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Game News KOTOR II gone gold!

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Tags: Obsidian Entertainment; Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords

<a href=http://www.lucasarts.com/>Lucas Arts</a> has stated that <a href=http://www.lucasarts.com/games/swkotor_sithlords/>KOTOR II</a> has finally gone gold and will be available in stores on Dec 6, 2004. We are talking about the Xbox version, of course. It would be interesting to see both what Obsidian is capable of and whether or not Obsidian has succeeded in making a game we expected Bloodlines to be.
Btw, speaking of this <a href=http://www.lucasarts.com/games/swkotor_sithlords/>picture</a> that's trying so hard to be like Fable, why do the Dark Side people look like zombies?


Sep 24, 2004
To be fair, looking like that as a dark side adept is consistent with Star Wars lore, not to mention with the first game. So it's not like they thought "let's make our evil characters for no real reason except to cash in". The poster is playing it up a bit though.

Sol Invictus

Oct 19, 2002
Pax Romana
Yay. I guess. Don't think it'll be as good as Bloodlines, though. But who knows, maybe it will be. The combat in the 2nd half of BL is certainly starting to piss me off due to the length of the 'dungeons' and there's only so many times some scary ass monsters can jump out at you from the darkness before you suffer a heart attack.

Ravenholm really scared the shit out of me in HL2, I'll tell you that. I was so fucking glad when I saw the light at the end of the tunnel.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
Why is the x-box version fo KOTOR2 newsworthy on a site suppsoedly dedicated to PC games? WOWSERS! One thing I hate about early releases like KOTOR was or games I hold of on buying like BLK; it's so easy to be spoiled... Argh!

"Looking forward to seeing what Obsidian will be able to do with Kotor2 though."

I expect it to be KOTOR; but with more stuff. More feats, more powers, more stuff. It'll come down to the Story as otherwise the game is just moe of the same which, of course is either good or BAd depending what you thought of KOTOR1.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Volourn said:
Why is the x-box version fo KOTOR2 newsworthy on a site suppsoedly dedicated to PC games? WOWSERS! One thing I hate about early releases like KOTOR was or games I hold of on buying like BLK; it's so easy to be spoiled... Argh!
You are impossible to please, you know that? Anyway, if you must know, since it's the same game, it makes sense to cover the Xbox version and the reviews, as that would give us an idea about the game. If you are avoiding spoilers, it's your god-given right NOT to read the Xbox related news posts.

"Looking forward to seeing what Obsidian will be able to do with Kotor2 though."

I expect it to be KOTOR; but with more stuff. More feats, more powers, more stuff. It'll come down to the Story as otherwise the game is just moe of the same which, of course is either good or BAd depending what you thought of KOTOR1.
Just like with Bloodlines, what I disliked about KOTOR could be easily fixed. The game itself was one short step away from being good or very good. I hope that Obsidian has taken it.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"You are impossible to please, you know that?"

Nah. I just would hope you gusy would follow your stated purpose.

You guys say the Codex is for role-playing games yet cover BIO games even thoguh the oft repeated phrase here is they are 'adventure games'.

You guys claim to cover only PC games hence why you don't cover a game like Jade Empire even though it's a RPG because yet here youa re covering the announcemnt for the x-box version fo KOTOR2.


"If you are avoiding spoilers, it's your god-given right NOT to read the Xbox related news posts."

The only way to avoid the upcoming spopilers is by avoding the 'net. That ain't gonna happen; but nice try in trying to get me to leave.

"what I disliked about KOTOR could be easily fixed. The game itself was one short step away from being good or very good. I hope that Obsidian has taken it."

Hahaha. Aren't you the one who said he hated the combat, story, characters, role-playing, freedom, endings, skills, feats, music, graphics, release date, lightsbares, force pwoers, classes, races, unbanced weaponry etc., etc. Is there anything i missed about KOTOR that I missed?

Yet, after all that, you expect me to buy it's 'one step away from being good or great' to you?

R00fles x 5!!!!!


Mar 14, 2003
Volourn said:
Hahaha. Aren't you the one who said he hated the combat, story, characters, role-playing, freedom, endings, skills, feats, music, graphics, release date, lightsbares, force pwoers, classes, races, unbanced weaponry etc., etc.
I actually hate all of those except for the music. Yet somehow I still managed to enjoy it. :?

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Volourn said:
You guys say the Codex is for role-playing games yet cover BIO games even thoguh the oft repeated phrase here is they are 'adventure games'.
Well, in our defense, we cover much crappier games :p

You guys claim to cover only PC games hence why you don't cover a game like Jade Empire even though it's a RPG because yet here youa re covering the announcemnt for the x-box version fo KOTOR2.
KOTOR2 is the same (allegedly) for both platforms. Covering the console version is like covering the PC version. The only real difference is that the PC version isn't available yet. JE, on the other hand, is a console only title, at least so far. When Bio announces JE for PC, I will post some earlier console reviews to catch up.

