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Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate 3 Early Access Thread [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


Dec 31, 2020

Tavern song?


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
There really aren't a lot of good arguments against magically nuking the underdark.

There is. Drows are extremely magical resistant, have lots of powerful divine protection spells and the underground would absorb most of the damage of anything, even a epic tier spell. This of course, talking about AD&D. Anything not published by TSR is a fanfic for me and yes, this includes Eberron(an example of good fanfic)


Jul 7, 2004
Can we make/hire custom characters during the campaign


Do you have a good source for this? The only thing keeping me from buying this is that the description I read of the mercenaries stops somewhat short of full customization and DOS2 didn't have it (e.g. since you only got one custom of each race/sex, the only way to get four dwarves is to take Beast), making me wonder if Larian is going to take full party creation seriously.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Yes. Everything after TSR was.
Okay, I forgot where I was for a second.
More like you forgot where you should be.



A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
Menzoberranzan delenda est.

Drow remind me a lot of dark elves from Warhammer. Gets up to all sorts of heinous shit and everybody kind of just looks on and makes excuses instead of just cleansing the underdark properly. Bunch of karma houdinis.

Then again, the surface nations are all kind of pathetic. Despite spending years with Faerun-related stuff, I can't rightly tell you the geopolitics of the sword coast, or even list more than three nations.

F-grade worldbuilding.

Can we make/hire custom characters during the campaign


Do you have a good source for this? The only thing keeping me from buying this is that the description I read of the mercenaries stops somewhat short of full customization and DOS2 didn't have it (e.g. since you only got one custom of each race/sex, the only way to get four dwarves is to take Beast), making me wonder if Larian is going to take full party creation seriously.
Wasn't there a way to make custom characters through multiplayer and then import those into a singleplayer save or something? Asking people who actually played EA.


Mar 16, 2015
Im gonna do a quick BG2 playthrough before the release. Only based, good-aligned, non-retarded, non-romanceable, non-degenerate companions. So far I have Keldorn, Mazzy, Anomen. Anyone else that fits the bill? I never played with Cernd, how is he? Can a tree hugger be a decent human being? Also I'm torn on whether I should take Imoen/Nalia, or just make my PC Mage/Thief multi to cover the roles. I can't decide if either of them fits the non-retarded requirement.
All good characters are retarded. You only that awesome dwarf that gets rid off all retarded useless characters while you sleep. And Viconia of course.


Dec 13, 2016
The Homeless Paradise of Washington State
Who is the tranny?
"Abigail" Thorn said he was going to do voice acting for the game. No word on who his character is.
He claimed to be voicing a "sexy demon" (his exact words). A lot of speculation it's Wyll's patron.
At least they got a demonic tranny to voice a demon. Semi-appropriate to be fair...
As I have said elsewhere else: "The words Philosophy Tube and sexy do not go well together and demons are supposed to be a perverted and despicable distortion of human ideals made manifest who despise creation, the acts of creation, despise all that is good and pure and live to corrupt and pervert that which is good, pure and wholesome. So the character fits a tranny."

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Wasn't there a way to make custom characters through multiplayer and then import those into a singleplayer save or something? Asking people who actually played EA.
Yes, but it was a bit complicated and I'm not sure if it still works or not. Probably does?


Jun 5, 2023
Wasn't there a way to make custom characters through multiplayer and then import those into a singleplayer save or something? Asking people who actually played EA.
Yes, but it was a bit complicated and I'm not sure if it still works or not. Probably does?
Yeah. You needs to open BG3 two or three times and make characters. Then you transfer the characters over to one screen. I think you had to do some funny stuff with the exe though. Then I think you just save the game.


Jun 5, 2023
Hope you chuds aren't playing this hateful garbage:


WTF are these goyim smoking? Did they convenient ignore the frogdemon, demon, and Hamite companions (all of which are bisexual). There was even an yellow slant-eye companion too right? I even bet Shadowheart and Minthara (or whatever her name is) have penises too. But it seems the first goy is mad because he can't force a character to take HRT like he would his children and the second goy is mad because you can make a female character wear skimpy clothes. Didn't feminists start all this nonsense about it being okay to dress like a whore? So wouldn't that be clothes shaming on their part according to their logic? Also why is the second goy "fat-shaming" when he should be against telling a tub of lard exactly what it is?

