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Forgotten Realms: Unlimited Adventures (FRUA) thread

Cyler Rubin

May 30, 2017
Nashville, TN
Found out the problem was at my end, for some reason the unrar-plugin in the file manager i used couldn't handle the archive, but winrar did. Thanks for all the work.

No problem man. Hope ya like it.
7Zip has issues with this file, care to up and 7z compressed version? tnx!
(I avoid using WinRar)

Here ya go man, should be in 7zip format.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/62lby3ofnvkbcr1/The Realm Starter Pack.7z?dl=0

Cyler Rubin

May 30, 2017
Nashville, TN
Ohhhkay... So this should be the last one of these. Well unless there is more that I don't know about. So like a dumbass I was unaware that there were 10 modules in the Realm that were Ray Dyer's original mods. This consisted of games gamer01-gamer10. I've included them in the most recent upload so finally this should be complete. Check the readme to verify its version 1.02. Sorry about that. I'll go away now.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/62lby3ofnvkbcr1/The Realm Starter Pack.7z?dl=0

Cyler Rubin

May 30, 2017
Nashville, TN
Not gonna bother updating the hyperlink as its still the same, I have updated the file however to include the games west01-west09, now I am aware that there are several compatible games that work with the realm made by others creators, in the future I might add those as well, but I think for the most part this is it unless Ray makes any more modules to add on to it, I will keep an eye out just in case and update accordingly


Fabulous Ex-Moderator
May 14, 2004
Seattle, WA USA
All of the gameXX.zip games on rosedragon are Ray's games he has made. ALL of them take place in his The Realm setting/rules. He has done 50 modules, all based on the classic PnP versions. Quite an impressive feat.

He has also done a lot more too...

Cyler Rubin

May 30, 2017
Nashville, TN
All of the gameXX.zip games on rosedragon are Ray's games he has made. ALL of them take place in his The Realm setting/rules. He has done 50 modules, all based on the classic PnP versions. Quite an impressive feat.

He has also done a lot more too...

Out of curiousity is there a place where his specific rules are listed? Or is it just standard GB AdnD rules?


Dec 26, 2010
Anyone know how to edit or change the combat icons for player character. Tried Googling a bit but couldn't find definitive answer.


Jun 7, 2012
Monkey Island
Do you mean to change them to something completely different from what UA offers or just change them mid-game to a different icon you like better?

For the latter, there are options in the ENCAMP menu to do that.


Dec 26, 2010
Figured out how to import combat icons other people have made by using CBEDIT.EXE through uashell. I would really like to use ones ive made myself through photoshop and then convert the image to a .PCX file.

If i cant work it out myself ill bother the folks on the UA forums.

EDIT: In case anyone else was wondering how to do this just download CBEDIT.EXE and extract into your download folder in your FRUA folder. Start FRUA using uashell and it will say something like editor installed. Move what ever ended up in your TEMP file so it empty. Restart FRUA apply the game dsn you want to play then go to the editors menu, other, CBODY.MNW, CBODEDIT.MNY. The rest self explanatory.
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Dec 26, 2010
Out of curiousity is there a place where his specific rules are listed? Or is it just standard GB AdnD rules?

I think its standard GB rules complete with the silly race level limits. I use the Gold Box Companion when playing FRUA modules and just use that to by pass any level limits.
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Cyler Rubin

May 30, 2017
Nashville, TN
Out of curiousity is there a place where his specific rules are listed? Or is it just standard GB AdnD rules?

I think its standard GB rules complete with the silly race level limits. I use the Gold Box Companion when playing FRUA modules and just use that to by pass any level limits.

Yeah same here, the original race limitations in gold box were always a bad design decision in my opinion, but i know Gygax was god back then so I understand why its there.

Deuce Traveler

2012 Newfag
May 11, 2012
Okinawa, Japan
Grab the Codex by the pussy Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture
Out of curiousity is there a place where his specific rules are listed? Or is it just standard GB AdnD rules?

I think its standard GB rules complete with the silly race level limits. I use the Gold Box Companion when playing FRUA modules and just use that to by pass any level limits.

Yeah same here, the original race limitations in gold box were always a bad design decision in my opinion, but i know Gygax was god back then so I understand why its there.

