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Anyone else get the feeling skyrim was better?

Doktor Best

Feb 2, 2015
EDIT: since i'm on this topic anyway, i'll just present my thoughts on the matter. the statement about analog controls made me question the whole PC master race theory for a moment. it sounded like my keyboard was not good enough for the game. it sounded like the xbox controller was in fact superior to keyboard. no, you fucking cunts! it's not. it's there to give the player a wide range of keys for complex games that in addition to the need for targeting precision done by the mouse also present the player with a variety of abilities that would not be covered by your stupid analog controller. the "need" for precision of movement speed is not a need at all. it's a gimmick like hair movement but unlike hair movement it can't be turned off in the options. so you're left with a game for console. and only for console.

So why dont you steer your car with a fucking keyboard? Precision in movement is not a gimmick, its fucking mandatory on a heavily movement based twitch combat system. Millions of people get along with it, millions of people enjoy it. Youre not one of them appearently because youre either not used to gamepads or your Wurstfingers are not made for action games but thats not a shortage of the game but one of your hand-eye coordination.

There are plenty of rpgs with preset characters. Gothic for example or Anachronox or heck even Planescape Torment... you would say all of them are no proper rpgs? Sure you can shape their abilities to your liking but so can you in the TW3...

Rpgs are not just about complete freedom of your character development, its also about shaping the narrative based on decisions you make as an ingame character, as in having actual choice and consequence. Actually this is even (atleast for me) the most important aspect of an rpg as it draws on the very essence of its predecessor, the pnp rpg-systems.

Playing rpgs is basically about making decisions and then having the gameworld react to those decisions. Those can either be choosing a race or choosing to kill or not to kill off a certain character. If game A reacts to you killing off that character in a more fleshed out way than game B does to you choosing a certain race then theres actually more "roleplaying" going on in game A.

Decisions mean shit if they have no actual outcome.
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Eater of Apples
Feb 1, 2009
Mêlée Island
Codex 2014 Make the Codex Great Again! Insert Title Here Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2
* Core combat mechanics: Skyrim's core combat mechanics felt smoother and less twitchy than Witcher's; it was simple but satisfying

I actually find Skyrim's combat dull and boring (it can be effectively summarized with, depending on what kind of build one went for: 1."whack whack whack"; 2."sneak attack one shot"; 3."keep both mouse buttons down to incinerate"), not to mention heavily crippled by level scaling. Not that TW3's is much better. Neither is much tactical, neither is quite satisfying, neither is brutal (both have "finishers" and dismemberment, but both still feel quite cartoonish in that respect).

* Repair system: repairs suck, Skyrim made it easy and cheap, ergo Skyrim repair system > Witcher 3 repair system

There is no item wear in Skyrim, therefore no "repairing". I'm not really sure what you are talking about.

* Player housing: you don't have player housing in Witcher 3

Well, ok. But player housing is pretty much fucking useless, even in a "sandbox" context, unless you like really love to RP in a single player game (and here's when those sexy skyrim mods come useful, I guess?) with poor AI and pitiful NPCs.

* Guild membership: you don't have guilds in Witcher 3

I found it actually quite annoying that you can be the leader of all guilds, and only after a handful of quests, in some cases. Existing leaders conveniently die or betray or just relinquish their position so that the dragonborn can be the master of them all.

* Setting: Skyrim's setting is the already overdone TES and outside of the whole Shouts lore, its world design not at all memorable; Witcher 3 is Sapowski's twist on European folktales - which is, sadly enough, minty fresh in this industry

I really love both settings. I quite like Skyrim's adaptation of (kinda) Norse/Celtic/Saxon culture, AND I am a sucker for Sapkowski's world.

* Voice acting: Witcher 3 has excellent voice acting; Skyrim not so much

I find TW3's to be only slightly better than Skyrim. TW2 was better than both's, imho. Most voices in TW3 seem to be from some Disney channel show.

* Cutscenes: Skyrim has very few cutscenes

When I think TW2, I cringe. The cutscenes were so many they became fucking unbearable and completely destroyed and disrupted the game's flow and pacing.

Other than these, you make some alright points. :)


Eater of Apples
Feb 1, 2009
Mêlée Island
Codex 2014 Make the Codex Great Again! Insert Title Here Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2
Basically what I'm reading from everyone's posts is that Witcher 3 is only superior in storyfagness (if you like that shitty Pol's novels).

Well, so far, yes, that's about it as far as I'm concerned.

Furthermore, I think we should just stop comparing the two games. They are quite different in scope and style, despite TW3 having been marketed and hyped as the anti-Skyrim or the new-Skyrim. Still they diverge on so many issues that the comparison is just silly. In absolute terms, I will say that for now, I prefer Skyrim for my "GTA with Swords" cravings. TW3 hasn't impressed me much, so far, but I've only started my first playthrough (7/8 hours in), and I'm ignoring most sidequests in favour of the main story (because that's how I roll). Next one, I'll take my sweet time to explore, do stuff, follow every lead and so on, and assess how much the "sandbox" aspect of TW3 is worth.

