Tags: Ancient Domains of Mystery
The IndieGogo crowd-funding campaign to resurrect the ADOM development is still going (for another 7 days). The target has been achieved and now they're working towards stretch goals.
The IndieGogo crowd-funding campaign to resurrect the ADOM development is still going (for another 7 days). The target has been achieved and now they're working towards stretch goals.
STRETCH GOAL #2: CUSTOMIZED TILE SET (upon reaching $55,000)
This stretch goal will provide a customized tile set for ADOM, done solely by Krys, our artist. Krys will do his utmost to create the most beautiful tile set ever. And the tile set will not only benefit ADOM but it also could be used for ADOM II. If we reach this stretch goal I thus promise that I'm then going to add tile support to ADOM II, to. See the image below for a sample of what Krys is capable of: