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Review Negative but retarded opinion on KOTOR 2

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Tags: Obsidian Entertainment; Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords

<a href=http://www.gamersinfo.net>Gamers Info</a> has posted a somewhat negative <a href=http://www.gamersinfo.net/index.php?art/id:277>review</a> of <a href=http://www.lucasarts.com/games/swkotor_sithlords>KOTOR 2</a>. Unfortunately, the author thinks that the original KOTOR was awesome and he "played through it to its entirety about 6 times to date". Well, this clearly indicates a way below average intelligence, so keep that in mind when reading the review:
<blockquote>My problem with the storyline is in execution. <u>It appears to be very complex</u> (somehow I don't doubt that - VD), but either I played in an order not expected and missed large chunks of the story, or it was just very poorly explained. It would jump from point to point and completely gloss over what seemed like key points and needed further explaining, but were not delved into. Because of this, by the time I reached the conclusion of the game, I had no real idea of why I was where I was or what exactly it was that I was supposed to be doing there. It was hard to get into the story - as I had able to do in the original - since I was simply unable to understand what motives my characters had or why I wanted to proceed. This caused me to simply NOT want to finish the game as I had no incentive to find out the conclusion to the story, since I did not understand its main theme or my part in it.</blockquote>
Poor dumb bastard.
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.rpgdot.com">RPG Dot</A>


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
Ahh.. There goes Avellone's so called "great writing" skills again. Mor eevidnece he is overrated as a writer.

Why write one paragragh to say something clearly when you get write 10 paragraphs that say the exact same thing.



Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
Heh.. Well, it's get my point across doens't it? It's kinda hard dispute what my point is unless you don't know what 'cool' means in that instance and still think it has to do with temperature. :D


Dec 29, 2004
Yea, really. Blaming the game for being too hard to understand is much easier then to say "I'm too stupid to understand it". Btw, that makes this review highly positive for me - since I love complex storylines - expecially having in mind that they are so rare this days!Not to mention when you have a library of like 2 gigs on your HDD, and you read a nice chunk from it, heh.
Btw, also, notice that bit: "While I am not a slow reader by any stretch, often times I found I could simply not keep up with the text before it moved on to the next speech."
I wonder if:
1. It is so fast as he claims.
2. There is "Text delay" option.
3. He is slow reader and even slower witted.


Sep 24, 2003
Aw, come on. It takes guts to admit publicly that you have a problem. This reviewer is reaching out. Let's not be critical in his time of need.


Dec 31, 2002
The story is not your typical Star Wars story (epic save the princess). Your general dumbass won't get into it because it's subtle and, dare I say it, mainly concerned with the "theology" of the 'force religion' as well as a redaction of the story of the first game, all from the perspective of an 'unreliable narrator.'

You bastards need to play this game so I can pontificate large on the subject.
Oh well.

I just really don't like a lot of the mechanics of the game though...the combat is 'ok,' but I really don't like any of the other subsystems (looting, chests, repairing, hacking, etc.).


Dec 2, 2004
Vault boy's secret hideout
Agree with Balor. Complexity is welcome. Enuf with the epic storylines. Give us something more mentally challenging than find the pieces of the mafguffin, transport the macguffin somewhere, banish the badguy, etc.

Sol Invictus

Oct 19, 2002
Pax Romana
From what I understand, KOTOR 2 is like a 'thinking man's RPG'. It's understandable that mental invalids like the reviewer might find it a daunting task to deal with when all they look forward to is the next mindless 'epic adventure' storyline with its cardboard romances.


Jul 19, 2003
I can see where the guy may be coming from. The game is called KOTORII: Sith Lords, and the game does contain no less than three of them, so you get to figuring that they're going to be the focus, but they're pretty much reserved for the game's brief end.


Jan 11, 2004
"thinking man's rpg?"


(warning: slight spoilers ahead)

if you think 'bout kotor 2 you is just gonna get angry. is far too many quest dead-ends and quite a number of timing anomalies in dialogues… and speaking of dialogues, is more than a few that is so ham fisted as to make any self-respecting “thinking man” groan audibly. there is no Empire Strikes Back ending as Chris A suggests, an ending where we is left wondering what is gonna happen next. with kotor2 we is left with an ending where we asks self, "What just happened?" is two very different kinda endings, and we would have expected Chris to know the difference. is also noteworthy that one of the most obvious nods to the fallout series were a blunder as implemented in kotor2. we all knew that in kotor2, like fallouts, we would be able to discover how our in-game actions influenced the future of certain places and peoples we had encountered throughout the game. such an idea has much merit. unfortunately, some oafish dunderhead concluded that achieving said goal by adding lots of clumsy exposition to the antagonist’s death scene were a good way to go about implementing such a thing.

don’t thinks too hard.

kotor2 is a nice game, but much like kotor, we is surprised by just how much better the game could have been had some obvious mistakes and blunders been addressed pre-release.

HA! Good Fun!

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