I don't know why the first goy doesn't like SS uniforms. My wife owns one and it makes me rock hard.

"Companies like this really shouldn't exist"

I have to agree with this. Larian shouldn't exist. I got tired of the Barrelmancy gimmick in Ego Draconis. I guess a broken clock is right twice a day.


Jul 30, 2013
Strap Yourselves In Pathfinder: Wrath
I am torn. On one hand, I want to avoid youtube, 4chan, and the Codex, so that I do not see spoilers. On the other hand, there will be drama, bugs, shit talking, build discussion, etc., and so the temptation will be strong.


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
Hope you chuds aren't playing this hateful garbage:



LOL. What cesspool of Baizuo's.

"glorifying the past". That is literally how Adorno defines fascism ie - nothing to do with the definition of fascism used by Mussolini. In fact, under Adorno definition, over 99,9% of Royal Airforce Pilots which fought nazis and fascists would be considered fascists and nazis. No one from the right just glorifies the past. The past should be studied and what worked should be preserved and improved and what din't worked, discarded and lefitism din't worked. Old school lefitism produced Tyranny and misery and modern lefitism transformed the city with the highest wages in the world(Detroit) into a hellhole of crime and proverty.

do not see spoiler

You don't need to be a genius to predict BG3 story. In fact, the story already leaked.

The tadpole will transform the charname into the greatest barrelmancer of all time and he use its powers to kill the generic evil guy.


Jan 9, 2007
I am torn. On one hand, I want to avoid youtube, 4chan, and the Codex, so that I do not see spoilers. On the other hand, there will be drama, bugs, shit talking, build discussion, etc., and so the temptation will be strong.
Are you really worried about story in a larian game? Be serious. All their twink writers combined wouldn't be able to put up fan-fiction comparable to the average early deviantart user.


Mar 14, 2012
Two more questions.
1 - Does lightning bolt rebound in walls? I ask this cuz I was playing ADOM and lost a lv 23 human wizard cuz I wanted to press "3" in my numpad to hit a enemy and accidentally pressed 2, making it rebound and kill myself and no, you can't just reload in a roguelike.
2 - I only have 200 Gb free in my main harddrive. Is this enough for the full game?
Not sure about 1, but the steam page says you need 150 Gb.
Just think back to how games used to only require 1-2 gb at most and they were still way better than this game.
Mildly annoying but you can get 2 TB nvme drives for less than 90 bucks nowadays, and 1 TB for less than 40. SATA SSDs are going for cheap too, if pcie lanes are of concern. Not something I think about often tbh.


Jun 5, 2023
I am torn. On one hand, I want to avoid youtube, 4chan, and the Codex, so that I do not see spoilers. On the other hand, there will be drama, bugs, shit talking, build discussion, etc., and so the temptation will be strong.
Are you really worried about story in a larian game? Be serious. All their twink writers combined wouldn't be able to put up fan-fiction comparable to the average early deviantart user.
Given how it's 3/4 of the game time and dialogue is all cutscenes like a Bioware game, I'm quite worried. It's going to be terrible.


Jun 5, 2023
Two more questions.
1 - Does lightning bolt rebound in walls? I ask this cuz I was playing ADOM and lost a lv 23 human wizard cuz I wanted to press "3" in my numpad to hit a enemy and accidentally pressed 2, making it rebound and kill myself and no, you can't just reload in a roguelike.
2 - I only have 200 Gb free in my main harddrive. Is this enough for the full game?
Not sure about 1, but the steam page says you need 150 Gb.
Just think back to how games used to only require 1-2 gb at most and they were still way better than this game.
Mildly annoying but you can get 2 TB nvme drives for less than 90 bucks nowadays, and 1 TB for less than 40. SATA SSDs are going for cheap too, if pcie lanes are of concern. Not something I think about often tbh.
Why would I do that? My 200gb harddrive from 2010 still works fine!