Doktor Best

Feb 2, 2015
TW3 has no sandbox elements and the big gameworld is not there to satisfy that need. It is there to make the game not feel so restricted and narrow and to give some room for actual exploration (which works really well if you turn off those silly POI marks on the map)

I was dissapointed at first by the exploration part in the tutorial map because i didnt feel like the game sent me around to the interesting parts and i had to rely on map-gps to find those spots but actually the game gets better once you reach velen in that aspect. Gotten serious gothic vibes since then.

You do sidequests, run through the woods and find more or less intersting stuff, get your distraction and find some lootz and then go back to your quest. Another tip would be to skip on the horseriding (because you dont find treasures lying on the side of the road ofcourse) and go by foot through the woods.

Doktor Best

Feb 2, 2015
@edgy meme poster: Im not talking about bandit camps or monster nests, im talking about more interesting stuff which is definitely there if you look for it...
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
Several hours spent in Valen/Novigrad and I have genuinely no idea how anyone could claim Skyrim has better world building with a straight face.
Virtually everything about it is better in TW3. Better pacing and distribution of "points of interest" (without anything being too crammed or too sparse) , more distinctive locations, a more elaborate buildings and map layout, "secrets" (hidden treasures and so on) that are far more interesting to hunt down... And on top of that, visually speaking TW3 is so far ahead of Skyrim it shouldn't even be considered a fair a contest.

Doktor Best

Feb 2, 2015
Several hours spent in Valen/Novigrad and I have genuinely no idea how anyone could claim Skyrim has better world building with a straight face.
Virtually everything about it is better in TW3. Better pacing and distribution of "points of interest" (without anything being too crammed or too sparse) , more distinctive locations, a more elaborate buildings and map layout, "secrets" (hidden treasures and so on) that are far more interesting to hunt down... And on top of that, visually speaking TW3 is so far ahead of Skyrim it shouldn't even be considered a fair a contest.

This. Also i believe it takes an european developer to actually make a believable medieval style setting with real looking villages, castles and such. Its not a fair comparison because we europeans have those infront of our eyes whereas americans have to rely on footage. Just look at crows perch. This is how a real castle looks like, not these artificial disney castles from Bethesda/Bioware.

Lord Azlan

Jun 4, 2014
I don't even have to play Witcher 3 to know Skyrim is better.

One is what is known as a "Game" - the other a pile of manure from a stable of manure manufacturers.


Doom Preacher
Jul 10, 2009
i like how the places of power respawn and you can farm them.
i also like how literate the peasants are in the game. talk about 13th century schooling. i'm surprised they don't have tv guides and newspapers. it's like that thing someone mentioned here about people from europe knowing what older people from europe were about.
i also like how you find magic rings and can't wear them. (gold ruby ring, quality: magic, type: junk, suggestions: sell or dismantle)
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Doom Preacher
Jul 10, 2009
EDIT: since i'm on this topic anyway, i'll just present my thoughts on the matter. the statement about analog controls made me question the whole PC master race theory for a moment. it sounded like my keyboard was not good enough for the game. it sounded like the xbox controller was in fact superior to keyboard. no, you fucking cunts! it's not. it's there to give the player a wide range of keys for complex games that in addition to the need for targeting precision done by the mouse also present the player with a variety of abilities that would not be covered by your stupid analog controller. the "need" for precision of movement speed is not a need at all. it's a gimmick like hair movement but unlike hair movement it can't be turned off in the options. so you're left with a game for console. and only for console.

So why dont you steer your car with a fucking keyboard? Precision in movement is not a gimmick, its fucking mandatory on a heavily movement based twitch combat system. Millions of people get along with it, millions of people enjoy it. Youre not one of them appearently because youre either not used to gamepads or your Wurstfingers are not made for action games but thats not a shortage of the game but one of your hand-eye coordination.

There are plenty of rpgs with preset characters. Gothic for example or Anachronox or heck even Planescape Torment... you would say all of them are no proper rpgs? Sure you can shape their abilities to your liking but so can you in the TW3...

Rpgs are not just about complete freedom of your character development, its also about shaping the narrative based on decisions you make as an ingame character, as in having actual choice and consequence. Actually this is even (atleast for me) the most important aspect of an rpg as it draws on the very essence of its predecessor, the pnp rpg-systems.

Playing rpgs is basically about making decisions and then having the gameworld react to those decisions. Those can either be choosing a race or choosing to kill or not to kill off a certain character. If game A reacts to you killing off that character in a more fleshed out way than game B does to you choosing a certain race then theres actually more "roleplaying" going on in game A.

Decisions mean shit if they have no actual outcome.
i like how you can't read. precision of movement speed does not = precision of movement. it is useless in combat since geralt somehow moves at other speeds alltogeter in combat even if overburdened and it's stupid outside of combat for whatever reasons i already presented. also, you do realize, you're a fucking console peasant for making up arguments for console controllers and for not being able to read, right?

