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Development Info Underworld Ascendant Kickstarter Update #38: Laying the Groundwork


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Jan 28, 2011
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Tags: Chris Siegel; OtherSide Entertainment; Ultima Underworld II: Labyrinth of Worlds; Underworld Ascendant

It looks like Underworld Ascendant has settled into a weekly Kickstarter update release schedule. In last week's update, we learned that the fish-like Lizardman concept had won the backer poll, proving to some that democracy is a doomed system. But today's update is interesting enough to be worth posting here. True to its name, it's all about how OtherSide are laying the groundwork for the game's development by testing and prototyping various features in the Unity 5 engine. This part about traps is particularly nifty:

This week Tim has been building deathtraps that are all physics controlled. What does that mean? Well, in most games a trap is built and it has some script behind it. Enter this trigger and it goes off. In our world weight and mass matter. For example if we had a trap with a pressure plate not only would a player stepping on it make it go off, but throwing a large object of sufficient weight would set it off, or applying enough pressure would also set it off.

Obviously in this simple version this creates different ways of dealing with the trap beyond just disabling it. You could Indiana Jones the trap by pushing on the pressure plate with a torch or the classic 10’ pole.

Another example which Tim already built which is my favorite is a spring loaded trap. Watch a video of it in action HERE.

That is a post with these nasty blades around the top of it. When the spring and gears ‘click’ the trap spins. The coolest part is when the gears pop back in there is this awesome shake on the motion. Not scripted-not an animation, just the way things react to physics--angular momentum in a damped spring. It is small, and a little detail, but looks so…natural.

The update also has some information about the OtherSiders' experimentations with Unity 5's new lighting model. Oh, and apparently they're not done doing those Twitch LP sessions yet. On Thursday at 11am EST they'll be playing Ultima Underworld II on their channel, with Looking Glass veteran Dorian Hart as special guest.


Jul 13, 2013
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
My favorite part, traps.

And no, not the :codexisforindividualswithgenderidentityissues: kind.


Jun 14, 2014
Negative Zone
Grab the Codex by the pussy Strap Yourselves In I helped put crap in Monomyth


May 4, 2009
Paris by night
I don't trust these physics-based traps. Physics (numerical integration and collisions) + gameplay = fail, mostly.

Burning Bridges

Enviado de meu SM-G3502T usando Tapatalk
Apr 21, 2006
Tampon Bay
They are at least a bit more active than the Pashanin brothers.
But I have little hope that a 2015 remake will be anything but shit (there was similar hope when people were waiting for Arx Fatalis, and it was not worth it).


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
They are at least a bit more active than the Pashanin brothers.
But I have little hope that a 2015 remake will be anything but shit (there was similar hope when people were waiting for Arx Fatalis, and it was not worth it).

Eh, what do you mean? Arx was a good game, not as good as UU but still really damn solid and fun.

Burning Bridges

Enviado de meu SM-G3502T usando Tapatalk
Apr 21, 2006
Tampon Bay
It was not a bad game, but couldnt hold a candle to UU. My expectations for Ascension are similar.

A HD remake of UU would be much better.


Likewise expectations-wise; co-op, occulus, they started on the wrong foot. The "we were always innovators" doesn't particularly wash with me this time around.
If you want to innovate, you'have had 22 years to conceive of a project fulfiling said criteria. Either you have it, or you do not. Telling me, essentially, UU3 but we will 'innovate'...with co-op..?..

Still hopeful though. The idiot within me :P

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