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Game News Vision's combat mechanics

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Tags: ALTAR Interactive; Vision

Remember <a href=http://www.rpg-vision.com/>Vision</a>, the self-proclaimed evolutionary RPG? Well, <b>Vlaada</b> - I assume that's <b>Vlada Chvatil</b>, the lead designer of the game, posted some explanations of <a href=http://forum.ufo-aftermath.com/index.php?showtopic=17>combat mechanics</a> on the UFO Aftermath forums.
<blockquote>We are aware of this possible problem – I have experienced the same frustration playing NWN, or (even worse) the Summoner. We have done lots of work to avoid it in Vision, and although I had some doubts from start, now I am positive we can handle it.
There are several reasons why I think the combat will be not so boring like the mentioned ones.
1) Combat style tuning. There are lots of options you (and your fellows) have in the combat, and most of them really do matter. You can adjust not only how much you are moving during the combat and how much you concentrate on attack or defense, but even the preferred style of defense (parry with weapon, block with shield, dodge) and attacks (stab or swing, fast or strong etc.). There is a combat log that shows you immediately the effect of your settings, if you are interested. I didn't mention the equipment (well, it is definitely not a good idea to change armor during combat in Vision :o) and spells and special skills.
I said these settings really do matter, and this is definitely true. We have a simple testing scene – your fully equipped character is standing in an arena, and the enemies are approaching. After you kill them, another group (a stronger one) appears. Your character remains wounded, and you have the limited amount of potions and mana for all the combats. Each group is different, but their order is the same ever time you will play this minigame.
Usually, the third or fourth group of enemy kills you if you know nothing about the combat system. There are several things you should know to play more effectively (like when the ogre is attacking you, you should switch defense to dodge only; trying to parry his club is not a good idea). Then, you will score much better results. However, as we were playing it, we revealed more and more tactics in our own combat system :o). Like: if there are two skeletons attacking you, it is better to order your character to attack both of them. Although it would be better to finish one of them faster (in order to reduce their number advantage), in fact it is more effective to attack the nearest skeleton (they are still moving in combat) instead of maneuvering to attack the selected one if the other is blocking your way to him. However, when fighting two soldiers it is effective to attack only one first, as soldiers used to have healing potions with them and the switching between the targets might allow them to use these potions... The same applies to the equipment – even now I am not sure if to use heavy armor against the weak and agile enemy. He is doing almost no damage then, but I am not agile enough to kill him fast in this armor, so maybe it would be better to kill him quickly by some fast and light weapon and without armor.
I have played this combat arena several times and I have improved my tactics so well that I was able to play twice as long than we supposed it is possible and to defeat even the enemy groups considered undefeatable when we tried it first time...
We are speaking just about the testing version and about one character now. I am sure the game will have tactical depth enough for anyone who cares about these things.
2) The thrill. Although the game is far from finished, even now it is not boring even to watch the combat. We don't have the usual approach "the boss has 5000 HP, and you need to hit him 50x in order to kill him". The strong enemy is blocking and dodging your attacks better, and this is more important than his HPs. In the result, you are watching each of your actions, as you really want to know if it will hit or miss – you need two or three good hits to finish the strong enemy, so every hit is a great success. And, of course, every time you are hit by the stronger enemy it is an event that needs your attention (not only to hit the healing potion hotkey - I have seen may characters dying with the flask in their hand, as they were trying to use potion while being attacked :o) In addition to it, it is visually very interesting, and no two fights are the same… but I don't want to talk about it, as it would be just a hype until we can release some videos.
As the result - when fighting a strong enemy, you are watching well every action (and maybe even reading the combat log, if the enemy is really strong), when fighting a group of the weak enemies, it is fast and it looks great (especially if you select some dynamic combat style). There is no time for the boredom, and I believe it would be only better in final game :o)</blockquote>
Many interesting ideas here. Never liked those 5000 HPs bosses anyway. Opinions?


Dec 2, 2004
Vault boy's secret hideout
Also in the same thread is this very well-written post by Thorondor dealing with all sorts of issues with roleplaying:

Unfortunately, this means I have to find you guilty of the charges of negligence, accessory to improper player conduct, encouraging prejudice towards virtual characters and obstruction of role-play, among several other offences to be enumerated by this people's court at a later time. wink.gif The levelling treadmill, shallow quests, throw-away characters... - it's all your fault. "But, but...", you stutter, "your Honour, we haven't even started coding...". "Sorry, son; the harm is already done."

http://forum.ufo-aftermath.com/index.ph ... =17&st=15# ( might be u have to scroll down a bit)

Alotta words in this post, so dont bother if u looking for a quick fix.


