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Puritas Cordis


May 16, 2003
Oulu, Finland
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secret_Fil ... tas_Cordis

Picked this up the other day when I felt like some point and click adventure. Not sure if I should be disappointed, it wasn't totally horrible but certainly not a masterpiece either. The interface is simple and intuitive, nothing to complain there. And the problems are standard adventure game fare, ranging from logical to absurd but mostly easily solvable with some thinking and trial and error. If you like adventure games at all, I don't think that aspect will disappoint.

My issues are with voice acting which was horrible to the point that I wondered if it wasn't intentional. Mercifully you could glance over the subtitles and right-click to the next sentence, sparing your ears. The dialog itself is also quite bad. Luckily the game doesn't try to be terribly serious or those issues would be much more annoying. The game actually tries to parody many adventure game cliches, mostly not particularly successfully. Seriously, breaking the fourth wall isn't funny, cut that shit off.

The main character, Nina, got some chuckles out of me with her constant complaining and sarcastic attitude towards the player, but most of the time she is an annoying bitch. She might have been more likable if her voicing didn't grate my nerves, but I guess I am repeating myself. The overall story is something Dan Brown might have written, which hopefully doesn't count as a praise for anyone, but it works well enough for a game I suppose.

If you really need an adventure game, I guess this will work well enough. Otherwise, there are better ones.


Oct 26, 2007
The first one sucked terribly and was as mediocre/generic as adventure games come. I'm not surprised the sequel is no better.

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