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  • OP is a gigantic fag

    Votes: 163 48.5%
  • Nah

    Votes: 14 4.2%
  • Of course, Torment as a series has always been shit, its expected.

    Votes: 35 10.4%
  • Nah, the pissbaby butthurt gigameltdown would cause legions of self ejections

    Votes: 31 9.2%
  • Who cares?

    Votes: 93 27.7%

  • Total voters
Apr 27, 2015
Isometric realm
Tides of Numanuma will be total shit. The Codex will praise Obsidian and shit on InXile.


Sep 10, 2014
Parrots : 3


Dec 7, 2016
more like Codex will split between the moderates (fags) who think every kickstarted games is Good For What It Is, and the extremists who are gonna party like it's 2009.

Count me as one of those fags I guess. The harder idiots fall for kickstarters, the better a lesson they will learn.


Aug 23, 2005
I am, without a doubt, the most vocal proponent of how (and why) turn-based combat automatically = real/better RPG, to the point where I have caused butthurt on people with my "lol it's not turn-based so it's shit" and caused them to knee-jerk react and insult turn-based combat.

Having said all of that shit: the TB combat i've seen featured in the combat videos? looks unbelievably boring.

I highly, highly doubt the TB combat will be anywhere near a saving grace for this game. All hope rests in the writing, quest design and area design, itemization and in the characterizatoin of its NPCs.

My nostra-shut-the-fuck-up-aweigh prediction is:

- the game will be average in every category I have just mentioned; but the sum-of-its-parts will be slightly above-average.

Bonus prediction: it will feature worse writing than the Shadowrun games, specifically Dragonfall which is still the best, and best written, "story-fag" RPG to come out of the kickstarter games.


Jan 6, 2015
:lol: This game will be garbage and Cuckdex having licked Fargo's ass clean is looking worse and worse as time passes. Love it.


Mar 22, 2015
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
If you thought Age of Decadence was a CYOA wait till you see this shit. King Daddy of Visual Novels is coming.

I am, without a doubt, the most vocal proponent of how (and why) turn-based combat automatically = real/better RPG, to the point where I have caused butthurt on people with my "lol it's not turn-based so it's shit" and caused them to knee-jerk react and insult turn-based combat.

Having said all of that shit: the TB combat i've seen featured in the combat videos? looks unbelievably boring.

I highly, highly doubt the TB combat will be anywhere near a saving grace for this game. All hope rests in the writing, quest design and area design, itemization and in the characterizatoin of its NPCs.

Words cannot describe how shitty the combat is, I'd rather stab my eye than actually encounter it. UI is equally bad, but this game isn't the sum of its parts, it's the sum of its dialogue plus the shitty bits you have to deal with to get to the sweet sweet dialogue.


Aug 23, 2005
my problem i never got invested into the world or characters, and since the player lacks the ability to create or recruit team members, that's 1 less mechanic for the player to spend time on as you only have your PC to advance and grow.

last story-based turn based rpg that really, really grabbed me was SR: Dragonfall.


Feb 16, 2013
Words cannot describe how shitty the combat is, I'd rather stab my eye than actually encounter it. UI is equally bad, but this game isn't the sum of its parts, it's the sum of its dialogue plus the shitty bits you have to deal with to get to the sweet sweet dialogue.

so its good torment tradition?


Mar 22, 2015
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
People like to brush over the fact that Torment did in fact have a good core gameplay base that was Infinity Engine light and large sections of mandatory unavoidable combat. It's not a minor part of its success that the gameplay and the non dialogue elements were actually pretty good overall, it wasn't the edgy cult classic that it has become it was a solid IE game with good combat once upon a time. UI is dated but is still a product of its time. It makes me worried for this game's success in the wider market but I'm sure the ejournalism shills will lap it up just like they did PoE, I just don't see it appealing outside teh super hardcore fans if the combat is the current piece of shite.

If the game holds up as expected it would certainly be incline, but any sequel, IF torment sold well enough, would have to ditch Numenera and rework the entire gameplay because they did a shocking job this time around based on the vertical slice.


