Hello fellow free citizens of codexia!
What is this
What Can I do
How do I make a party, I want power you commie faggot
List of Turns
required_dlc said:Our most interesting republic requires you to own in a way that follows
the guides of the merchant union of europe
or the yarr harr republic of the seven seas
Wealth of nations
Art of war
El Dorado
Common Sense
Rights of Men
What is this
what is this shit said:We play the game for the duration of one elected leader, then pass it on to the next one, all events are voted based on what party is in power and what the party head choses
What Can I do
What if we loseobvious said:Join, play, plot, vote and be a dick to your succesors
fuck said:Then we go on, forever, until the last republican is dead
How do I make a party, I want power you commie faggot
faggot said:Just PM me the name
List of Turns
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