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Company News Elder Scrolls: The Book


Waster of Time
Sep 15, 2006
Finnegan's Wake
Wyrmlord said:
Would you recommend any book of Greg Keyes?

I have standards low enough to enjoy David Eddings, for the record.
Gave Eddings one chance and he sucked more than the worst of Jordan, Salvatore and Feist combined, but I'm getting sidetracked...
Recommend? No, I don't have any book to recommend. I can tell you which ones I liked:
Fucking all of Keyes books, even the Star Wars ones. The series that is most easy to get into is the one you quoted (Starting with Briar King). It excels at keeping the reader interested/suspended.
But Keyes is nothing like Eddings. While Eddings is Tolkien for retarded pedophiles Keyes is more like a written version of Die Hard.


Mar 5, 2005
Denmark, Europe
I have often wondered when Bethesda would follow Bioware in writing novels to their (elder scrolls) games. Fallout 3, to me, at least reminds me much of a Bioware game, at least in terms of how the dialogue is done; DA: Origins from Bioware seems more and more to resemble an Elder Scrolls game, in terms at least of how much you can do - and the -oh-shiny things- immersion --- in that game.
Apr 18, 2009
Beth writing a book is probably the worst idea of all time. I imagine the first fifty pages will be filled with "RUMORS GRAY FOX DARK BROTHERHOOD RUMORS".


Feb 6, 2007
So who exactly is the target audience for this book? I mean their fans can't read anyway. Or they don't actually intend it to be read just bought?
Apr 3, 2006
Wyrmlord said:
I have standards low enough to enjoy David Eddings, for the record.
Surely this indicates a complete absence of standards rather than measurable standards.

THE SKY CRACKED AND LIGHTNING fell through its crooked seams. With it came a black sleet tasting of smoke, copper, and brimstone. With it came a howling like a gale from hell.

Casek drew himself up, clutching his bloody bandages, hoping they would keep his guts in, until he saw the end of this day, one way or another.
Is this an extract from The Eye of Argon? Think of the drinking game possibilities if the TES book turns out anything like the above.


Oct 26, 2007
muds_animal_friend said:
Wyrmlord said:
I have standards low enough to enjoy David Eddings, for the record.
Surely this indicates a complete absence of standards rather than measurable standards.

Yeah, pretty much that.

For the record, I thought Greg Keyes' fantasy novel The Briar King the ultimate in bland GRRM-wannabe, stuffed from first book to last with cliches. His Age of Unreason, a series of alt-history novels, is much better. But even then there're many flaws, and the writing isn't exactly amazing.

St. Toxic

Jun 9, 2006
Yemen / India
Avu said:
So who exactly is the target audience for this book? I mean their fans can't read anyway. Or they don't actually intend it to be read just bought?

Sort of like Fallout 3 you mean?

"So what if it's unplayable, Bethesda worked hard and deserves my money! Stop the hating you guyyyzzzzzz!!1"


Waster of Time
Sep 15, 2006
Finnegan's Wake
Lesifoere said:
For the record, I thought Greg Keyes' fantasy novel The Briar King the ultimate in bland GRRM-wannabe, stuffed from first book to last with cliches. His Age of Unreason, a series of alt-history novels, is much better. But even then there're many flaws, and the writing isn't exactly amazing.
I'd never bother to argue about writing quality/cliches/flaws but "GRRM-wannabe"?!?
Is GRRM a Sir Walter Scott-wannabee? I simply can't see where you are coming from.


Oct 26, 2007
The Briar King tries for that pseudo-gritty-mature feel, has a spunky tomboyish princess, attempts at political intrigue, a hidden evil emerging... but mostly, a lot of A Song of Ice and Fire fans refer to it as a ASoIaF-lite, and recommend it (and the sequels) fairly often. Hell, if they didn't, I would never have picked it up.


Sep 11, 2005
Over there.
Wyrmlord said:
Shannow said:
Fuck, Gregory is one of my favourites. He even managed to make a decent Star Wars book. Fuck, fuck, fuck. First they make FO their bitch now they make Keyes their whore.
Would you recommend any book of Greg Keyes?

I have standards low enough to enjoy David Eddings, for the record.

I've always considered Eddings the George Lucas of fantasy. He has some pretty good ideas, but his writing-- particularly dialogs-- can damned near raise homicidal rage in me.
Apr 4, 2007
Wyrmlord said:
I don't know guys, checking his books on Amazon, this man has some decent writing skills:

THE SKY CRACKED AND LIGHTNING fell through its crooked seams. With it came a black sleet tasting of smoke, copper, and brimstone. With it came a howling like a gale from hell.

Casek drew himself up, clutching his bloody bandages, hoping they would keep his guts in, until he saw the end of this day, one way or another.

Scott skidded to a halt in his 1974 Dodge Challenger. Upon opening the door, all he could see was red. The skies were literally raining blood. Mangled bodies littered the concrete jungle where packs of hyper-werewolves roamed. Reaching into his backseat, Scott pulled out his bottle of Jack Daniels, and his baby, his Magnum 365.

"Time to get fucked up" he said with a sly grin.

