We finally got ready
The release of the first Slovak game with an open world is behind the door. Just writing these lines are a huge feeling of joy for us, Team Vivat. If you are one of those who follow our work closely, you can imagine the challenge of a project of this magnitude for a studio with a relatively small team and modest resources. But we are proud of that, where we have come with your disreshing support and enthusiasm over the years of development.
We presented Vivat Slovakia at every relevant exhibition, interview or lecture and for a while we also shared with you details directly from our workshop in the form of Vivat Wednesday development daily. We want to continue to maintain this transparent approach to our community, so it is a natural step for us to give our players the opportunity to play Vivat Slovakia realistically and not just evaluate on their own skin, but also directly influence its final form. For this reason too, as a studio, we had to realistically evaluate our time and financial possibilities and set the most effective way to reach a successful goal.
Vivat Slovakia in Early Access
We therefore decided to release the video game Vivat Slovakia in the form of Early Access, a pre-access chip. As a young game studio, we grew up with the project and often formed from early morning to late nights. But that
never took the belief to give us all the promised video game in the best possible and especially complete form.
By releasing Vivat Slovakia in Early Access, we get the very second breath we so necessarily need to transform this idea into reality.
The game in this form will usher the light of the world as early as 18. 4th. 2024th. By this important date and, of course, after it, we will continue to work fully on the grandeur of the virtual Bratislava and the captivating story we have told in it.
Your observations and feedback drive our passion for creating unforgettable gaming experiences. We sincerely appreciate all the support. Thank you very much for being an integral part of the Vivat Slovakia project.
Team Vivat
Vivat Slovakia takes place during the wild 90s in the fictional Bratislava. The freshly based state is overwhelmed by birth pains.
The streets are controlled by mafia gangs, which do not hide their power even in white days. Firing businesses, car explosions or other account handling is the order of the day. The practices of the underworld have also been mastered by some government peaks that use the mafia for the dirtiest work. The difference between the secret service and organized crime is lost. Entities that should stand on the opposite sides suddenly pull for one end for power and economic reasons. Only an ordinary citizen pulls for a shorter end.
The player finds himself in the role of a bald 30-year-old who works for the secret police in the Slovak Secret Service, STS. Its cover is the work of a taxi driver, which allows him to move freely through the city and monitor the wills from close proximity.