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The Solution
Feb 22, 2012
Banjoville, British Columbia
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera


Lol, those will be folded under a trait similar to Wild Wasteland from New Vegas. Bloody Mess will also be merged with that trait.
So if you want to turn your game into a 80s PA B-movie, you can


The Solution
Feb 22, 2012
Banjoville, British Columbia
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera
So, I guess I shouldn't have written a Jackal complaining about receiving a spear in the knee...

Just kidding. I'm keeping meta content to a minimum, even with Wild Wasteland. Might be a few references to classic movies in my sections with WW enabled though.


The Solution
Feb 22, 2012
Banjoville, British Columbia
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera
What areas are each writer working on?


Vaarna: Tibbets
Grotsnik: Denver
Myself: Boulder
DosBuster: Caesar's Legion Camp

People have expressed interest in certain areas, but for now these are the set ones we're working on.

Plenty of areas interconnect however and we, naturally, need to collaborate on many parts.

Jick Magger

Dec 7, 2010
New Zealand
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Bubbles In Memoria
To what extent are you going to take the canon established by the newer Fallout games (and by that of course, I mean New Vegas and New Vegas only) into account? Are you going to just follow the Van Buren stuff as closely as you can and ignore it, or are you going to try and bring it into account in order to fill in whatever gaps there are that the developer documents don't fill in?



Vaarna: Tibbets
Grotsnik: Denver
Myself: Boulder
DosBuster: Caesar's Legion Camp

Kamoho will also start soon, he's been busy with college.

To what extent are you going to take the canon established by the newer Fallout games (and by that of course, I mean New Vegas and New Vegas only) into account? Are you going to just follow the Van Buren stuff as closely as you can and ignore it, or are you going to try and bring it into account in order to fill in whatever gaps there are that the developer documents don't fill in?

We're not ignoring New Vegas. Arcade Gannon and the Hanged Man will be treated differently (to avoid timeline and lore inconsistencies) but we plan on leaving Hoover Dam in its original form.
The good thing about New Vegas is that they didn't really "break" Van Buren but left room in the Fallout history for it to actually take place.

Will I get paid in potato for proofreading?

10 potatoes before you start for motivation, 10 more after you finish. And you'll be in the credits.

Why is Kane having verbal spasms every time he posts about Surf Solar?

I think they know each other from some other forum. I imagined their exchange as a showdown between two gunslingers like in those spaghetti western movies. They both survived the duel and will meet again on some other forum one day.

Will there be an option to control companions in combat?

Maybe. I will look into it. I heard an option to control the vehicle is being worked on so this could be possible.

Surf Solar

cannot into womynz
Jan 8, 2011
Are your writers writing down the dialogues in the actual dialogue editor that the fonline engine provides? If not I would strongly suggest that. I can help with any questions regarding that.
Else, you will have double the amount of work actually putting the dialogues and texts in the game. ;)

hexer said:
I think they know each other from some other forum. I imagined their exchange as a showdown between two gunslingers like in those spaghetti western movies. They both survived the duel and will meet again on some other forum one day.

I have no idea who the guy is, but apparently he knows me. His responses were funny enough but I grew bored of it. :P


Jan 10, 2007
Searching for my kidnapped sister
I am aquiver with the need to fap over this, but manfully resist.

1. For game environment, just how much of woman's presence will be in the game?

Clarification: in F2, you can get pretty large presence of woman: Assholic characters (oh how we love to brutally analize the First Citizen), influential key characters (Elder, Prez Tandi) and generally many generic roles (leaders of the gangs and bands). You can use sex to get a few results and perk/xp. A few specific mention of woman's side in perks and quests.

So just how much do you plan for it, anyway?

2. How rare is chemicals?

They are central to most of my tactics, so I am curious about the limitation. Will there be new ones, ala fruits and +1STR from fruit eating perk in FT?

3. How rare is ammo and how prevalent of melee combat?

If you control ammo supply you will make melee combat viable.


Dec 29, 2011
The Land of Murdock and Goldman Sachs
Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong
hexer said:
I think they know each other from some other forum. I imagined their exchange as a showdown between two gunslingers like in those spaghetti western movies. They both survived the duel and will meet again on some other forum one day.

I have no idea who the guy is, but apparently he knows me. His responses were funny enough but I grew bored of it. :P

Alternatively, the guy could be Drog and HHR's lovechild.

Also any particular roles on the team that need to be filled?


