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Duke Nukem Forever - Gold


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
It's basically a modern console FPS.
Mar 18, 2009
It's definitely closer to Call of Duty than it is to Duke Nukem, judging from the demo. Will play through once and return to DN3D.
Jan 1, 2011
Is everything in this game designed to waste your time? All those scripted events are just wastes of time. The riding cart cutscene is just a waste of time. Most of the enemies are just wastes of time, since they're too weak to kill you outright, and you'll just regen off any damage they do to you before the next fight. The gunship having too much HP is just a waste of time. That ridiculous cart pushing puzzle is a waste of time, especially since they make you do it twice for no reason.

There's barely any game here, it's all just filler. Why the hell would anyone buy a game that's all filler?


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
Spark Mandriller said:
Is everything in this game designed to waste your time? All those scripted events are just wastes of time. The riding cart cutscene is just a waste of time. Most of the enemies are just wastes of time, since they're too weak to kill you outright, and you'll just regen off any damage they do to you before the next fight. The gunship having too much HP is just a waste of time. That ridiculous cart pushing puzzle is a waste of time, especially since they make you do it twice for no reason.

There's barely any game here, it's all just filler. Why the hell would anyone buy a game that's all filler?

Should ask the console gamers that because they're what dictates the market for such games.


Mar 7, 2010
Spark Mandriller said:
Is everything in this game designed to waste your time? All those scripted events are just wastes of time. The riding cart cutscene is just a waste of time. Most of the enemies are just wastes of time, since they're too weak to kill you outright, and you'll just regen off any damage they do to you before the next fight. The gunship having too much HP is just a waste of time. That ridiculous cart pushing puzzle is a waste of time, especially since they make you do it twice for no reason.

There's barely any game here, it's all just filler. Why the hell would anyone buy a game that's all filler?

welcome to modern gaming


Aug 11, 2010
Morgoth said:
Told you it will be shit.

The sad thing is, the only good FPS to look forward to will be Black Mesa Source, a friggin mod.

only because its the same thing (with good gfx)

Go play the old thing , gfx whore.


Ph.D. in World Saving
Nov 30, 2003
Clogging the Multiverse with a Crowbar
Exmit said:
only because its the same thing (with good gfx)

Go play the old thing , gfx whore.


Jan 4, 2010
Metro said:
Spark Mandriller said:
Is everything in this game designed to waste your time? All those scripted events are just wastes of time. The riding cart cutscene is just a waste of time. Most of the enemies are just wastes of time, since they're too weak to kill you outright, and you'll just regen off any damage they do to you before the next fight. The gunship having too much HP is just a waste of time. That ridiculous cart pushing puzzle is a waste of time, especially since they make you do it twice for no reason.

There's barely any game here, it's all just filler. Why the hell would anyone buy a game that's all filler?

Should ask the console gamers that because they're what dictates the market for such games.
Console gamers? Half-Life is to blame for the rollercoaster FPS design of today.


Jul 19, 2008
City of Misplaced Optimism
Terrrible demo. Boring. Uninspired application of by the book modern FPS tricks and mechanics passed off as a revival of a classic.

Maybe Serious Sam 3 will actually let me just shoot lots of crazy enemies with lots of crazy guns in a f ast and fun manner.

Ladders & Snakes

Jan 7, 2011
Hell Is Home
Well, who is to blame? Gearbox or 3D Realms? We won't know.

They forgot what made Duke Nukem 3D so great. It wasn't just the rude jokes, it was the groundbreaking gameplay. But they even got the humor totally wrong. Duke Nukem 3D was a parody, a satire of the classic action heroes and not some childish "let's throw shit around"...


Jul 19, 2008
City of Misplaced Optimism
Ladders & Snakes said:
Well, who is to blame? Gearbox or 3D Realms? We won't know.

They forgot what made Duke Nukem 3D so great. It wasn't just the rude jokes, it was the groundbreaking gameplay. But they even got the humor totally wrong. Duke Nukem 3D was a parody, a satire of the classic action heroes and not some childish "let's throw shit around"...

3D Realms. The game was mostly complete when Gearbox got it. They spent most of their time porting the PC build to consoles IIRC.
In My Safe Space
Dec 11, 2009
Codex 2012
Ladders & Snakes said:
Well, who is to blame? Gearbox or 3D Realms? We won't know.

