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Preview Freedom Force vtTR preview at GameSpot... again


Nov 9, 2002
Monkey Island
Tags: Freedom Force versus the Third Reich; Irrational Games

<a href="http://www.gamespot.com/pc">Gamespot PC</a> have done another <a href=http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/freedomforce3rdreich/preview_6115966.html>preview</a> of Irrational's superhero game Freedom Force vs the Third Reich.<blockquote>The new game's layout and setup will likely seem familiar to fans of the original, since it uses a very similar interface. The sequel also puts all the action in real time, with the option to pause at any time by using the spacebar, so you can issue specific commands to the characters in your group. The interface also puts your characters' portraits in the bottom-left corner of the screen so you can quickly assess their status, current health, and remaining superpower energy. Like with the original Freedom Force, your bigger and stronger heroes, like Quetzalcoatl, can tear out lampposts and pick up entire automobiles and hurl them at their enemies, causing major damage. But, like in the first game, destroying too much property and injuring civilians lowers your team's "prestige" rating. You'll still need prestige to purchase additional powers and skills for your heroes, or to persuade new heroes to join the Freedom Force.</blockquote>I don't know... if someone offered me a job knocking down buildings with superpowers, I think I'd be up for that.


Jun 22, 2004
Port Orchard, WA, USA
Heh, I've played several skirmish modes with custom characters and trashed the maps with buildings just for the fun of it. I'm really interested in seeing how well the inside of buildings look, since they said if part of a building collapses it will show the interior. As far as the prestige hit goes, it's not too bad if a couple of buildings get damaged, but when several buildings go down, like when that idiot Mr. Mechanical attacks, the hits really start to add up quickly.

(a Fallout/RPG fan)

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