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Editorial Ken Levine Discusses Self-Publishing

Sol Invictus

Oct 19, 2002
Pax Romana
Tags: Freedom Force versus the Third Reich; Irrational Games

Ken Levine of Irrational Games has given IGN a look into the world of self-publishing. As stated, he writes about the trials and rewards of going it alone as an independant developer.<blockquote>Was it worth it?
Absolutely. For the first time, we've been able to make a product that is exactly the product we wanted to make. We didn't have to compromise for any third party's vision of what Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich should be. If we're as successful as we hope to be with this model, our plan is to plow any money we make right back into this business model. What does that mean for gamers? It means more Freedom Force. <b>It means more hardcore strategy and RPG games that publishers might view as too specialized or niche-y, or may simply not get. We've been thinking about various mostly abandoned genres like turn-based strategy, party-based RPGs, you name it.</b> The audience for great PC games hasn't disappeared; they've just become harder for some publishers to see.</blockquote>
Hopefully Irrational's chosen route will lead other developers, as well as publishers to follow in their wake. Read the rest <a href=http://pc.ign.com/articles/586/586914p1.html>here</a>.


Aug 20, 2003
North of the Glow
I haven't purchased any games for 2005 (I wasn't planning on playing too many games any ways), but these guys sound like they have their shit together and are worthy of my hard earned cash.

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