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Game News Abstract Productions makes early The Nexus available


Jun 15, 2002
Tags: Abstract Productions; Mark Hall; Nexus, The

Mark Hall of Blorp Zingwag and Arc Legacy fame has made an early version of his new text-based MUD'ish adventure available to the public. Here's what he had to say about it on <A HREF="http://www.rpgcodex.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=7210">our forum</A>:
I've been working on this game <A HREF="http://abstract-productions.net/game/">The Nexus</A> for the past couple of weeks. Basically it's a multiplayer text adventure, but every direction that there isn't a room, anybody can create one, so the world will be continually expanding as people play it. At the moment, there's not much to do other than create rooms and entities with limited interactivity inside them, but it's going to be a lot better in the future when I get the enemy encounters and quest systems in place. But for now feel free to add whatever crazy crap you want to the game world!
So if you dig the no-budgetty text-based stuff, <A HREF="http://abstract-productions.net/game/">go check it out</A>.


Jan 18, 2004
Exactly! It was the wiki concept that got me thinking about this in the first place.

The first version I had online, the entire world was open to anyone to change, like a wiki, but it took less than three hours from the launch time for someone to hijack the entry room with the message "THIS GAME SUXORZ LOL", so I took it down and added the login system, and restricted editing privileges to the rooms that you make yourself.


Feb 12, 2004
The seamy underbelly of your seamy underbelly
XMark said:
Exactly! It was the wiki concept that got me thinking about this in the first place.

The first version I had online, the entire world was open to anyone to change, like a wiki, but it took less than three hours from the launch time for someone to hijack the entry room with the message "THIS GAME SUXORZ LOL", so I took it down and added the login system, and restricted editing privileges to the rooms that you make yourself.

Oooh...so I can make my own personal "THIS GAME SUXORZ LOL" rooms? Just kiding, but would i be able to make my rooms as bizzare and Hellraiserish as I want?


Jan 18, 2004
Yeah, you can do whatever you want. About the only things that I'll delete are spam and obvious abuses of the system.

Another note: I've kind of designated the territory north of the city as the place to put the most random, messed up, nonsensical stuff. It's supposed to be the most dimensionally unstable region of the planet.


Jun 15, 2002
Hmm. You may want to move my room there, then. It's the one with the cow and the blue grass.


Jan 18, 2004
Nah, it's all right, the whole planet's supposed to be unstable, just more so in the north.

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