Jun 30, 2004
Sacto, CA
I'm more interested in seeing Vlaada's notes on creating the combat system; I would like to see how they approached combat, what design decisions they made, how they resolved problems with the combat model during design and testing, etc.


Dec 29, 2004
About the Thorondor's post:
Yea, btw, I also was surprised that some (or, more likely, almost all) his ideas were resonating with mine. Looks like good ideas just float around :). Great read, and those 26 kb are even too short - I'd like to read more from that guy. He wrote in much better language many ideas I had half-formed in my mind.
Btw (like the Slaughter guy, as I understand) - also have a bit of experience in RL martial arts (one that include armor and swords) - and also would greet realism in combat department with open arms - AD&D tohit rolls and armor/damage system make me retch. While I adore P:T - it's only because combat played there almost a negligible role.
Also, I'd insist on having no levels/classes - it's artificial, strained stuff. With right system of penalties as well as just keeping things as realistic as it can be - one can have very balanced system w/o resorting to preset classes and such thing as "level". Guilds, professions - good. Skill ranks and bonuses when attaining high scores in them - good. Classes and levels - BAD. They don't exist in RL, they are strained and lead away from RP, just like that guy said.
No XP - only skills (yea, pretty much like in Daggerfall). And I'd make learning system 2-fold (also will solve classless system issues quite neatly) - first you must learn the skill in theory, and then - practice it. While some skills are purely physical, and some purely theoretic, most of them do require this tandem to work.
Let's thing about martial arts - it took ages (literally) for most of them to form, and new ones are usually compilations of moves taken from other styles, with, at best, handful of new moves that were researched during long YEARS of sparring.
So, w/o some kind of tutelage (or, at the very least, a book "Karate for cripples" :)) you'll likely get almost nowhere in the martial arts departmen, at least not past "swing wide, hit hard", unless you are some kind of inborn fighter... but that's very rare, therefore, require selection of some kind of custom trait at the chargen, not something one must have for granted. And, like I mentioned, that’ll balance out the issues of ‘multi-classing’ - one can, say, join only some of guilds (conflicting quest requirements, or just plain dislike of mages in warrior’s guild and vice versa (I’m being stereotypical on purpose)), and w/o teachers you’ll not be able to learn skills by direct application of them - at least, not as fast as you’d be able to. Like, 1000 times slower :).
Anyway, combat, usually, seen as something dumb by all players. In fact, it's not really. Well, the "swing wide, hit hard" tactics really is no-brainer... and that's what we have in absolute most RPGs. In slashers we have different moves, combos, etc... but they only affect speed of attack and damage rating - there is nothing about parrying, deflecting, etc. Also, there is a common mistake about combat. People think - mages should rest to rememorise spells/recover mana each time after fight - therefore they suck... while a fighter can just keep on slashing again, again and again like energizer bunny on steroids.
Well, it's certainly not true. Just observe a boxing match - how long a round lasts? WHY it last only that long, with a lengthy pause after each round? Why, after 10 or so rounds, even taking breaks to rest, boxers look like they've drunk a bucketful of vodka?
No, apply this to fight where you are wearing more then underpants - that's talking of 30 kgs of plate mail (and that's quite light - plate mail is one of lightest armors avalable, especially master-crafted... if, like it's pointed by Slaughter, almost impossible to don by yourself... and even with help it'lll take no less then half an hour.) + 1 or so kg of sword or any other like weapon + 3-4 kgs of shield (two-weapon figting is for 'charming elves' and other folks who know nothing about how RL fighting works - nothing's better then a sword+shield style, especially having in mind that shield can (and must) be used as offensive weapon.), or 2 or so kgs of two-hander (which is very good when you have a lot of free space to swing it around - otherwise you are screwed...).
Now, think, how long will you be able to fight? Even having in mind that you are highly trained? An hour? Half-hour? 10 minutes at best, you'll need of prolonged rest afterwards. But a good set of plate will make you all but invulnerable to lesser weapons - like usual swords, and pretty much resistant to anything that's not especially designed to pierce such armor - like beaks, for instance (to puch thru it), and epees (to hit in the joins). But a person in light or no armor, if will survive the first few minutes, will be able to just walk to the knight in question and slit his throat - he'll be in no position to defend himself - so puffed he'll be (if he'll use standard "hack&slash" tactics, of course).
Also, if you'll remove all 'standard attacks" and make ALL attacks individual, have various stats like speed, bodypart attacked, being able to deflect/evade other attacks, etc, as well as having to be learned, practiced, and allow player to choose which one to use in combat and when, that system will be as complex, intellectual and entertaining as wizardry, and will not be looked upon with disdain (bread for the masses).
What Vision has in mind does sound like a step in the right direction - I sure hope that they'll implement more of my 'wish-list', so to speak.


