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Game News Dungeons of the Amber Griffin public playtest is live


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Jan 28, 2011
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Tags: Dungeons of the Amber Griffin; Frozengem Studio


Hi Everyone! After a long and hard crossover with Unreal Engine 5, we are finally firing up Playtests!

We have prepared game modes for you: Tutorial, Music Mode (with music by Percival Schuttenbach), Puzzle, Speedrun and Benchmark. We hope there is something for everyone.
As this is a Playtest version, we are very much interested in your feedback. We hope you will catch bugs (let's hope there are as few as possible) and that the performance of your computers can withstand Software/Hardware raytracing.
We are also keen on your feedback on gameplay balance, difficulty of puzzles and controls.

In the game under Events, you will find information about the rewards you receive for completing tasks.
We will try to fix bugs on an ongoing basis so as to release a demo with a new map in music mode in November.
The campaign mode will be available in Early Access after fundraising on the Kickstarter platform.

So, jump into the dungeons and show them who rules in the land of Magical Kashubia!

ps. We haven't fully implemented DLSS3.5 yet and sometimes the mouse cursor disappears at the start of the game - just press 2xALT-TAB.

The Team​


Jun 15, 2009
Finally, Unreal Engine 5 on my shitty, uninspired indie RPGs, seen an hundred of times before, so they can run at 30 FPS with DLSS on a 4090, like any bland, uninspired AAA production!
Where's the playtest version ?

Lord of Riva

Jan 16, 2018
Strap Yourselves In Pathfinder: Wrath
Finally, Unreal Engine 5 on my shitty, uninspired indie RPGs, seen an hundred of times before, so they can run at 30 FPS with DLSS on a 4090, like any bland, uninspired AAA production!
Where's the playtest version ?

Seemingly here:

Infinitron It would be prudent to link these things as well.

EDIT: I did not particularly like the original, whatever that was, concept as it was way too rough, but i will give it a try again.


Man with forever hair
Jul 22, 2019
RPG Wokedex
I can't take seriously a game that use the word "Kashobian" so many times. It makes it sound like they talk about some nuts snack.

Jack Of Owls

May 23, 2014
I'm waiting for a game called Dungeons of Amber Lamps, though it may have to be a visual novel rather than a blobber for maximum effectiveness.


Jun 15, 2009
So, I'm in the playtest, and the secret, as you can see, is all about social skills and making a great first impression. It's the prettiest Dungeon Master clone I've ever seen, but not that much prettier than Grimrock. The trouble is, I'm seeing 20fps in 1080p, with no DLSS on my 5700xt. The fan spins to max and the hotspot temperature goes to max, much more so than in BG3 or Cyberpunk: Phantom Liberty. I'll give you the results on my friend's 4090, but it will obviously still be low. That's with pretty much the same gameplay you get in Grimrock, if maybe more hastily. Maybe if it benefits from some misunderstanding, like for Grimrock, if people see something that looks cool, they will buy it. Else, I don't see many people running it.


Jan 25, 2016
Wandering the world randomly in search of maps
Runs perfectly fine on my 9 year old PC w/ 4th gen i7 and RTX 2070 super.

It's not that good looking, in fact I'd say Grimrock 2 looks better, not to mention Operencia. Looks nicer than BT4 though (lol).

-Environments are big and, if the world map is any indication, it's a large open game, not just a megadungeon.
-The main playable scenario is set to some thematic Slav metal track. It was okay.
-Dark, promotes use of the lantern.
-You have to memorize spells, you can only mem 6 at level 1. But the game gives you a bunch of wands that cast attack spells with 200 charges.

-Classes are Warrior, Barbarian, Rogue, Paladin, Shaman, Necromancer, Wizard, Cleric, but with SLAVIC names. They all have skill trees but it seems like no hard limits to weapons or items, besides magic (my wizard could equip a halberd and had no issues hitting with it). I didn't play around with too many classes or level up at all.
-Combat is 100% waltzing. Enemies are so slow you can run forward, hit them, run back, repeat. Getting hit is brutal though you die in 1-2 hits.
-Health regen is pretty quick just while walking around.
-2handers allow backrow attacks.
-Buttons, switches, levers, pressure plates, secrets, goodies. All the regular stuff.

