chasing a bee
Tags: Freedroid
<p>Larpingdude and Matthias would like you to know that <a href="http://www.freedroid.org/news/news-detail/article/freedroidrpg-015rc1-is-out/" target="_blank"><strong>FreedroidRPG</strong></a> made it to 0.15rc1. Here's some of the changes:</p>
<blockquote>A new way of commanding your army of take-over droids is available: Multi-Bot Broadcast. Now you can issue one command to all of your droids that are on the same map level, making management of a large number of bots much simpler.<br />Loading a saved game saw a dramatic performance increase.<br />Armor rules were improved: armor gives you damage reduction. Hit/miss is handled separately.<br />The Network Mapper in-game program has been added: It displays all the enemies on the current level on the automap for a short time. Remember, you need to have the automap enabled and turned on (default key TAB) to use the skill!<br />Positional audio was implemented: now you can tell where and how far away that pesky droid is!<br />The level editor interface was improved, making the process of level creation much simpler and more intuitive: map labels, enemies and their relevant information can be placed, moved around and edited inside the editor and using the mouse, rather through a text file.<br />The user interface now properly handles various screen resolutions and aspect ratios (this is still a work-in-progress however).<br />Damage is now calculated and applied to NPCs only when the weapon actually lands, greatly improving the feeling of the slower weapons such as the sledgehammer.</blockquote>
<p><br />There's a creepy sounding bug fix for Thomas Biskup's <a href="http://www.ancientdomainsofmystery.com/2011/11/jade-022-has-been-released.html" target="_blank"><strong>JADE</strong></a>:</p>
<blockquote>The major bug fix is about corpse rotting: Too many message were generated and required a (more) prompt. As a consequence the game experience was completely ruined as soon as the first corpse started to rot.</blockquote>
<p><br />And <a href="http://sites.google.com/site/3079game/" target="_blank"><strong>3079</strong></a>, a "blocky action RPG" that namechecks Minecraft and Fallout 3, is at v2pre5.1:</p>
<blockquote>The year is 3079.<br /><br />Many planets are being discovered full of life. One newly discovered planet has been unusually stricken with constant war. You have been sent to this planet to find out why.<br /><br />Think of 3079 as an independent, original and unique combination of Minecraft and Fallout 3 (both great games I recommend!).* 3079 is a sequel to my older games, 3059 and 3069.</blockquote>
<p>Larpingdude and Matthias would like you to know that <a href="http://www.freedroid.org/news/news-detail/article/freedroidrpg-015rc1-is-out/" target="_blank"><strong>FreedroidRPG</strong></a> made it to 0.15rc1. Here's some of the changes:</p>
<blockquote>A new way of commanding your army of take-over droids is available: Multi-Bot Broadcast. Now you can issue one command to all of your droids that are on the same map level, making management of a large number of bots much simpler.<br />Loading a saved game saw a dramatic performance increase.<br />Armor rules were improved: armor gives you damage reduction. Hit/miss is handled separately.<br />The Network Mapper in-game program has been added: It displays all the enemies on the current level on the automap for a short time. Remember, you need to have the automap enabled and turned on (default key TAB) to use the skill!<br />Positional audio was implemented: now you can tell where and how far away that pesky droid is!<br />The level editor interface was improved, making the process of level creation much simpler and more intuitive: map labels, enemies and their relevant information can be placed, moved around and edited inside the editor and using the mouse, rather through a text file.<br />The user interface now properly handles various screen resolutions and aspect ratios (this is still a work-in-progress however).<br />Damage is now calculated and applied to NPCs only when the weapon actually lands, greatly improving the feeling of the slower weapons such as the sledgehammer.</blockquote>
<p><br />There's a creepy sounding bug fix for Thomas Biskup's <a href="http://www.ancientdomainsofmystery.com/2011/11/jade-022-has-been-released.html" target="_blank"><strong>JADE</strong></a>:</p>
<blockquote>The major bug fix is about corpse rotting: Too many message were generated and required a (more) prompt. As a consequence the game experience was completely ruined as soon as the first corpse started to rot.</blockquote>
<p><br />And <a href="http://sites.google.com/site/3079game/" target="_blank"><strong>3079</strong></a>, a "blocky action RPG" that namechecks Minecraft and Fallout 3, is at v2pre5.1:</p>
<blockquote>The year is 3079.<br /><br />Many planets are being discovered full of life. One newly discovered planet has been unusually stricken with constant war. You have been sent to this planet to find out why.<br /><br />Think of 3079 as an independent, original and unique combination of Minecraft and Fallout 3 (both great games I recommend!).* 3079 is a sequel to my older games, 3059 and 3069.</blockquote>