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Review Dungeon Siege 2 review at AVault


Nov 9, 2002
Monkey Island
Tags: Dungeon Siege 2; Gas Powered Games

<a href=http://www.avault.com>Adrenaline Vault</a> have their <a href=http://www.avault.com/reviews/review_temp.asp?game=ds2>review</a> of Gas Powered Games' new action RPG Dungeon Siege 2 up. They rate it <b>3.5 stars out of 5</b>.<blockquote>Dungeon Siege 2 possesses the single most important quality for a game: it’s fun. Controlling my party of characters to victory over the hordes of enemies that would flood the screen was a blast. Yes, there was a large amount of repetition, but I found myself faithfully returning to the game to move to the next area, or to achieve the next goal. One thing I especially enjoyed was the equipment system. Dungeon Siege 2 is incredibly item-centric. The equipment a character wears can have as much, if not more, impact on his effectiveness as the skills he chooses. And making that equipment match so that it didn’t make my character appear to be a peacock was entertaining as well. While I am not certain whether there is a Dungeon Siege 3 in our future, I definitely hope there is after playing this one.</blockquote>3.5 stars seems kind of harsh for such a positive review, but I'm all for review scales that don't lean to one side. Actually, I'm for no review scales at all, but whatever.
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.bluesnews.com">Blue's News</A>

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