Onto the main game itself. Here's a sample:
Trudge, trudge, trudge, listen to terrible music in the background, trudge, trudge,
crash to desktop, reload, trudge, listen to badly translated NPC, trudge, realise
that the quest specification in your journal has little in common with what the
NPC actually said, trudge, go to VERY Fallout world map, listen to terrible tin-pot
music again whilst trying to get the collision detection on cities to work, get hit
by three 'random encounters' which must have been rolled on a 1-sided dice,
crash to desktop, notice one of your implants has disappeared (but still drains
energy), cry, book appointment with therapist to recover from game trauma.
For a sequel, perhaps the developers could just make some poser models
and have them urinating on a copy of Fallout, whilst they jeer poorly
translated and monotone insults at you.