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Review Avernum 6 Review


Staff Member
Apr 4, 2009
Tags: Avernum 6; Spiderweb Software

<p>Inside Mac Games reviewed <a href="http://www.avernum.com/avernum6/index.html" target="_blank"><strong>Avernum 6</strong></a>, scoring it 8.0/10.</p>
<p><strong>Avernum 6</strong> (A6) is a step above. In the previous games in the series, the plots have continued, but they haven't really resolved much of the Empire vs. Avernum tension that the first three games set up nicely. As a result, it's been more of a straightforward "we know the enemy, kill them!" than the original trilogy. Thankfully, this entry focuses entirely on the conclusion of the series, and ends a lot of the plot threads that hadn't yet been resolved. For example, X, one of the overpowered wizards of the series, had been developing the ultimate magic spell for ages. In Avernum 6, you can aid him in completing it. This leads into a scene where you watch as he unloads its devastating power on one of the strongest demons in all of existence. There are many other items along the way, but the most major is what happens at the closing scene of the game. This final scene marks the end of the Avernum series in more ways than one.</p>
<p>Overall, Avernum 6 definitely stands as one of the better games in the series. When you make the decision to buy it, just ask yourself this. "Do I like turn-based RPGs with a great plot, excellent character progression, multiple difficulty settings, and a gigantic world?" If the answer is yes, then it's a no-brainer. Add Avernum 6 to your collection. You won't regret it.</p>
<p><a href="http://www.insidemacgames.com/reviews/view.php?ID=1094" target="_blank">Read the rest here.</a></p>
<p>Spotted at: <a href="http://www.rpgwatch.com/#15891">RPGWatch</a></p>

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