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Interview Fable 3 Info Round Up


Staff Member
Apr 4, 2009
Tags: Fable 2; Lionhead Studios; Peter Molyneux

<p>After the great news that you can <a href="http://uk.xbox360.ign.com/articles/109/1098635p2.html" target="_blank">fart on people's heads</a> in Fable 3, a feature that in all honesty is woefully lacking in less innovative modern RPG offerings, more Peter Molineux goodness is now available.</p>
<p>After watching this <a href="http://www.e3coverage.com/2010/exclusive-e3-2010-peter-molyneux-speaks-about-fable-iii/" target="_blank">video interview</a> with Gametactics I felt the sudden urge to... I guess you know what.</p>
<p>Whereas in this <a href="http://www.vg247.com/2010/06/17/interview-lionhead-boss-peter-molyneux/" target="_blank">interview with VG247</a> Pete reveals that he's obsessed with moral choices.</p>
<p><strong>VG247: Right. It&rsquo;d be fair to say you are obsessed with these sort of moral choices. It is a life-long obsession from what I can gather.</strong></p>
<p><strong>Peter Molyneux:</strong> It is, it really is. It started in Black &amp; White and it went on. Half of these choices you make in Fable III are made while you&rsquo;re becoming a revolutionary.</p>
<p>And they&rsquo;re very easy to make, these promises to people. Take our politicians, for instance. And what we&rsquo;ve done this time is that those promises become choices later on: do I keep my promise or do I break my promise?</p>
<p>There&rsquo;s this character called Paige, and she says, &ldquo;Look, when you&rsquo;re king, I want you to turn all of these factories into schools.&rdquo; And you have that choice. The consequences of taking that choice later on is really interesting, because that is what power is all about. It&rsquo;s all about choices.</p>
<p>It&rsquo;s all about you just saying, &ldquo;I don&rsquo;t care I promised that, you know, times have changed.&rdquo; And there&rsquo;s a really interesting saying which I wrote on the wall: &ldquo;<em>Power corrupts</em>; <em>absolute power corrupts absolutely</em>.&rdquo; I think that&rsquo;s a really interesting thing for people to feel.</p>
<p>We allow you to be king, and we make it very hard for you to keep all of your promises.</p>
<p>Spotted at: <a href="http://www.gamebanshee.com/news/98326-fable-iii-interviews.html">GB</a></p>


Jan 21, 2008
Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
VG247: Right. It’d be fair to say you are obsessed with these sort of moral choices. It is a life-long obsession from what I can gather.

Peter Molyneux: It is, it really is. It started in Black & White and it went on.

Quite possibly the dumbest question/answer ever seen in an interview.

Jim Cojones

Nov 2, 2008
Przenajswietsza Rzeczpospolita
Can't believe they simply posted a transcription of a spoken interview. It's barely readable when almost every paragraph contains such phrases as:

"So, it is in development, it still is in development. We’re continuing to develop it",
"Now, it is pretty amazing, it is actually on show to celebrities. But it is amazing; it’s ten times more amazing then you think it is"
"And actually, you when I look at it"

you are free to go into business partnership, which is kind of almost the same as getting married; but with a man.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
Xor said:
VG247: Right. It’d be fair to say you are obsessed with these sort of moral choices. It is a life-long obsession from what I can gather.

Peter Molyneux: It is, it really is. It started in Black & White and it went on.

Quite possibly the dumbest question/answer ever seen in an interview.

Probably because it isn't a question at all


Jan 16, 2010
It was an implied question. He was poking Molyneux into a desired conversational path. AN intervieweres worst nightmare is someone who answers "yes"; however, you see what Molyneux did, the results were the same as if the interviewer would've asked him a straight question.


Oct 27, 2004
Lulea, Sweden
Turn factories into schools? I reckon it would be better to use the income from the factories into building schools!

"Hey! Lets dismantle all the industry and build schools instead!"

"But sir, what are we going to educate people into?"


OK. it might not be that retarded in the game, but hearing other things he says, that wouldn't surprise me.