Sep 25, 2012
Strap Yourselves In Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
How consistent will the world be overall? For example, those New Reno mafiawannabes that cause such divided opinions, will you be throwing those in, or will you try to have the locations conform to an overall theme? Is my question even clear?


Also any particular roles on the team that need to be filled?

Yes - writing, mapping, sound effects, etc. If you want to join the bros, send me a PM so we can work out the details.

How consistent will the world be overall? For example, those New Reno mafiawannabes that cause such divided opinions, will you be throwing those in, or will you try to have the locations conform to an overall theme? Is my question even clear?

We don't want an inconsistent and illogical world. We just recently had a brainstorming over how to approach many tribals in the game. Our approach is along the lines of "If I can't explain you then there's something wrong with you. Let me see how I can make you more believable."

Are your writers writing down the dialogues in the actual dialogue editor that the fonline engine provides? If not I would strongly suggest that. I can help with any questions regarding that.
Else, you will have double the amount of work actually putting the dialogues and texts in the game. ;)

Writers are using either FOnline dialog tool or a standalone NWN2 dialog tool which is really, really simple to use (although its files will have to be converted to FOnline format). At the moment, we're mainly concerned with getting the content done so everyone is free to use whatever they prefer.

1. For game environment, just how much of woman's presence will be in the game?

Clarification: in F2, you can get pretty large presence of woman: Assholic characters (oh how we love to brutally analize the First Citizen), influential key characters (Elder, Prez Tandi) and generally many generic roles (leaders of the gangs and bands). You can use sex to get a few results and perk/xp. A few specific mention of woman's side in perks and quests.

So just how much do you plan for it, anyway?

Lots of women can join you as companions. I've seen some locations mention romantic interests or prostitutes but how much of romantic - sexual interaction will be in the game depends on the writers. I don't think there will be any sort of Bioware-like romance but writers can answer this question much better.

2. How rare is chemicals?

They are central to most of my tactics, so I am curious about the limitation. Will there be new ones, ala fruits and +1STR from fruit eating perk in FT?

3. How rare is ammo and how prevalent of melee combat?

If you control ammo supply you will make melee combat viable.

I think The Brazilian Slaughter plans on making drugs more important and ammo rarer (or more expensive). He'll give you a better answer.

Surf Solar

cannot into womynz
Jan 8, 2011
As said, I'd advice to use the standard dialogue tool right from the get go. It will be a pain in the ass otherwise to convert from one editor to the other. You don't have any references/skill/variable checks fitting to FOnline in the NWN editor.


As said, I'd advice to use the standard dialogue tool right from the get go. It will be a pain in the ass otherwise to convert from one editor to the other. You don't have any references/skill/variable checks fitting to FOnline in the NWN editor.

That NWN editor is not connected to any gameplay system. It's really that simple - it's just nodes within a treeview. Check it out http://nwvault.ign.com/fms/Download.php?id=130114
Of course, FOnline tool is the best one when it comes to implementing content but which one is best for producing content is left to writers themselves.


Jan 10, 2007
Searching for my kidnapped sister
Lots of women can join you as companions. I've seen some locations mention romantic interests or prostitutes but how much of romantic - sexual interaction will be in the game depends on the writers. I don't think there will be any sort of Bioware-like romance but writers can answer this question much better.

2. How rare is chemicals?

They are central to most of my tactics, so I am curious about the limitation. Will there be new ones, ala fruits and +1STR from fruit eating perk in FT?

3. How rare is ammo and how prevalent of melee combat?

If you control ammo supply you will make melee combat viable.

I think The Brazilian Slaughter plans on making drugs more important and ammo rarer (or more expensive). He'll give you a better answer.

Companion and romance is just two aspect of my question. Are there interesting NPC females? Do comments, oneliners from NPC contain gender-specific taunts/insults? gender-specific perks?

As for ammo, rare is better than expensive. At late game, we always are richer than croesus, so money si not a prob. But FT's scarcity of certain calibers cant be solved outside of cheat.

And if you want melee viable, ammo scarcity is a must.


Are there interesting NPC females? Do comments, oneliners from NPC contain gender-specific taunts/insults? gender-specific perks?

Yes, the important females are interesting and there are more of them than in previous games.

As for ammo, rare is better than expensive. At late game, we always are richer than croesus, so money si not a prob. But FT's scarcity of certain calibers cant be solved outside of cheat.

And if you want melee viable, ammo scarcity is a must.

If something's rare it will automatically be more valued eg. more expensive to acquire. Players will probably steal and blow shopkeepers into pieces more often than before. It's a harsh world out there.

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