Oct 22, 2004
Glad to see you like what Vlada wrote about Vision. And regarding Vision I'd like to point out that PlacidDragon and myself recently saw it in action. We visited ALTAR in the Czech Republic to have a look at UFO:Aftershock (sequel to UFO:Aftermath), and also got to see Vision. I am IMPRESSED! Never have I seen so stylish combat in a RPG! Not that it helps much if gameplay is dull, but a good sign for the game!

Anyway, you can find some thoughts on the limited parts we saw from Vision here (a small part about Vision in each report). If you have any questions feel free to ask, though it's very limited what I am allowed to say at this point.


Dec 29, 2004
Oh, greetings :) As I understand, you also somehow involved in medieval martial arts? I guess, then you must understand me, so:
1. What do you think about above post? (the one with rants about stamina and general "casualization" of combat, and ideas about learning stuff, custom-made attacks, etc).
2. Will the combat not only look, but be technically correct? E.g. ragdoll physics (well, that's already almost a standard, however..), dismemberment (in one of Russian incoming slashers there is a system of "free" dismemberment - generally, you can chop off every bit of the body, not only in some preset zone, like in, say, S:BOD), proper blood - not some red clouds, but real gushes from proper places and in proper amouns, not like in Bloodrayne2 (brr, *gadost&merzost* Looks like in MK). In first Bloodrayne blood looked about right, tho.
3. Will the equipment be modeled from real pieces, and not only graphics-like, but in terms of weights, size, etc? After all, they are quite a bit of societies that are into it - take the ARMA, for instance - http://thearma.org/
I guess they'll be happy to help for a modest fee, if not for free - just to promote realistic approach in gaming. I'd be glad to, myself.
Btw, if they want realism, why not limit wearing plate armor (since it's VERY good protection, and if it's masterfully crafted - quite light too - ~30 kgs is less that soldiers are supposed to march in. Modern armor vests weights from 10 to ~20 kgs, after all, and soldiers are running around in them, + eq, +weapons that are much heavier then swords + ammo) - to people, who:
1. Can afford to order it customly - otherwise, it'll fit like crap or not at all.
2. Can afford a horse or other means of transportation (imagine putting a cuirass into a backpack... don’t mention Morrowind! It had HORRIBLY malformed armor weights, protection values and weapon weight/damage too was more then perverted to boot.)
3. Have a squire, or at least a companion.
4. Must fast-forward time like 30 minutes or so when you order your companion to dress you.
And that would be fine. That'll prevent people from changing armor in combat much better then just introducing delay in real time, in will involve quite a bit of fun factor too - having full plate will also mean that you'll have to be a knight of some kind (either rich or noble or famous or all above) - significally raising it's "coolness" value. Not to mention that you, like I mentioned, will be all but invulnerable to normal weapons - only specialized, or inhuman opponents. And, unlike already discussed 'spell-slot' based vs 'mana-based' magic system, it's not an unnecessary increase in complexity - it's just increase in realism. And nice one to boot. After all, there are people who find fun in managing wizard spells - so, I guess, people will like managing your armor too. And besides, there are great man types of armor (like chain, leather and padded (that have to be worn with chain unless you are a masochist :))) - that can be donned nearly instantly - like a shirt.
Also, about armor and weapons. Why not calculate damage based on weapon weights, sharpness and speed of the blow? After all, that's what was made in DBTS, and this game ABSOLUTELY rocked. Control took some time to get used to, tho, but w/o direct control like in Vision, that'll be great fun. And while for noobs and other "casual games", of course, there could be a old-fashioned numerical damage system (after all, it will boil down to numbers in the end) - but for 'real' players only info you'll get about a weapon would be it's feel (after you'll swing it around some - test moment of inertia), it's weight, it's sharpens and blade type. Great fun, and great increase in immersion in the game. After all, that's what Thorondor said - the more numbers you get in your char cheet, the less your chars feel like alive people. I'd be so glad to advice all developers (and players) to read "The Silver bell" trilogy, that one is SO badass in showing how manchkinism suck - but it's in Russian, and I doubt that it'll be ever translated.
Ok, while we at it, there is a great book about weapon physics:
http://armor.typepad.com/bastardsword/s ... namics.pdf
If you want to do it unique, why not actually go for 100% realism? After all, for casual games developers really like to have as a target group these days - it will be not important - how the damage will be calculated, by formula including weapon weight, or by a set number. (Oh, the old times... when people were making games as they liked it, putting their soul into it... not after an extensive research by marketologists, which would suggest a largest and richest target group - to maximize money output - which would inevitably be casual gamers. Yuck.)
But, however, it'll look much "cooler" anyway - a slow, half-formed slash will all but scrape the opponent, but a full-scaled one, especially if the enemy will be stupid enough to move in the direction of the blow - it'll be devastating and, most likely, dismembering.
Won’t it look fun and believable? Of course it will, because it's realistic in the core.
And about the ‘instakills’. I’m for it both hands up. Just:
1. Make them possible (physically, not statistically) when you are much stronger and/faster then your enemy. That would apply not only to natural stats, but also prolonged combats when you’ll wear down your enemy, and preferably wound him in the process.
2. Make them rare enough.
That’s it! This way situation like - “Hey! This puny goblin stabbed me in the neck and I’ve died - not fair!” will be impossible, yet instakills with all their fun and realism will still be possible - on those goblins, for instance. And besides, if they will want to make the game any realistic, first wound, if it’s not a scrape, will be inevitably lead to death in a serios fight anyway - since it’ll make you lose blood, cause pain that’ll limit your movement, etc.
After all, God knows, there are plenty of Diablo-clones already. We want something unique!
P.S. If people don’t know a lot about what real sword-fighting is about, it’s their fault :). And besides, once more and more game will come out, featuring realistic combat system, people will get used to it and will not want to come back to old arcade style. After all, people that'll whine about "Why cannot I spam-cast my Armageddon spell?" Will be ridiculed. Why, however, no less unbalancing no-stamina and insta-wear system is allowed to exist? I guess just people don't really know what it's really like. And once they will, people who'll whine "Why cannot I put my plate mail instantly" will be ridiculed as much.