Dec 16, 2009
I get the feeling that all of these "moral choices" will be retarded dichotomies between impractical goodness and retarded evil with no middle-ground.

Jim Profit

May 23, 2010
You're going to be a che guevera in Fable 3? I'm honestly not surprised. Maybe lionhead read my blogs. As I bitched time and time again about the overly authoritarian toan in Fable 2.

Now mind you, I can understand it to a certain point. Guys running around flinging fireballs and shit. But it's ridiculous. You can sheathe a weapon, (even when there's clear danger they act like ohnoes, a gun. Prioritize bitch!) The billions of guards just tropsing around, telling you how beneath them you are. (And they have the respawns to backup that claim) And then worse of all is the fucking curfews. Fucking full grown men having curfews!!!

In Fable 1 it was just the heroes guild taking care of a bunch of slack jawed hillbillies that didn't know how to whipe their own ass. And the heroes guild was full of pompus assholes that needed to be eradicated. I wanted to be a revolutionary in 1 and 2, and now I can be in 3. Knowing lionhead like I do though, it won't in anyway be a sastisfying experience. Seriously, this is why I prefer Bioware. As I'm so used to lionhead that Bioware looks like creative geniuses in comparison!

And like a politician, I would not keep my word. Infact, my political society would be a "hateocracy". Where people who are plenty hateful like neonazis, klan members, and serial killers are rewarded. Because they understand my hatred of people. Especially gays, women, and weaboos. (Not sure if weaboos really count as people however)

The only rules of my society would be based on abortion (which no game is going to touch on) and promiscuiety. Whores are to be killed. We don't need police, just kill the slut, you have Jim Profit's permission. Naturally with people legally able to murder one another, the problem with prostitution and sexual deviants will solve itself! WHAT COULD GO WRONG?!

Jim Profit in Fable 3.
Nov 8, 2007
The island of misfit mascots
kris said:
Turn factories into schools? I reckon it would be better to use the income from the factories into building schools!

"Hey! Lets dismantle all the industry and build schools instead!"

"But sir, what are we going to educate people into?"


OK. it might not be that retarded in the game, but hearing other things he says, that wouldn't surprise me.

Actually, I can a benefit in having SOME policy promises that are clearly retarded, but which would bring lots of resources onside for the revolution. So someone asks you to promise something that is clearly stupid, but which will get the revolution over the line. For that to be interesting, though, it would need to be damn hard to get the revolution over the line (perhaps impossible without promising SOMETHING stupid).
Nov 8, 2007
The island of misfit mascots
[quote="Jim Profit"
The only rules of my society would be based on abortion (which no game is going to touch on) and promiscuiety. Whores are to be killed. We don't need police, just kill the slut, you have Jim Profit's permission. Naturally with people legally able to murder one another, the problem with prostitution and sexual deviants will solve itself! WHAT COULD GO WRONG?![/quote]

You have a bit of problem with women, I take it:). I'm just guessing on the basis of abortion and (apparently just female) promiscuity being the only things worth state intervention and all. With no mention of, say, child support or heterosexual male promiscuity.

Jim Profit

May 23, 2010
Azrael the cat said:
You have a bit of problem with women, I take it:). I'm just guessing on the basis of abortion and (apparently just female) promiscuity being the only things worth state intervention and all. With no mention of, say, child support or heterosexual male promiscuity.
Congratulations, you can read. And you didn't even need one of those pesky schools the other moralfags talked about building!

I'd be very proud of my firt son with his uber industreious, child labor goodness! Fuck yeah! No wonder he's the king!

The other one, ehhhh...

I am also dissapoint that there is MOAR LVL'ING!!! It's like they're purposely trying to make Fable the worst game ever!


May 23, 2010
I like Peter, he has something about him that makes him interesting, no matter what kind of crap he is creating.


Oct 17, 2005
Dead State Wasteland 2
kris said:
Turn factories into schools? I reckon it would be better to use the income from the factories into building schools!

"Hey! Lets dismantle all the industry and build schools instead!"

"But sir, what are we going to educate people into?"


OK. it might not be that retarded in the game, but hearing other things he says, that wouldn't surprise me.

Well... he is British.


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