Sol Invictus
Tags: Dungeon Siege 2; Gas Powered Games
Joining the fray of Dungeon Siege II previews is <a href=>3dAccelerated</a>. Here's a snippet.
<blockquote>The game will no longer seem like the generic role playing game that you’re used to and transform into something completely different. This is the real Dungeon Siege II. There isn’t much in terms of a prerequisite system of events, so the player has great control over what will happen next. Many things have been improved upon. One of these is the computer AI. Every game that comes out nowadays has an improved AI, so it’s expected. But not only have enemies become smarter, they have now been programmed with humanistic qualities. What I mean by this is when a leader mob comes around with his minions, you will notice the group management has been greatly improved. The leader will generally not be in front of his group so as to fall easy prey to the first kill. Instead they’ll usually be found elsewhere, while his minions will protect them. Just like in the real world, it isn’t always the best case scenario to lead your team if you carry such an important role. This is an interesting change that developers have brought about.
This is a very different game from the first Dungeon Siege, but it will not disappoint. This game truly involves you, the player, in so many more capacities, creating a more fun and full experience as you journey through the world of Aranna. Rest assured, as updates become known to us, 3daccelerated will try to keep you guys as informed as possible.</blockquote>
I would hope that it is a very differnt game from the first Dungeon Siege, because the first one definitely did dissapoint.
Joining the fray of Dungeon Siege II previews is <a href=>3dAccelerated</a>. Here's a snippet.
<blockquote>The game will no longer seem like the generic role playing game that you’re used to and transform into something completely different. This is the real Dungeon Siege II. There isn’t much in terms of a prerequisite system of events, so the player has great control over what will happen next. Many things have been improved upon. One of these is the computer AI. Every game that comes out nowadays has an improved AI, so it’s expected. But not only have enemies become smarter, they have now been programmed with humanistic qualities. What I mean by this is when a leader mob comes around with his minions, you will notice the group management has been greatly improved. The leader will generally not be in front of his group so as to fall easy prey to the first kill. Instead they’ll usually be found elsewhere, while his minions will protect them. Just like in the real world, it isn’t always the best case scenario to lead your team if you carry such an important role. This is an interesting change that developers have brought about.
This is a very different game from the first Dungeon Siege, but it will not disappoint. This game truly involves you, the player, in so many more capacities, creating a more fun and full experience as you journey through the world of Aranna. Rest assured, as updates become known to us, 3daccelerated will try to keep you guys as informed as possible.</blockquote>
I would hope that it is a very differnt game from the first Dungeon Siege, because the first one definitely did dissapoint.