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Interview Minions of Mirth Q&A


May 18, 2003
59°19'03"N 018°02'15"E
Tags: Minions of Mirth; Prairie Games

That's right folks, this time we bring you all of 13 questions (complete with answers, imagine that!) on the recently announced independent crpg - <A href="http://www.prairiegames.com/games.html">Minions of Mirth</a>. Here's a nibble:
<b>7.)</b><i> One of the features you list are sprawling dungeons. Can you tell us, in your opinion, what makes a good dungeon? What criteria do you have when you go to design one?</i>
A good dungeon has concentrated gameplay with carefully balanced risk and reward. A dungeon must have an absorbing theme and a purpose for getting to the bottom. It should offer progression with an overall sense of rising danger. There should be interesting things that happen along the way and not just a cool monster at the end. I read "Deathtrap Dungeon" by Ian Livingstone as a kid and was enthralled. If I am capturing some of the excitement I felt back then, I know I'm on the right track.
If there's one thing that a lot of crpgs have failed in implementing, it's interesting and challenging dungeons. Hopefully Joshua Ritter will prove he's got his head screwed on as tight as it seems with Prairie Games upcoming <A href="http://www.prairiegames.com/games.html">Minions of Mirth</a>. The full interview can be found <a href="http://www.rpgcodex.com/content.php?id=105">here</a>


Jun 22, 2004
Wishek, ND
Hey folks!

Just stopping in to say that the Windows version of our Minions of Mirth - Compatibility Test #1 has been released. It's pretty much an interactive version of the video.

I want to be clear that this ISN'T A DEMO OR A GAME... It's a test of our engine's compatibility... The primary work on MoM to date has been the engine and toolkit. We are concentrating more and more on gameplay every day, but this is a CRPG... and thus here is evil technology to contend with...

If you have less than 512 megs of system memory, or less than 64 megs of video ram, you should probably skip the test. It is unoptimized (slow load times, etc)...

If you are intersted in indie games, rpg pre-alpha madness, Open Source development, and have a pretty darn good computer... I think you'll find this interesting :) Otherwise, if you want a game to play, you might want to wait for the final product.

You can read more about the test in our MoMTests Forums

We are working on getting the OSX build of the test done...

-Josh Ritter

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