He walked into the biker bar like death himself. His duster swayed in the howling wind. He shoved the door open with the intensity of a wild boar. He took another swig of whiskey. It went down smooth like the Las Vegan waitress from last night, and was tossed aside with a similar lack of ceremony. He took his pack of death sticks from out of his pocket and stuck one in his mouth.

"Any of you fruitcakes got a light?" He said with a smirk he said to the rough and tumble bikers. Tonight was going to be one to remember.

or perhaps....

Our dropship bounced and bump as it hurtled throught the cloudy atmosphere of the planet Rapture-412...a barren rock in the jockstrap asteroid belt of Sector 4. I began final check on my loadout, strapping my 7 deadly kiling blades to various holsters and belts all over my incredibly muscular 6' 4" frame and loaded a lazer blaster pistol into my boot. I grabbed a battle riffle and popped in a fresh magazine of silver exploding tip bullits. I caught a glimpse out of the drop-pod's single porthole as we desended below the cloud layer. I could see 4 out of 5 of the planets moons illuminated brightly.

Illuminated on the ground below, i could see legions of zombeys fighting huge groups of hyper-werewolves. As our pod slammed into the blood soaked soil, I kicked open the door.

I looked to my right and said to the Master Cheif "Time to get fucked up"


Feb 26, 2005
How the hell do these people get book deals?

Why am I not in on this?

"Dirk Cunningham Johnson looked longingly into the lavender Latvian latrine. Thick dust curled up and dispersed lightly in the thin smokey air as the commanding Alphadog stepped lightly. There he found the four bound books of the ancestral warrior god kings. The walls of the municipality he found himself in were a constant reminder of his old home on Gargula 16. They were stained the color of pure blood. The ground layer underneath his aching feet cracked as he approached the reading devices that intertwined his destiny with Carla's. The smell of sulfuric acid was unbearable. His eyes darted from side to side with the intensity and ferocity of a hungry shaven wolf. The hand that had gotten him through so many tough times lunged forward and picked up the novella with the picture of the Cobra Alphadog on the front. The other hand rested on the holster which held a true peace maker - a Colt 385 with automatic revolving rifle plasma filters.

Dirk looked around before saying, "It looks like I'm going to get fucked up." Little did he know that the writing was literally on the wall. He immediately dropped the piece of literature he was grasping in his shaky, blood stained hands when he saw the message scribbled onto the wall of the latrine. "Here, in Latvia?" he thought as his feeble mind tried to warp its way around what his sky blue orbs of sight were now witnessing. His body was pulsating with terror as his flexible muscles budged - muscles he had spent the last five years honing for the exact moment of opportunity.

Written in a stylistic cursive, with all the care of a hippie vandal from the 35th decade who was hopped up on death sticks and amphibians, he saw the four words: KING COMRADE WAS HERE.

That's when the Ox Men attacked."


Good Sir
Feb 12, 2009
Swedish Empire
and they will prob include flying cities of undead doom in the next TES game.

i can already hear Pete and Todd slapping their dicks in TES lore's face.


Jun 25, 2008
The Order of Discalced Codexian Convulsionists
Chefe said:
Dirk looked around before saying, "It looks like I'm going to get fucked up." Little did he know that the writing was literally on the wall. He immediately dropped the piece of literature he was grasping in his shaky, blood stained hands when he saw the message scribbled onto the wall of the latrine. "Here, in Latvia?" he thought as his feeble mind tried to warp its way around what his sky blue orbs of sight were now witnessing. His body was pulsating with terror as his flexible muscles budged - muscles he had spent the last five years honing for the exact moment of opportunity.

Written in a stylistic cursive, with all the care of a hippie vandal from the 35th decade who was hopped up on death sticks and amphibians, he saw the four words: KING COMRADE WAS HERE.

That's when the Ox Men attacked."
Chefe said:
Little did he know
Chefe said:
Little did he know
Chefe said:
Little did he know


Jun 25, 2008
The Order of Discalced Codexian Convulsionists
Luzur said:
no new TES for awhile? just the books?

In the title he says, "no announcements" coming any time soon. They're probably working on some [moronic] uber-awesome, [sleep-inducing] breath-taking [drivel] opus god himself would cry in the presence of. I bet it's Elder Scrolls, since bethduh doesn't seem to have much talent at producing anything else. At least with TES the average dumbass is even a tad cognizant of what it is they're forcing on themselves and what those with half a nanogram of neurons, won't be.



Mar 15, 2008
Codex USB, 2014
Lingwe said:
Mabye they'll make it one of those choose your own adventure books, but with a twist. There'll only be one option you are allowed to choose.

Cool, so it'll be just like the games.


Aug 20, 2008
Didn't like the idea at first, but some friends told me that they're enjoying Keyes book, specifically "Blackgod". Will pick the book up when it's released, which I'm guessing is around October.


Nov 4, 2006
East of the Sun and West of the Moon
xuerebx said:
Didn't like the idea at first, but some friends told me that they're enjoying Keyes book, specifically "Blackgod". Will pick the book up when it's released, which I'm guessing is around October.

I found it to be rather bland, though its setting showed some promise. But I only read The Waterborn. Maybe his writing improved later.

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