They forgot what made Duke Nukem 3D so great. It wasn't just the rude jokes, it was the groundbreaking gameplay. But they even got the humor totally wrong. Duke Nukem 3D was a parody, a satire of the classic action heroes and not some childish "let's throw shit around"...
What exactly was so ground-breaking about DN3D?


inXile Entertainment
May 3, 2011
phanboy_iv said:
3D Realms. The game was mostly complete when Gearbox got it. They spent most of their time porting the PC build to consoles IIRC.
According to statements made by Gearbox, he game wasn't close to being complete - lots of individual level design ideas, art assets and game code, story and so on, but nothing that could be described as complete. Gearbox didn't just port the game, they had to piece together all the disconnected parts, fill in the (many, many) blanks in between the bits they did have, create new artwork, code and probably environments to bridge many of the gaps, and of course handle that layer of final polish, QA etc. It's not the same expense as producing a game from scratch because they didn't need to spend too much time in the design phase, but Gearbox have been running on all cylinders for at least a year now to get this game finished. For all intents and purposes, it's their game along with the ex-3D Realms dudes, and I think they deserve blame for not fixing obvious problems - that they didn't remove many of those problems means by default that they must have signed off on them and given their endorsement.
In My Safe Space
Dec 11, 2009
Codex 2012
Ladders & Snakes said:
Awor Szurkrarz said:
What exactly was so ground-breaking about DN3D?

You don't seem to be that old? 20?
I'm 27. Anyway, I didn't played FPS games much back then because I got motion sickness when playing 2D FPS. The first FPS games that I've seriously played were Quake demo, Quake II and Soldier of Fortune.


Jul 19, 2008
City of Misplaced Optimism
Amusing comments from George Broussard:


By GeorgeB3DR

Except dnf uses the dpad for items like holoduke, duke vision, etc. There are only so many buttons. Add to that, that consoles represent 70% of game sales today, and that the two weapon scheme has worked and been STD since halo in 2001 and it's really not an issue.

The levels have weapons spread all over them. It's actually good gameplay to decide what to carry at any given time. Choices and consequence are good things in a game. I don't personally think it's good to carry 10 guns anymore, but that opinion is made irrelevant by the existence of consoles. It's not really worth the dev effort to support two different weapon switch schemes for pc vs controller, to say nothing of level and gameplay balance if one version of the game let's you carry 10 guns, and another, 2. The levels were all balanced with ample weapon drops and caches.

In the grand scheme of playing the full game it's really not a big deal.

Yes, the original game let you carry all weapons, but you do adapt to modern standards in some areas.



Jun 10, 2007
Ladders & Snakes said:
Duke Nukem 3D was a parody, a satire of the classic action heroes and not some childish "let's throw shit around"...

The playing with the turd stuff was pretty gross and retarded in the demo.
Feb 19, 2011
Console controllers only have a few available buttons, so you can't carry more weapons than buttons.

Choice & consequence is deciding which 2 guns to carry.

It's better this way, anyway. The 2 weapon limit is more realistic, which we all know is an integral part of DUKE NUKEM's gameplay and premise.


Ph.D. in World Saving
Nov 30, 2003
Clogging the Multiverse with a Crowbar
Reptilian Shapeshifter said:
Console controllers only have a few available buttons, so you can't carry more weapons than buttons.

Choice & consequence is deciding which 2 guns to carry.

It's better this way, anyway. The 2 weapon limit is more realistic, which we all know is an integral part of DUKE NUKEM's gameplay and premise.
In HL2 you could carry all weapons, including on the console version, and that game didn't even use all gamepad buttons.

Forest Dweller

Smoking Dicks
Oct 29, 2008
Awor Szurkrarz said:
Ladders & Snakes said:
Well, who is to blame? Gearbox or 3D Realms? We won't know.

They forgot what made Duke Nukem 3D so great. It wasn't just the rude jokes, it was the groundbreaking gameplay. But they even got the humor totally wrong. Duke Nukem 3D was a parody, a satire of the classic action heroes and not some childish "let's throw shit around"...
What exactly was so ground-breaking about DN3D?
I've been playing these old fps's in order, and I just finished DN3D. Compared to the id tech 1 games (which were basically the only other thing at the time) environmental interaction is a lot more advanced. You can blow holes in walls, climb through ducts, etc., and there's usually multiple ways to get to a certain area. Also the levels are a lot more three-dimensional, you get a jetpack and scuba gear for going underwater. Even for a non-3D engine they did a lot with that.

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