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Development Info Dungeon Siege II dev diary on official site


Nov 9, 2002
Monkey Island
Tags: Dungeon Siege 2; Gas Powered Games

The <a href=http://www.gaspowered.com/ds2/news.php>official Dungeon Siege II website</a> has got another <a href=http://www.gaspowered.com/ds2/dev_diaries.php?goidx=false&image=9&idxnum=2>dev diary</a> by designer Daniel Achterman. He discusses what fans have been asking for in DS2 and how they're making vague attempts at giving it to them.
<blockquote>Before we get started, I'd like to confess a guilty pleasure. I like to browse the Dungeon Siege II fan forums. I'm a dedicated lurker at such sites as SiegeWorks.org and PlanetDungeonSiege.com. I especially like to read posts about what people would like DS2 to do differently from DS1, and what new features our fans would most like to see. I have good news and bad news. The good news is that many of the things fans want are already in the new game! The bad news is, you won't be able to fly or ride horses. Sorry, guys.
One of the most common requests is for fights to be more involving and interactive. Players want to be drawn in to the action of combat, directing characters to unleash devastation with clever tactics.</blockquote>
If that's what DS players want, I'd buy ToEE. But then I'm all <i>biased!</i>, so ignore me.
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.bluesnews.com">Blue's News</A>


May 31, 2004
Well, if he's not giving me my rainbow angel wings, I'm not playing!

(Seriously, who the hell thinks flight would make a game like DS more fun?)


Dec 17, 2002
I want a game that doesn't suck... But I haven't seen one in a very, very long time and I very much doubt this thing will break that trend.

Sol Invictus

Oct 19, 2002
Pax Romana
Well, it's good to see that they're implementing a skill tree system and a class system similar to Diablo II, as well as heightened interactivity to the combat, which allows for tactical takedowns instead of the usual 'attrition' style method of attack from Dungeon Siege where two people duke it out and the first one who's health bar reaches zero loses.

That said, I'm looking forward to seeing what they can pull off with the game. If it's anywhere as good as Diablo II, I'm in. If it's as uninteractive as Dungeon Siege, I'll be the first to say I hate it.

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