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Game News Baldur's Gate 3 Released


Nov 3, 2007
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
What an atrocity!
We went from this in 2000:


to this abominable 3d shit with rotatable camera 23 years later.

No 2d, no paper dolls, no prerendered gfx, no fixed camera :(

Hideous 3d gfx and hideous UI :( :( :(
And fucking rotatable camera
And codexers fap to this 3d rotatable abomination...
Could you quote the posts praising the UI or the camera?


Don't believe his lies
Sep 1, 2017
is there any game made by a big studio that has “soul”? Soul is the vision of a single person and that gets lost when you have people doing graphic design, voice acting, animation, etc. on top of it.

In the case of film the director can arrange the set and cast the actors that he wants to realize his vision. I imagine its harder if graphic designers have to first conjure up shit, too much is lost in translation I think.

Much easier if dealing with simple graphics that do not require dozens of hours for a redo or if you’re in a small tight team.
Too many cooks spoil the broth


May 5, 2012
is there any game made by a big studio that has “soul”? Soul is the vision of a single person and that gets lost when you have people doing graphic design, voice acting, animation, etc. on top of it.

In the case of film the director can arrange the set and cast the actors that he wants to realize his vision. I imagine its harder if graphic designers have to first conjure up shit, too much is lost in translation I think.

Much easier if dealing with simple graphics that do not require dozens of hours for a redo or if you’re in a small tight team.
Not that the Ubisoft Farcrys were ever truly gems but they got better with each installment until 6 which was a massive drop in quality resulting from the series director leaving Ubisoft after the fifth game which is a fairly damning piece of evidence how a singular vision can still shape massive developments. Plus lots of the best games from the 90s to early 2000s had some large credits (none of my numbers are just developers that would be far too much work).
  • SMAC - 145
  • Arcanum - 118
  • Gothic 2 - 178
  • Deus Ex - 144
  • Civ IV - 289
  • VTMB - 275
More modern turned out good games despite massive staff (again, number of professional roles not just developers I am lazy okay):
  • Nier Automata - 496
  • Bully - 462
  • Dragon's Dogma - 616
  • Kingdom Come Deliverance - 745
  • Yakuza 0 - 916
  • Raymond Legends had 596 people credited for a platformer.
I think rather than too many cooks it's too many money people having input in game design matters. Plus the boom and bust cycle of modern development gutting teams upon release probably has a homogenizing effect on the industry as whole as developers get spread around. I just had a look at AC Valhalla's credits to see what modern abominations look like and it's near 6k kek.

King Crispy

Too bad I have no queen.
Staff Member
Feb 16, 2008
Future Wasteland
Strap Yourselves In
Just got done with the fight with the hag.

Great fight. Multiple ways to win, the mechanics of it really keep you on your toes and force you to think about an actual strategy to keep things... contained.

Fortunately, I won, but it was hard-fought, requiring some lucky breaks. Unfortunately, whom I was supposed to rescue... died. But after using Speak With Dead afterwards, it actually seems fitting.


May 8, 2007

You wanna tell it about Arcanum or Morrowalk?


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Plus lots of the best games from the 90s to early 2000s had some large credits (none of my numbers are just developers that would be far too much work).
  • SMAC - 145
  • Arcanum - 118
  • Gothic 2 - 178
  • Deus Ex - 144
  • Civ IV - 289
  • VTMB - 275
Yeah, don't trust mobygames numbers because they include everything from everyone who works at the publisher to QA. Straight from Arcanum's manual:
Arcanum was made by Troika Games, LLC, which is comprised of

Jason Anderson
Leonard Boyarsky
David Bragg
Timothy Cain
Mark Harrison
Chris Jones
Michael McCarthy
Chad Moore
Steve Moret
Yong Park
Jesse Reynolds
Sharon Shellman

With additional work contracted from

Dominick Cecere (additional monster animations)
Michael Dean (additional character modeling and texturing)
Kurt Dekker (sound programming)
Edward R. G. Mortimer (generated dialog)

With in-house testing and design suggestions from

Sissie Chang
Tiffany Chu
Scott Jacobson
Cynthia Komm

Core team of 12, 4 contractors, 4 testers. Then add everyone who works at Sierra, everyone involved with recording dialogue and music and QA and you get over 100.

Similar deal with Deus Ex
Number of Full-Time Developers: Approx. 20: 1 of me, 3 programmers, 6 designers, 7 artists, 1 writer, 1 associate producer, 1 tech

Number of Contractors: Approx. 6: 2 writers, 4 testers


May 1, 2023


the determinator
Jan 15, 2015
after few combat encounters, I prefer solasta ui.
In here it takes too long to find action that I need


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
after few combat encounters, I prefer solasta ui.
In here it takes too long to find action that I need

> unlock hotbar
> remove all things from the bar
> click the + sign on the right to expand it by one row
> hit L
> drag everything you need to where you want it on the bar

it's unintuitive and too much work to set up, but once done, it's quite functional. Not at the level of Solasta's UI, but close enough.


Mar 30, 2016
The games very average so far. Sifting through junk simulator. Its a good divine divinity games sequel but a bad baldurs gate. Combat system is a total snooze fest reminiscent of tabletop games 5es fault constantly remind me why pc games are superior. Honestly the only reason why this game is so popular and no I'm not saying this to be edgy asshole is the graphic fidelity. The fact every character is homosexual like its the SIMS and the erotica dialogue and its DnD does a amazing job to attract that normie critical role crowd women and lgtb+ poly gamers that are casual gamers that share this hobby outside of hardcore pc gamers. Sven did a really good job in selling a product but the actual game is whatever.
Apr 12, 2018
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In
So far no signs of homosexuality, but chargen was... lol?
Character creation: choice of non-binary when choosing gender. Choosing gender via the character creation menu doesn't immediately reflect on your character model, forcing player to select a separate "Body Type" button to switch from male to female character models. Don'tcha know? A birth designation of male or female is just the doctor's best guess; it's up to you whether or not you're a male, female, or somewhere inbetween. Gender! It's a spectrum!

