YOU wear in case you get surprised by a random attack while...um....mounting a ride?

I don't know why they'd bother though...a quick perusal of the FO3 player-mod databases indicates that those things will be introduced by player mods within days in any event.

A user named cat

Praytell wee lass, art thou worthy of sir ramrod?

Foresooth, my love!

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