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Interview World of Gothic talks to JoWood dudes about Gothic III


Nov 9, 2002
Monkey Island
Tags: Gothic III; JoWood Productions

<a href=http://www.worldofgothic.com>World of Gothic</a>, the long standing Gothic fansite, got an <a href=http://www.worldofgothic.com/gothic3/?go=intervieweng1>interview</a> with Stefan Berger, the responsible Brand Manager for Gothic 3 and Johann Ertl, the Community Manager.<blockquote>World of Gothic: There are a lot of users from eastern Europe in our forums that would like to enjoy Gothic 3 in their native languages. Will you release fully localized versions in these countries? And if you do, how long will the fans have to wait?
Stefan: Of course we`ll try to release Gothic 3 in as many fully localized versions as possible, but it`s simply not affordable for some minor languages...
Johann: I know the great feeling of playing such a game in the own native language - I´d give my left hand for a fully localized czech version. But we`ve got to stay realistic, the main languages will be covered.</blockquote>Seems kind of cold shafting the European fanbase that's supported the franchise from the get go to accomodate the North American market that barely acknowledged Gothic. Still, I guess English is about as close as you can get to a universal language (that's why aliens always speak it in sci-fi TV shows).
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.rpgdot.com">RPGDot</A>


Dec 29, 2002
Krakow, Poland
Divinity: Original Sin Wasteland 2
Whipporowill said:
Cd Projekt did the translation to Polish itself, as usual... I think?
Yes, and it was a good translation with nice voice-overs.
What this Stefan guy says seems to imply that generally it's the developers themselves who are expected to fund / make the translations, is that a general rule I wasn't aware of? CD Projekt usually does a good job at translating and imo it would be stupid to expect that the Germans do a Polish version of Gothic 3 themselves.


Feb 6, 2005
Borat's Fantasy Land
I guess Russian localization will be done by Snowball again.
Well, i hope they do well.

Although I'm really against translated voice-overs. But no! they can't release a localization if it's not entirely translated...
It's same shit as they're doing now with Fallout 2 (which will be at last officially localized in Russia in a month or so).

Although there are some very talented actors that can even match Perlman's narrative, so i guess it's okay.

Damn, can't wait for Gothic 3!
But, alas, my rig is just too ancient for it....


Aug 14, 2004
Spazmo said:
Seems kind of cold shafting the European fanbase that's supported the franchise from the get go to accomodate the North American market that barely acknowledged Gothic.
Usually, the only European languages that get localisations are French, Italian, German and Spanish. Those are the biggest markets in Europe, that's where the money is. Yes, yes, rather unfortunate for our friends in the East, but it's standard procedure. How many AAA titles do you know that have been translated to Czech?


May 16, 2003
Hell on Earth
I would absolutely hate playing a game in Serbian. Fuck localizations when everything sounds 100x better in English.


May 16, 2003
Hell on Earth
Killzig said:
I would hate playing Gothic again. Hi Sammy, long time no see.
Hi Zig. I still lurk here, but see practically no reason to post.

I enjoyed both Gothic and Gothic II quite a bit, and I'm looking forward to III. That, NWN2, and CIV4 are the only three games I'm actually looking forward to.


Oct 28, 2002
The Wastes
Sammael said:
Killzig said:
I would hate playing Gothic again. Hi Sammy, long time no see.
Hi Zig. I still lurk here, but see practically no reason to post.

I enjoyed both Gothic and Gothic II quite a bit, and I'm looking forward to III. That, NWN2, and CIV4 are the only three games I'm actually looking forward to.
I can understand that, glad to see you haven't been kidnapped and gang raped by some eastern european secret police due to your covert activities downloading every PnP RPG manual in existence.


May 18, 2004
Thank you for informing us of these activities. The rape squads will be sent round to deal with Sammael in due time. You'd better butter up that anus.


Jan 25, 2004
Spazmo said:
<a href=http://www.worldofgothic.com>World of Gothic</a>, the long standing Gothic fansite, got an <a href=http://www.worldofgothic.com/gothic3/?go=intervieweng1>interview</a> with Stefan Berger, the responsible Brand Manager for Gothic 3 and Johann Ertl, the Community Manager.<blockquote>World of Gothic: There are a lot of users from eastern Europe in our forums that would like to enjoy Gothic 3 in their native languages. Will you release fully localized versions in these countries? And if you do, how long will the fans have to wait?
Stefan: Of course we`ll try to release Gothic 3 in as many fully localized versions as possible, but it`s simply not affordable for some minor languages...
Johann: I know the great feeling of playing such a game in the own native language - I´d give my left hand for a fully localized czech version. But we`ve got to stay realistic, the main languages will be covered.</blockquote>Seems kind of cold shafting the European fanbase that's supported the franchise from the get go to accomodate the North American market that barely acknowledged Gothic. Still, I guess English is about as close as you can get to a universal language (that's why aliens always speak it in sci-fi TV shows).
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.rpgdot.com">RPGDot</A>
English isn't exclusive to US and UK, you know. Besides, it's my impression that many people on EU have a decent grasp of English. Besides, any professional translation takes major money and effort. I guess the expected sales are nowhere near enough to justify the cost of localization. Still, translated captions with English/german speech would be a nice balance of cost and convenience.

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