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Different Dice

May 31, 2018
The Present
I enjoy dice pools. Lots of dice. Not just quantity but kind. I really like rolling XdY and taking highest. It has a great feel and lets you simulate alot. I am brainstorming a new game where creatures have stats (Might, Mobility, Magic) represented by d4, d6, d8, d10, and d12.

Is that a chore for you? Would you rather just have 1d6+X? How much dice does it take to become cumbersome?


Jul 19, 2015
if you are talking about RPGs. There is a big, big abyss between what player wants (consumers that gather once in a while to enjoy some adventure) and what nerd that post wall of texts on the forum's thinks a good mechanic is.

so the normies want "I want to do jump over the pit !" GM after 1 second of sorting the procedure :"ok you do it" / "oh you fall down, but you find a gold coin at the bottom" / "You are too scared to try"

what normies dont want: "What is your charisma? Multiply that by your reputation with swamp goblins, and make square root. Then roll 2d20+3d8+1d10 and toss 3 coins... You got it? Good, that's your initiative now [ after 1 hour] ... ok you deal 4 corporal damage, 2 bruises, but you lose 3 sanity points. Where is Anon? It's his turn now. What you mean he went to grocery store for beer?"


i just roll a bunch of d6 now. I put the limit on 7 dice. 8 dice is too much.

i really like FreeLigue mechanic when you roll a bunch of dice, but you only care if you have any "6".


Jun 23, 2020
every game should be like traveller where you only use d6 but consult tables for everything. it feels less like the GM is just making shit up
May 31, 2018
The Present
I suspected as much. I have an alternate design of only using d6 for the dice pool. I'm not sure if I'll have any modifiers. It will either be Xd6 take highest, or Xd6+Y (taking highest).

I'm experimenting with making a game similar to Magic: The Gathering but without the gathering. The game would be comprehensive and complete out of the box. Two common/shared decks to draw from. One with spells and another with creatures. I'm reworking costs to have a push-your-luck mechanic rather than mana, and experimenting with the battlefield being a 6x6 grid instead of JRPG lineup. If you've ever played the original Chaos or Chaos: Reborn, it has many similarities. Functionally a table top version of it.


Jun 23, 2020
I suspected as much. I have an alternate design of only using d6 for the dice pool. I'm not sure if I'll have any modifiers. It will either be Xd6 take highest, or Xd6+Y (taking highest).

I'm experimenting with making a game similar to Magic: The Gathering but without the gathering. The game would be comprehensive and complete out of the box. Two common/shared decks to draw from. One with spells and another with creatures. I'm reworking costs to have a push-your-luck mechanic rather than mana, and experimenting with the battlefield being a 6x6 grid instead of JRPG lineup. If you've ever played the original Chaos or Chaos: Reborn, it has many similarities. Functionally a table top version of it.
I thought Magic would be much better with a scoring system and doubling cube instead of best 2/3. Good luck with that

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
It looks like you're trying to reinvent the wheel here. What purpose do all these dices have or changing how magic's mana costs work? Are you coming at systems that already exist and looking for ways to change them? Where is the player base and why would they have fun playing magic but the costs are random or why would a player enjoy all these different dice instead of rolling just a D6 or 8?


Jul 30, 2007
Flowery Land
Savage Worlds uses dice scaling to rate attributes and skills. It works, but only because it's a system that freely embraces diminishing returns for improving skills (you can get a d12 in Fighting at character creation, but the advantages over a d8 aren't worth it for most character types), the PCs/bosses being special ("Wild Cards" always get an additional d6 that can replace their roll), and power getting wider instead of taller.

Edit: Also had "normal" difficulty for non-combat tasks be DC4 and had infinitely exploding die. This means for a DC4 a Wild Card has odds of d4=63%, d6=75%, d8=81%, d10=85%, d12=88% and extra has odds of 25%, 50%, 63%, 70%, 75% and DC5 it's 50%, 56%, 67%, 73%, 78% vs 25%, 33%, 50%, 60%, 67%.
Last edited:


Jun 18, 2018
My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit.
I've ran a homebrew system where attributes were dice sizes, but skills dictated how many of those were you able to throw. This represented how training made you consistently better, but still limited you by your physique. Wouldn't be surprised if someone else thought about this as well.

This used to run on addition, but if you wanted to do pick-highest this'd work too, and allow to do some funky things.


Jul 19, 2015
I've ran a homebrew system where attributes were dice sizes, but skills dictated how many of those were you able to throw. This represented how training made you consistently better, but still limited you by your physique. Wouldn't be surprised if someone else thought about this as well.

This used to run on addition, but if you wanted to do pick-highest this'd work too, and allow to do some funky things.
what was the values for skills? 1 to 4?

im veteran pilot (3x) but im blind (d4) = 3d4 => avg 7
i never seen electronic device (1x), but i have eagle eye (d12) = 1d12 => avg 6

and you try to beat threshold?

d4 handicapped
d6 average (random picked dude should have d6, the majority of population)
d8 good
d10 exceptional
d12 inhuman

what if there are bigger monsters? is this high fantasy, or a troll just dismembering a puny human without rolling for damage.

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