Oct 22, 2004
!HyPeRbOy! said:
Yup interesting, any good guesses about release date/year?
I can't give you specifics, but there should be a publisher announcement later this month possibly. After that we should see a lot more information about the game released.


Oct 22, 2004
Balor said:
Oh, greetings :) As I understand, you also somehow involved in medieval martial arts? I guess, then you must understand me, so:
1. What do you think about above post? (the one with rants about stamina and general "casualization" of combat, and ideas about learning stuff, custom-made attacks, etc).
Greetings to you Balor :). I am not involved in medieval martial arts. I have worn a chain mail once, and through P&P RPGs have some "knowledge" about weights and problems surrounding medieval weapons and armours. But aside from that I know very little.

Regarding your fist post, I think it had some interesting points. I agree that a system not using XP and levels in the normal way would be good. As Thorondor says this puts too much focus on numbers, when the focus should be on the roleplaying.

I also agree with your thoughts surrounding stamina. Fighting the way they did in the middle ages takes an extreme toll on you, and fatigue would be an issue quite quickly. How you are to implement this properly in a CRPG however is another question.

2: Well, ragdoll should be present. As for the cutting of stuff I doubt it, blood I wouldn't know.

3: Sorry, wouldn't know.

As for the combat, you can't kill with one strike, but two or tree should do the trick. Depends a bit on the creature of course, but in general the better you are the better you dodge / block.

Besides this I can't really answer the rest properly. We got to see some combat in action, but not detailed enough to answer you properly. As soon as a publisher have signed you'll get more answers I guess.


Dec 2, 2004
Vault boy's secret hideout
Slaughter said:
Glad to see you like what Vlada wrote about Vision. And regarding Vision I'd like to point out that PlacidDragon and myself recently saw it in action. We visited ALTAR in the Czech Republic to have a look at UFO:Aftershock (sequel to UFO:Aftermath), and also got to see Vision. I am IMPRESSED! Never have I seen so stylish combat in a RPG! Not that it helps much if gameplay is dull, but a good sign for the game!

Anyway, you can find some thoughts on the limited parts we saw from Vision here (a small part about Vision in each report). If you have any questions feel free to ask, though it's very limited what I am allowed to say at this point.

I took a look at em docs & yes it sounds very promising so far. Lets hope they'll partner up with a publisher soon and hit us with sum more info.

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