It's homo, alright; homo in the way 90s kids grew up using the word. I've heard that somewhere around 20% of kids are now LGBT, and BG3 is a perfect example of how this delirium is destroying humanity. Constant bombardment of deviant messaging via all channels of media, school, and politics. Larian is all-in on the agenda. Fuck them.

Pirating Larian's games is a good thing. I'd even venture to say you're doing humanity a very minor favor if you pirate this game. Bitches ain't getting my shekels. Ahoy.


Nov 21, 2018
So far no signs of homosexuality, but chargen was... lol?
Character creation: choice of non-binary when choosing gender. Choosing gender via the character creation menu doesn't immediately reflect on your character model, forcing player to select a separate "Body Type" button to switch from male to female character models. Don'tcha know? A birth designation of male or female is just the doctor's best guess; it's up to you whether or not you're a male, female, or somewhere inbetween. Gender! It's a spectrum!

It's homo, alright; homo in the way 90s kids grew up using the word. I've heard that somewhere around 20% of kids are now LGBT, and BG3 is a perfect example of how this delirium is destroying humanity. Constant bombardment of deviant messaging via all channels of media, school, and politics. Larian is all-in on the agenda. Fuck them.

Pirating Larian's games is a good thing. I'd even venture to say you're doing humanity a very minor favor if you pirate this game. Bitches ain't getting my shekels. Ahoy.
Fight the good fight, fuck the trannies and gays, don't let them force it down your throat!


Jun 5, 2023
So far no signs of homosexuality, but chargen was... lol?
Character creation: choice of non-binary when choosing gender. Choosing gender via the character creation menu doesn't immediately reflect on your character model, forcing player to select a separate "Body Type" button to switch from male to female character models. Don'tcha know? A birth designation of male or female is just the doctor's best guess; it's up to you whether or not you're a male, female, or somewhere inbetween. Gender! It's a spectrum!

It's homo, alright; homo in the way 90s kids grew up using the word. I've heard that somewhere around 20% of kids are now LGBT, and BG3 is a perfect example of how this delirium is destroying humanity. Constant bombardment of deviant messaging via all channels of media, school, and politics. Larian is all-in on the agenda. Fuck them.

Pirating Larian's games is a good thing. I'd even venture to say you're doing humanity a very minor favor if you pirate this game. Bitches ain't getting my shekels. Ahoy.
Fight the good fight, fuck the trannies and gays, don't let them force it down your throat!
Not even playing the game may have been the better choice.

King Crispy

Too bad I have no queen.
Staff Member
Feb 16, 2008
Future Wasteland
Strap Yourselves In
Combat system is a total snooze fest reminiscent of tabletop games 5es fault constantly remind me why pc games are superior.
I want to explain why I disagree with your assessment of the combat system in BG3 (I think it's fantastic) but I'm really having a problem understanding this sentence. Is it an accidental run-on? Are you also commenting on 5e? If PC games are superior doesn't that contradict what you're saying about BG3 in the first place?

Anyway, if one can set aside their dislike for 5e for just a moment, they should recognize the excellent design of BG3's combat system. It could (and probably should) easily be converted to a 3.5 or even 2.5 adaptation at some point, as its strengths seem independant of the core rules it's simulating.

Specifically, it:

- Handles turn-based combat very neatly and efficiently
- Has a rather satisfying "tactile" feel to it; it doesn't feel particularly "floaty" to me
- Handles spellcasting, both direct target and area-affect very well
- Features great knock-down effects, stunning, etc.
- Is reasonably three-dimensional, although doesn't handle flying as well as Solasta does



Mar 30, 2016
thats the thing it feels too neat like a casual tabletop game session play with friends where you give yourselves house rules as you go along to help whatever build you have going along. It feels too safe not the kind of excitement I look forward in a sequel to infinity engine games.
Aug 10, 2023
There are things you cannot archieve in RTwP expecially a dynamic action economy system based in action and reaction that 5th edition or Pathfinder2E has. Older version were easy to adapt because static as basis you had not much variables to start with.
Last edited:


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
Anyway, if one can set aside their dislike for 5e for just a moment, they should recognize the excellent design of BG3's combat system. It could (and probably should) easily be converted to a 3.5 or even 2.5 adaptation at some point, as its strengths seem independant of the core rules it's simulating.

I dunno how easy such a conversion is. The changes in rules are vast. Unless there is some serious mod support, doing a full edition conversion may take a lot of time.
Aug 10, 2023
Anyway, if one can set aside their dislike for 5e for just a moment, they should recognize the excellent design of BG3's combat system. It could (and probably should) easily be converted to a 3.5 or even 2.5 adaptation at some point, as its strengths seem independant of the core rules it's simulating.

I dunno how easy such a conversion is. The changes in rules are vast. Unless there is some serious mod support, doing a full edition conversion may take a lot of time.
Install BAD DM. It converts a lot of stuff more toward the core rule. It has already the dodge action they are working in implementing the Ready one.


Nov 14, 2014
A huge turn-based DND RPG full of meaningful choices is released.

The Codex snobs it.

I know it’s part of the feel of the place, and you also have all these cuck nazi cunts here, but, Jesus Christ.

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