Well, it depends. If you ask me or baby arm - it's rather good, if not without flaws (graphics being the most glaring one, and there are a few bugs and glitches there and there... translation is also sub-par, last I heard).
However, if you really into tons of guns and VERY detailed representation of firefights - you really should try.
The game is really nonlinear, too - it has three separate branches. Quests are rather simplistic, though.
There is a sequel on it's way - 7.62. Basically, it's best of E5 with prettier graphics and better storyline/graphics. I heard of 'militia training', too... not sure if it's 100% true.
But if you really abhor RTwP (even the near-perfect, if you ask me, SPM of Brigade E5), and don't care about realistic firearms and firefights- I guess you can pass it safely.
As a last note, it's AI is one of the best I've seen in a game... you may not notice that right away, cause first you'll be meeting all sort of rabble like bandits, and they are not exactly known for being smart and coordinated.
Later, however (especially in urban warfare on higher difficulties) you'll see enemies doing really neat stuff like cover fire, flanking, camping, flushing you out with grenades, etc.