Overall if you want a modern DM clone I'm guessing it's fine, but the combat boiling down to sidestepping has always been the main flaw of these games for me. I'd rather have a deeper combat system and real meat to the leveling than just a bunch of generic damage boosts.


Jun 15, 2009
Runs perfectly fine on my 9 year old PC w/ 4th gen i7 and RTX 2070 super.
Come on, folks. This is not the Steam forums. We can do better than this.The response "working fine" is neither accurate nor informative. First, anything under 30 FPS is not fine, even if it's still playable. Second, you didn't tell us your resolution or whether DLSS is on. if 1080p with dlss enabled ,it means 1280x720 resolution which will result in artifacts and ghosting on an october 2018 card. I may be senile but that's only a 5 years old card, not 9, for something thats not exactly more breathtaking than games we had 5 years ago . Standards are getting so damn low here.


Jan 25, 2016
Wandering the world randomly in search of maps
The response "working fine" is neither accurate nor informative.

Runs fine means no stuttering or slowdown. I was running it at 2560x1440 at 60fps with settings on 'high'. Didn't check DLSS. Fans never even kicked in. Didn't try anything else.

Not here to benchmark games for you, figure if an old ass build like mine can play the game then it's fine for most people.

The 2070 super is newer than the original build, actually the third card I've had in here. But it's still a 9 yo mobo, ram, and CPU. HDD is also about 4 years old.

*edit* Hey I guess you were right, DLSS was turned on by default. Turn it off and I only get 30fps. I don't notice any ghosting when it's on though.

I played through Cyberpunk with DLSS and it looked great, though it worked like ass for Control.
Last edited:


Jun 15, 2009
All right, made another test this time with litterally the best gaming pc possible , 4090 24giga 13900ks... You get 150 fps in 2560x1440 , 90 fps with DLSS off.
Thats very low.


Dec 5, 2003
All right, made another test this time with litterally the best gaming pc possible , 4090 24giga 13900ks... You get 150 fps in 2560x1440 , 90 fps with DLSS off.
Thats very low.
Probably not optimised yet. Saying that anything above 30FPS is probably fine for a game like this anyway.


Jun 15, 2009
All right, made another test this time with litterally the best gaming pc possible , 4090 24giga 13900ks... You get 150 fps in 2560x1440 , 90 fps with DLSS off.
Thats very low.
Probably not optimised yet. Saying that anything above 30FPS is probably fine for a game like this anyway.

Unoptimized and likely to remain so. But dare you not say that to the RPG Codex crowd of patriots so eager to defend the motherland's honor , but only when it comes to video games, as they need to catch their breath after a few steps of stairs.


Aug 2, 2017
This reminds me of Vaporum, which sits on my wishlist since forever. Is that worth trying?


Jun 10, 2006
The FPS numbers above mean this is as demanding as Starfield lol nicely done I'm sure it'll sell really well


Jun 15, 2009
The FPS numbers above mean this is as demanding as Starfield lol nicely done I'm sure it'll sell really well
Much more demanding, it works with DLSS on, but I'm sure I hear the fans spinning a lot more than they should. It's fun to play, to be honest. I did the few things the playtest had to offer, but it doesn't bring anything new to the genre. It has the exact same gameplay as games that were running on computers 10,000 times slower in the 80s. Well, not even that; in Dungeon Master, you had to make the spells yourself with runes.

Lord of Riva

Jan 16, 2018
Strap Yourselves In Pathfinder: Wrath
This reminds me of Vaporum, which sits on my wishlist since forever. Is that worth trying?
Only if you are starved for a dungeon crawler in this fashion. It's not shit, it's just painfully mediocre.

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