The Definitive Edition has eight new units and four new lords, of whom two are women (because it's 2025).
Isn't it fitting for this setting?I forgot to mention that half of the new lords are arab muslims...
Isn't it fitting for this setting?I forgot to mention that half of the new lords are arab muslims...
Not really? A lot of the time you don't exactly have... well, time to do something like that.Weren't most realistic sieges just a matter of starving the defender for months/years until they hopefully surrender?
Classic Total War, I guess. Flawed due to AI spergouts but it's the closest we got. I think the best ones were in Shogun 2 because because of the polish of its mechanics. And it was nice how, after you got gunpowder, it completely changed the siege gameplay.Was I the only one very disappointed at the time of original games' release? I'm not saying they were bad, had some charm but... The game had a "stronghold" word in its name and yes, you have fortifications but there zero, and mean zero, not only realism but even basic logic as to how they work. I just wanted a game where i could have fortresses portrayed semi-realistically and require actual sieges to capture or defend. I think i never was the target audience, not then and certainly not now.
Similar case with the very old "Castles" games from early 90s. Nice games for their times - a bit primitive by today standards, you could build but castles (duh) but the actual "sieges" were pathetic. I never found a good game on sieges of pre-modern fortresses/castles/cities/whatever with some simulation-ist elements. Don't have to be one for autists, just with mechanics that make some sense. Anyone knows some titles where you have sieges that are semi-realistic? Building fortifications by the player would be nice too but not necessary.