Nov 1, 2016
People like to brush over the fact that Torment did in fact have a good core gameplay base that was Infinity Engine light and large sections of mandatory unavoidable combat. It's not a minor part of its success that the gameplay and the non dialogue elements were actually pretty good overall, it wasn't the edgy cult classic that it has become it was a solid IE game with good combat once upon a time. UI is dated but is still a product of its time. It makes me worried for this game's success in the wider market but I'm sure the ejournalism shills will lap it up just like they did PoE, I just don't see it appealing outside teh super hardcore fans if the combat is the current piece of shite.

If the game holds up as expected it would certainly be incline, but any sequel, IF torment sold well enough, would have to ditch Numenera and rework the entire gameplay because they did a shocking job this time around based on the vertical slice.

The combat in the original Torment is trash but that doesn't matter. As long as the game has decent writing and the world is reactive to my decisions and character build. There are a lot of folks around here that whine about combat, as long as it's functional, I don't really give a fuck. Combat is not why I play these games.

Chris Avelltwo

Mar 3, 2017
Well, seems the Codex endured.

For now... but some poisons kill their victims slowly. Who can truly gauge the long term implications? Even the wisest cannot see all ends. Already it seems to have ended the careers of Brian Fargo and Colin McComb, and even the greatness of the legendary Chris Avellone himself has been called into question by his association and involvement in this game. InXile as a whole may very well go bankrupt, and this may trigger a domino effect that brings down FIG, Obsidian, and the entire CRPG industry. The CRPG market's grasp on life was already very tenuous to begin with, so a major failure like T:ToN can have devastating consequences.

Sure it is a shitty game and that is why it failed, but not everyone is going to see it that way. Many will look at this and conclude there's no economic viability for CRPGs in today's market. By bringing the game to consoles, Fargo probably had hoped that console weebs would be won over and flock to his banner... but this did not happen. Maybe if he had put some "Waifus" in there everything would have been fine, but the SJW agenda of the developers prevented this, because "waifus" "objectify women", or some stupid garbage like that. It still would have been a shit game even with Waifus, but at least it would have had some hope of making inroads with the console JRPG weebs. Instead, they ignore it completely, because InXile completely missed the point of what Console RPGs are all about. I don't know how much money it cost to do the console ports, but that money could have been better utilized for things like portraits or a decent combat system. Bottom line, you can either have a good game, or you can have a SJW game. InXile decided to make an SJW game, and that's why T:ToN is a 100k game with mediocre - and declining - ratings.

I can only hope that if other developers learn anything from T:ToN it is the lesson to not shove SJWism into their games, and NOT the lesson that CRPGs in general are bad, because if done without that shitty agenda CRPGs can be great. 18 years ago when PST came out people made games to be fun and have bewbies or whatever... no one gave a shit. But now everyone is so damn worried about triggering someone that they pussyfoot around. I strongly suspect that is a big part of the reason why T:ToN took so long to develop and went through so many writes and rewrites, because of stupid butthurt individuals kept getting triggered by one thing or another so content kept being cut or reworked until their fragile eggshell minds could handle it. A lot of people say this whole thing was just a Ponzi scheme and Fargo is a crook that just pocketed the money.... maybe that's true. I don't know. But I personally think a lot of money was simply wasted by all the writing and rewriting over and over and over again, and they also had portraits that were great compared to the ones they shipped the game with, but they scrapped those too. So much of this game was done and redone that my guess is that's where all the money went. Because Monte Cook is a butthurt snowflake that probably threw a tantrum over countless little things until he got his way. I'm not saying Brian Fargo is the greatest person in the world, but he probably isn't the one most to blame for this mess. Monte Cook is the one who owns the franchise, and it had to be done to his specifications. Fargo is just an entrepreneurial CEO that thought there was potential in this game, but he severely underestimated the enormously massive butthurt of Monte Cook. I don't know much about Monte Cook, but I know his wife left him... apparently she couldn't handle his butthurt tantrums either.

I wouldn't be surprised if George Ziets put the Bloom anus thing in the game as an allegory for having to deal with Monte and all his bullshit.


Eater of Apples
Feb 1, 2009
Mêlée Island
Codex 2014 Make the Codex Great Again! Insert Title Here Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2
Of course the Codex will survive. I am 100% ready for TON to be a pile of steaming bovine manure. My body is ready. Bring it.

1.I called it. :D
2.It was actually slightly less shit than I expected, thanks to PoE and Tranny having set the shit bar so high a giraffe could walk under it.

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