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Preview Silverfall review at Play

Diogo Ribeiro

Jun 23, 2003
Lisboa, Portugal
Tags: Silverfall

<a href=http://play.tm/>Play</a> has written up a review of Kyiv’s Games and Monte Cristo's steampunk<i>ish</i> action RPG, <a href=http://www.silverfall-game.com/en/>Silverfall</a>. I'm sorry, did I said review? I meant <a href=http://play.tm/story/10033>beatdown</a>:<blockquote>You control your character via the mouse, using a point and click method to move around while the camera can be controlled by either pushing the mouse to the sides of the screen or using the arrow keys. It's a system that works fine, although as ever point and click movement in a 3D world leads to the inevitable, albeit occasional, path finding issues. The real problems arise when you factor in that to attack an enemy you, yep you guessed it, point and click on them, meaning that in the heat of battle a misplaced click will send your plucky character happily wandering into the midst of the enemy horde rather than keeping his distance and lobbing fireballs at them as you intended. It's not even like enemies have the good grace to simply stand still while you attack them, meaning a left click that resulted in a deadly sweep of your blade a split second ago next time results in you walking casually into the path of the swirling axe of doom. You do of course use the right mouse button for combat as well and can also map some attacks to the keyboard which cuts down on the problem a bit but manually changing the controls to one's far less intuitive feels a lot like working round the game's design flaws which is really something that should have been done before you paid for it. Frustratingly it's a problem that Monte Cristo clearly recognised at some point in development, one section in the tutorial actually includes the warning 'click carefully to avoid accidental movement' or words to that effect.</blockquote>But Paul, Monte Cristo <a href=http://www.silverfall-game.com/en/20070402-1200.php>released an editor</a> so you could fix the game!
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://play.tm/">Play</A>


Jul 18, 2004
Karlstad, Sweden
Role-Player said:
...f Kyiv’s Games and Monte Cristo's steampunk<i>ish</i> action RPG, <a>Silverfall</a>.
I got a 404 from that link, but it worked when I cut out the RPG Codex part which seemed attached. I guess that part was only put there because the link lacks its http:// part?

So, perhaps I should consider this game instead of that Dawn of Magic demo I've been occupying myself with? It may only contain a few hours of 'story', but many more hours of "killing monstrous wildlife with various spells". Such nice spells too. I particularly like the highpowered laser. Range, accuracy and speed! I wonder if they give out laser weapons in Silverfall? :?
Feb 19, 2005
Strap Yourselves In Codex+ Now Streaming!
I wonder if you can use the editor to make the elven b00bies even bigger?

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