Doktor Best

Feb 2, 2015
i like how you can't read. precision of movement speed does not = precision of movement. it is useless in combat since geralt somehow moves at other speeds alltogeter in combat even if overburdened and it's stupid outside of combat for whatever reasons i already presented. also, you do realize, you're a fucking console peasant for making up arguments for console controllers and for not being able to read, right?

Yeah keep telling yourself that you clunky prick:D. I can read alright its just that your statements dont make any sense. Movement based combat is about nuanced changes of pace and direction, a gamepad provides this whereas a keyboard does not. Thats also because Fifa plays better with a gamepad, and racing games play better with a gamepad, and beat em ups play better with a gamepad, because they are based on fucking movement. Not so hard to get, aint it?

So yes maybe i am a "console peasent" for realizing that i have to use the proper input device for the genre im playing, thank you for that clearance. But while were at it i'll just return the favor by informing you that your pc masterrace talk is for fat shitheads who have to resort to gaining feelings of superiority because they play games with a mouse (oh how elitist) because there is no other things in their life to feel proud of. My condolences.


Doom Preacher
Jul 10, 2009
i like how you can't read. precision of movement speed does not = precision of movement. it is useless in combat since geralt somehow moves at other speeds alltogeter in combat even if overburdened and it's stupid outside of combat for whatever reasons i already presented. also, you do realize, you're a fucking console peasant for making up arguments for console controllers and for not being able to read, right?

Yeah keep telling yourself that you clunky prick:D. I can read alright its just that your statements dont make any sense. Movement based combat is about nuanced changes of pace and direction, a gamepad provides this whereas a keyboard does not. Thats also because Fifa plays better with a gamepad, and racing games play better with a gamepad, and beat em ups play better with a gamepad, because they are based on fucking movement. Not so hard to get, aint it?

So yes maybe i am a "console peasent" for realizing that i have to use the proper input device for the genre im playing, thank you for that clearance. But while were at it i'll just return the favor by informing you that your pc masterrace talk is for fat shitheads who have to resort to gaining feelings of superiority because they play games with a mouse (oh how elitist) because there is no other things in their life to feel proud of. My condolences.
thank you for proving both my points: you are a peasant and you still can't read. the argument clearly wasn't about combat it even stated it wasn't about combat. so if you could read, why would you constantly talk about combat? also your gamepad doesn't do shit for combat since precisely there you suddenly can't control your speed. yeah, i bet you have lists of hundreds of mortal combat fatalities all done by pressing combinations of x and o till the end of time. jesus, where do these people come from? you don't get action games because you have a controller on the console that can handle them, you get action games because your attention span equals what you have proven here by not being able to read 2.2 lines of text. also race games are not better with pad because they are about speed of reaction and your fucking pad is fucking slow when it comes to reaction speeds. FFS


One Bit Studio
Dec 28, 2010
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
also race games are not better with pad because they are about speed of reaction and your fucking pad is fucking slow when it comes to reaction speeds. FFS
This alone proves you are a fucking idiot and have no idea what you are talking about. How can you fucking say that a racing games are better with keyboard, where you only have two state for brakes, gas, and stearing. 100% on or 100% off. With the analogue sticks on the gamepad, you can precisely control those. What kind of racing games have you played where reaction speeds are more important than precision?


Doom Preacher
Jul 10, 2009
also race games are not better with pad because they are about speed of reaction and your fucking pad is fucking slow when it comes to reaction speeds. FFS
This alone proves you are a fucking idiot and have no idea what you are talking about. How can you fucking say that a racing games are better with keyboard, where you only have two state for brakes, gas, and stearing. 100% on or 100% off. With the analogue sticks on the gamepad, you can precisely control those. What kind of racing games have you played where reaction speeds are more important than precision?
the ones where you can press the same key several times...


One Bit Studio
Dec 28, 2010
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
also race games are not better with pad because they are about speed of reaction and your fucking pad is fucking slow when it comes to reaction speeds. FFS
This alone proves you are a fucking idiot and have no idea what you are talking about. How can you fucking say that a racing games are better with keyboard, where you only have two state for brakes, gas, and stearing. 100% on or 100% off. With the analogue sticks on the gamepad, you can precisely control those. What kind of racing games have you played where reaction speeds are more important than precision?
the ones where you can press the same key several times...
Because that is so much better. I wonder why cars use a stearing wheel instead of 2 buttons? One for left, one for right.


Doom Preacher
Jul 10, 2009
also race games are not better with pad because they are about speed of reaction and your fucking pad is fucking slow when it comes to reaction speeds. FFS
This alone proves you are a fucking idiot and have no idea what you are talking about. How can you fucking say that a racing games are better with keyboard, where you only have two state for brakes, gas, and stearing. 100% on or 100% off. With the analogue sticks on the gamepad, you can precisely control those. What kind of racing games have you played where reaction speeds are more important than precision?
the ones where you can press the same key several times...
Because that is so much better. I wonder why cars use a stearing wheel instead of 2 buttons? One for left, one for right.
because they can. still it doesn't do anything for your pad. else they would use pads...

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