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Preview Dungeon Hero overview

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Tags: Dungeon Hero; Firefly Studios

<a href=http://gamecockmedia.com/hero/>Dungeon Hero</a> is an action RPG with a twist. The developers are on a mission to correct the misconceptions about dungeons and show you what a real dungeon looks, feels, and plays like.
<blockquote><a href=http://au.gamespot.com/pc/adventure/dungeonhero/news.html?sid=6174957>GameSpot E3 impressions</a>:
Remember the discussion in the movie Clerks where the two main characters sympathize with all those contractors who must have been killed when those dastardly rebels blow up the Death Star? That's sort of the philosophy behind Dungeon Hero, a 2009 action game that will have you playing a hero trying to defend poor goblins in a dungeon from evil creatures and annoying adventurers.
Firefly's biggest problem with dungeons in most games is that they don't make sense. Think about it. You'll delve down into a dungeon and encounter monsters whose sole purpose in life is to stand around in the dark until an adventurer comes to kill them. Dungeon Hero looks to solve that problem by creating an underground city and society that makes sense. The main goblin city in the game is divided into four districts, each of which has a distinct purpose and role in the game. And while the goblins are at the heart of the game, you won't play as one. Instead, you'll play as a human mercenary who the goblins hire to save them after a goblin miner manages to dig a bit too deep and opens a fissure to someplace he shouldn't have. So now the goblins need, well, a hero.
Your job as that hero will be to battle the monsters coming out of the fissure, as well as the occasional surface adventurer who comes into the dungeon looking for treasure.</blockquote>Sounds very promising.
<blockquote><a href=http://au.pc.ign.com/articles/804/804662p1.html>IGN E3 preview</a>:
We were shown a short cinematic video with a goblin complaining about adventurers. They're always invading his city, breaking his stuff, and looking for treasure chests they apparently assume the goblins just leave lying around. The monster goes on to explain how he lives, has to go to work, and doesn't have health care.
Their home, Goldstar City, reflects their diversity and attempts at leading normal lives. It's divided into four quadrants, Birch, The Greys, Oak, and Willow. Birch is the most religious district, where the goblins worship trees and preach arboreal sermons from street-side pulpits. The Greys are the slums, a district within which FireFly is trying to achieve Blade Runner-esque steamy streets and dirty walls. Oak is the industrial center of the city; mining and crafting war weaponry being the main professions. It seems the goblins are almost constantly at war with another group of the same species, the Red Eye clan. Finally, the Willow district is the mercantile hub of the metropolis.</blockquote>Interest ++
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.rpgwatch.com">RPG Watch</A>


May 25, 2006
Nice to see there's still some interesting news in the world of gaming, not just the deluge of fallout 3 previews, each one stupider than the last.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
it sound slike they basically turned goblins into humans. Same same different pile. Still sounds like a game with potential, however.


Jun 23, 2006
So basically what they're saying is that under the dungeon that isn't filled with mindless monsters to hack,slash and slay with impunity theres another one that is.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
Nor is it original to have an idea that 'monster races' hgave their own cities and their own lives. D&D has had this idea for DECADES.

Texas Red

Sep 9, 2006
Their website is retarded. Only a bunch of cinematics and thats it. Goddamnit, I hate when they shove needless cinematics on to a website with backround voices and music.
Feb 10, 2007
Remember the discussion in the movie Clerks where the two main characters sympathize with all those contractors who must have been killed when those dastardly rebels blow up the Death Star?

No, I don't. Only because one character was sympathetic, the other was trying to explain that the contractors knew what they were getting into.

Anyway, hopefully the game turns up less generic than the title.


Jan 28, 2007
The Walkin' Dude said:
Their website is retarded. Only a bunch of cinematics and thats it. Goddamnit, I hate when they shove needless cinematics on to a website with backround voices and music.
And the first thing you hear in the cinematic is "IMMERSE...". After that I forced myself to look for any info on the website but you are right - it's just retarded.

Walkin' Dude

Mar 22, 2006
sportforredneck said:
Remember the discussion in the movie Clerks where the two main characters sympathize with all those contractors who must have been killed when those dastardly rebels blow up the Death Star?

No, I don't. Only because one character was sympathetic, the other was trying to explain that the contractors knew what they were getting into.

Um, sounds like you remember it.


Jan 29, 2007
Starbase Delta
sportforredneck said:
No, I don't. Only because one character was sympathetic, the other was trying to explain that the contractors knew what they were getting into.

Randal and Dante were both sympathetic. The 'roofer' customer said they knew what they were getting themselves into.


Jul 16, 2007
Divinity: Original Sin Wasteland 2
The Walkin' Dude said:
Their website is retarded. Only a bunch of cinematics and thats it. Goddamnit, I hate when they shove needless cinematics on to a website with backround voices and music.

I am inclined to agree... I shall keep an eye on this, though - hopefully, the game turns out to be something more than yet another mindless hack &slash... I don't expect it to be "a spiritual successor to Eye of the Beholder", but still...
Jul 17, 2007
And while the goblins are at the heart of the game, you won't play as one.

The most interesting potential feature of the game thrown out the window. Lots of goblins running everywhere and i have to use the stupid burly human mercenary. Hype back to zero. Good job.

Birch is the most religious district, where the goblins worship trees and preach arboreal sermons from street-side pulpits.

Not quite what i expected from Goblins whose other districts are an industrial slum, a mine, a weapons factory, and a market, and are described as "The Darkest Society imaginable" in the website. I hope they do not go into the Nature vs Technology and Religion vs Materialism battlefield without the necesary skill to make a meaningful commentary instead of just another stupid New Age vs Big Bussiness half-assed allegory.

Other than that i'll keep an eye on this, just because i love Goblins and like to be dissapointed.


Jan 4, 2005
Goldstar City

Rock Steady Crew! The city is made out of cheap 80s electronic goods.

Sounds overall like the type of thing Arx Fatalis was shooting for but didn't quite manage to nail, a 'living breathing dungeon world'.
Feb 10, 2007
Helton said:
sportforredneck said:
No, I don't. Only because one character was sympathetic, the other was trying to explain that the contractors knew what they were getting into.

Randal and Dante were both sympathetic. The 'roofer' customer said they knew what they were getting themselves into.
I know that the roofer said that, but Dante wasn't really agreeing with Randal.

As it goes: Dante says to the roofer "My friend is trying to convince me that any contractors working on the uncompleted Death Star were innocent victims when the space station was destroyed by the rebels." Thus he was unsympathetic, while Randal was trying to convince him.


Oct 23, 2002
It sounded good up until the "goblins have tunneled too deep and struck a rich vein of ANCIENT EVIL!" bit. Still, I'm willing to keep an eye out because those E3 previews sound fairly positive in more ways than just the tone of the article.
Jul 19, 2007
Fuck the haters. This game looks to be all time. Consider me /ignore until game releases in 2009. I'm going in fat, naked, and 9 pounds 8 ounces because I'm a role playing Negro, and you can't stop the hotness.

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