"what I disliked about KOTOR could be easily fixed. The game itself was one short step away from being good or very good. I hope that Obsidian has taken it."

Hahaha. Aren't you the one who said he hated the combat, story, characters, role-playing, freedom, endings, skills, feats, music, graphics, release date, lightsbares, force pwoers, classes, races, unbanced weaponry etc., etc. Is there anything i missed about KOTOR that I missed?
lol, quite a list you've got there. "Release date" is my favourite. No, here is what I disliked (in no particular order):

1. combat (too boring, not enough combat feats)
2. characters, not all though (too whiny and needy)
3. skills (non-combat skills are useless in many cases, especially in scripted situations - can't open the force field without Mission, can't open the lock without the droid, etc)
4. linearity (there should have been options to bypass certain sequences at least)
5. role-playing (there were no obvious logical options like joining the Sith, for example, it would have made a lot of sense to blow up that underwater installation for the Sith, etc)
6. ranged combat didn't have to suck.

Well, that's about it. All those are easy to fix. I would have liked the game a lot more if at least #3 and #5 were fixed. It would have been a great game otherwise. Same applies to Bloodlines though.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"Well, in our defense, we cover much crappier games"

It's not really about (percieved) quality though. Most of the 'big wigs' at 'Codex feel that BIo agmesa re adventure games yet you guys still cover them on this supposed RPG site. It's illogical!

"I will post some earlier console reviews to catch up."

That's just silly and if you follow through it'll be The Spam Attack of JE led by 1 million articles. Seriosuly, it's ok to cover new presses about KOTOR2 9either version) sicne theya re basically the same game hence why I haven't complained tod ate but this aprticular news is 100% about the xc-box version (yes, it mentions in passing the PC version) and its release date. to me, the date that the x-box version is totally irrelevant to a PC site other than jealousy of being 'second class'.

"Well, that's about it. All those are easy to fix. I would have liked the game a lot more if at least #3 and #5 were fixed. It would have been a great game otherwise. Same applies to Bloodlines though."

My point here is with so many problems it surely won't be that easy fix. Heck, that's 6 pretty major issues not exactly minor complaints.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Volourn said:
"Well, in our defense, we cover much crappier games"

It's not really about (percieved) quality though.
That was a joke

Most of the 'big wigs' at 'Codex feel that BIo agmesa re adventure games yet you guys still cover them on this supposed RPG site. It's illogical!
Well, you know what I mean. Officially, the site covers all single-player PC RPGs. In reality, we praise what we think are good RPGs and make fun of all half-assed attempts to make one. That's where Bio comes in. :lol:

"I will post some earlier console reviews to catch up."

That's just silly and if you follow through it'll be The Spam Attack of JE led by 1 million articles.
I've never said anything about posting gazillion articles. I meant 2-3 really good reviews plus 2-3 really retarded ones for fun, and that's about it. One day posting event thing.

My point here is with so many problems it surely won't be that easy fix. Heck, that's 6 pretty major issues not exactly minor complaints.
Well, it's not like I asked for TB combat and tons of races. Most of them are relatively minor things, that don't require a lot of work. Linearity and role-playing is how you design a game. Take that underwater installation for example. It wouldn't have taken much time for Bio to add a Sith option. The Sith are already there, there is a base, there is an officer NPC near the entrance, and you are going to the underwater station anyway. All it takes is an extra dialogue, that's all.

In regard to Obsidian and KOTOR 2, as far as I know, #1, 2, 3 are already improved. I hope that #4, 5, 6 are improved as well.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"All it takes is an extra dialogue, that's all"



Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003

The laughter is for your silliness VD. Seriosuly, "just add one line of dialogue and the whole quest is so much better?".. Come on, you know, that it would take more than one line to do what you are asking properly. Adding just one line would be a waste and would do nothing to truly improve the quest in question.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
I didn't mean literally, that goes without saying. My point was that adding a totally new quest (like for example, taking over the underwater installation and selling it to the highest bidder) would require a lot more than adding another reason to do an existing quest. Any scripts and triggers could be copied from the existing path, so it's really not much more than adding some dialogues here and there.

space captain

Jun 18, 2004
U. S. of Fuckin' A. ...and dont forget it or we'l
RPGs look to be a dying breed in the computer game industry... seems like we gotta take whatever junk they throw our way...

and how are we gonna trust any KOTOR 2 reviews?? all the reviews for the first one were so incredibly out of proportion to how the game actually was - i.e. an ok diversion... instead of the next coming of the messiah

i shed many tears for the slow death of a mighty genre

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