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Review PCGameworld Dislikes COPS 2170

Sol Invictus

Oct 19, 2002
Pax Romana
Tags: MISTLand; Power of Law: COPS: 2170

PC Gameworld's Christopher Burkett has recently taken to <a href=http://www.pcgameworld.com/review.php/id/567/>reviewing</a> COPS 2170: The Power of Law and upon deciding that the game was unworthy of being called a good game, he's awarded it with a meagre 60% overall score. The review is extremely short and each tiny paragraph is interspersed by a screenshot. Here's one of those tiny paragraphs:
<blockquote>Combat is also a frustration as many weapons are overpowered and there's no way to fix this as <b>there is only one difficultly setting</b>. Since it only takes about three shots from a simple pistol to finish off a character items like med pacs are useless. Also, because of this problem you will be forced to a tedious save-and-reload strategy, saving the game whenever you make any progress and reloading whenever a character dies.</blockquote>
Wrong. There are several difficulty settings and it can be altered through the game's configuration utility outside of the game. Gaming journalism at its finest!


Oct 21, 2004
Combat is also a frustration as many weapons are overpowered and there's no way to fix this as there is only one difficultly setting. Since it only takes about three shots from a simple pistol to finish off a character items like med pacs are useless.

how do i used cover?////
Feb 2, 2005
FUCKING Omaha!!!
A configuration utility outside of the game is not intuitive enough for the new generation of "please hold my hand" gamers. Geez, doesn't anybody here know that a difficult game isn't fun?

Sarcasm aside, The review here does give the game a fair shake and although it doesn't seem to be my type, I may just keep an eye on it, itchy trigger finger on the MasterCard.

A technical thing Ex, I noticed that the near entirity of the text in the review is hyperlinked to the screenshot gallery. It seems a bit odd, so I assume that there may be some sort of crossed wires behing the page.

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