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Interview Roots Q&A at Experience Gaming

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Tags: Roots, The; Tannhauser Gate

Here is a <a href=http://www.theroots-game.com>Roots</a> <a href=http://www.experiencegaming.com/content.php?contentID=829>interview</a>, courtesy of <a href=http://www.experiencegaming.com>Experience Gaming</a> and <b>Piotr Krzywonosiuk</b>, Operations Manager and Producer at <a href=http://www.thgate.com/>Tannhauser Gate</a>
<blockquote><b>XG: What game genre does the game below to? Tell us more about the gameplay.</b>

PK: The Roots is a role-playing game focused on story telling and impressive battles. The combat is turn based <b>however</b> it smuggles several tactical elements, and also gives players <b>unusually</b> high control over their characters. I think I’ll have a chance to speak more about the combat later so let me tell you a few words about the non-combat part of the gameplay, which basically can be divided into two main modes.</blockquote>
Hmm, who would have thought that it would be possible to "smuggle" tactical elements into TB combat?


Jun 22, 2004
Port Orchard, WA, USA
If I were one of those people who giggle uncontrollably this would definitely be an appropriate time to do so. :lol:

(a Fallout/RPG fan)

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