Jul 31, 2023
Codex+ Now Streaming!
You don't need to be a genius to predict BG3 story. In fact, the story already leaked.

Swen legitimately leaked probably the most important plot point during his Dropped Frames podcast appearance.
Right out of the blue, no warning. That fuckin guy...

If anyone hasn't had it spoiled, don't go looking. Probably time to avoid the internet, too.


Jun 17, 2012
Menzoberranzan delenda est.

Drow remind me a lot of dark elves from Warhammer. Gets up to all sorts of heinous shit and everybody kind of just looks on and makes excuses instead of just cleansing the underdark properly. Bunch of karma houdinis.

Then again, the surface nations are all kind of pathetic. Despite spending years with Faerun-related stuff, I can't rightly tell you the geopolitics of the sword coast, or even list more than three nations.

F-grade worldbuilding.

Can we make/hire custom characters during the campaign


Do you have a good source for this? The only thing keeping me from buying this is that the description I read of the mercenaries stops somewhat short of full customization and DOS2 didn't have it (e.g. since you only got one custom of each race/sex, the only way to get four dwarves is to take Beast), making me wonder if Larian is going to take full party creation seriously.
Wasn't there a way to make custom characters through multiplayer and then import those into a singleplayer save or something? Asking people who actually played EA.

The comparison you have there actually kinda on accident works really well. Why do people not fuck with the drow? Well, because they're living in the hellpit that will kill you long before you reach their cities. Not to mention humans don't do too well in caves anyway.

Same thing for the dark eldar in Warhammer. It's not them that's so bad so much as the fact they're hanging out in Fuck-You-astan, where just reaching them is probably gonna get you killed long before you have to deal with them.


Jul 31, 2023
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Why would I do that? My 200gb harddrive from 2010 still works fine!

You'll have room for the game. Room for the massive save files on the other hand? Debatable.
Load times are going to be rough, but I guess that just discourages being a save scummer.


May 1, 2023
Ahhhh SHIT... thanks to a certain French chucklefuck in this thread I had the ogre sex barn plotline spoiled for me and now the whole game is ruined :mad:


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
The comparison you have there actually kinda on accident works really well. Why do people not fuck with the drow? Well, because they're living in the hellpit that will kill you long before you reach their cities. Not to mention humans don't do too well in caves anyway.

Same thing for the dark eldar in Warhammer. It's not them that's so bad so much as the fact they're hanging out in Fuck-You-astan, where just reaching them is probably gonna get you killed long before you have to deal with them.

Yeah there's no real motivation to actually invade the underdark. Whatever treasures you're bound to find isn't worth the expenditures of something as ambitious as trying to conquer Menzoberranzan, and there's no real strategic benefit of having a depopulated/enslaved city full of useless elves.

I just would like it if someone gated in a Tarrasque or similar shenanigans just to fuck with them.


Sep 25, 2012
Strap Yourselves In Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
The comparison you have there actually kinda on accident works really well. Why do people not fuck with the drow? Well, because they're living in the hellpit that will kill you long before you reach their cities. Not to mention humans don't do too well in caves anyway.

Same thing for the dark eldar in Warhammer. It's not them that's so bad so much as the fact they're hanging out in Fuck-You-astan, where just reaching them is probably gonna get you killed long before you have to deal with them.

Yeah there's no real motivation to actually invade the underdark. Whatever treasures you're bound to find isn't worth the expenditures of something as ambitious as trying to conquer Menzoberranzan, and there's no real strategic benefit of having a depopulated/enslaved city full of useless elves.

I just would like it if someone gated in a Tarrasque or similar shenanigans just to fuck with them.
I wonder how a setting can have a continent's worth of caverns and not risk land collapsing on a daily basis through multiple means.


Jun 5, 2023
Why would I do that? My 200gb harddrive from 2010 still works fine!

You'll have room for the game. Room for the massive save files on the other hand? Debatable.
Load times are going to be rough, but I guess that just discourages being a save scummer.
But then I'll have to uninstall Kenshi and Dragon's Dogma and I don't want to do that!

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