"Tokyo Xtreme Racer" is a racing game set in a sealed-off future Tokyo, where you compete for the fastest speed in your customized cars on the highways that weave through the city, aiming to reach the top.
Drive real cars on meticulously recreated courses, compete against powerful rivals,
slip through other cars, and engage in spirit-wracking battles.
This is a series with unparalleled appeal.
Unlike regular racing games,
- What is SP Battle (Spirit Point Battle)
the SP Battle is a unique battle feature based Spirit Points, a numeric value that quantifies the willpower of drivers.
Not only is your speed tested, master the mind games and break your opponent's resolve.
With the Tokyo Expressway faithfully reproduced, the complex twists and dramatic elevation changes deliver an adrenaline-pumping racing experience that's as close to the real thing as it gets.
- Blaze through the midnight Shuto Expressway
The race begins with a headlight flash as you face off against rivals with distinctive cars and bold driving styles.
- Countless rivals with mysterious charm
loved this series back in the DC/PS2 days, reception seems to be positive from fans of the old games. Game is in EA and they've given a timeline of 4 months, we'll see if they keep to it.
apparently now you can race ANY car, not just rivals..