When D&D really got started, there were no disadvantages to playing demi-humans. The level caps and the fact that demi-humans were supposed to lack souls, and therefore could not be raised, was meant to encourage people to play humans. In the BECMI version of D&D, for example, an elf was the equivalent of a magic-user/fighter hybrid who could cast magic spells while wearing full armor. With that kind of advantage, why ever play a human magic-user? A lot of this imbalance started since D&D started as the Chainmail tabletop wargame, which didn't envision levels in the teens. D&D was built one layer at a time and only completely overhauled with 3rd edition.

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015
"Dwarves: Dwarves may opt only for the fighting class, and they may never progress beyond the 6th level (Myrmidon)..."
"Elves: Elves can begin as either Fighting-Men or Magic-Users and freely switch class whenever they choose, from adventure to adventure, but not during the course of a single game. ... However, they may not progress beyond 4th level Fighting-Man (Hero) nor 8th level Magic-User (Warlock)..."
"Halflings: Should any player wish to be one, he will be limited to the Fighting-Men class as a halfling. Half lings cannot progress beyond the 4th level (Hero)..."
- Gary Gygax & Dave Arneson, Dungeons & Dragons: Rules for Fantastic Medieval Wargames Campaigns Playable with Paper and Pencil and Miniature Figures


Cyler Rubin

May 30, 2017
Nashville, TN
Is there a collection of original Goldbox games remake for FRUA or Dungeoncraft?

I'm uncertain about the rest but in that the realm pack we were discussing earlier there are two module remade, namely, Pool of Radiance and Curse of the Azure Bonds, they were remade by Ray Dyer for frua. You can look them up individually at frua.rosedragon.org/pc/modules. The files should be called game39 and game40 as for pools of Darkness and Secret of the Silver Blades I don't know of any off the top of my head, though I'm disinclined to believe they don't exist. I can check around and see if I am able to find any for you however.
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Aug 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
Is there a collection of original Goldbox games remake for FRUA or Dungeoncraft?

I'm uncertain about the rest but in that the realm pack we were discussing earlier there are two module remade, namely, Pool of Radiance and Curse of the Azure Bonds, they were remade by Ray Dyer for frua. You can look them up individually at frua.rosedragon.org/pc/modules. The files should be called game39 and game40 as for pools of Darkness and Secret of the Silver Blades I don't know of any off the top of my head, though I'm disinclined to believe they don't exist. I can check around and see if I am able to find any for you however.
Will be looking for them. Thanks for the info


Jun 7, 2012
Monkey Island
Most of the Gold-Box games weren't remade in FRUA for the simple fact that if you can run FRUA, you can also run the Gold-Box games, as both require DOS or DOSBox. The only reason someone remade Pool of Radiance was to allow for the addition of the classes that were missing from the original game.

I will also point out, as I have many times before, that there are a great number of fantastic games to be played in FRUA, and if you limit yourself to just playing the Gold-Box games or D&D module conversions, you are missing out on opportunities to play some reallly original and fun adventures. You will even find sequels or spiritual successors to the Gold-Box series available among the games that have been released, so I always suggest that people explore what's available and read the reviews.

Not necessarily what you asked for, but I tend to advertise for the FRUA designers whenever possible.


Dec 16, 2014
I have played 3 FRUA modules until now and they have been times more interesting for me than Pool of Radiance.

There, I said it.

Cyler Rubin

May 30, 2017
Nashville, TN
I have played 3 FRUA modules until now and they have been times more interesting for me than Pool of Radiance.

There, I said it.
Makes perfect sense to me, after all PoR was the very first attempt at making a game in that format, the games that followed after such as secret, curse, and PoD show they gradually got better, but with FRUA it gave the community a set of tools to built their own games with, then game hacked FRUA mods which gave a whole new level of customization and possibilites. Hehe, so no don't feel bad that other modules seem more fun/interesting at all.


Nov 10, 2014
Need some help for gold box companion.

I was using auto map feature of GBC in several FRUA modules(AT2: Dark Wizardry, for example). Once in a while, GBC failed to read the map with "Can not open GEO***.DAT" dialog box. Whenever it happens, I had to alt-tab to GBC, click off the dialog box, return to game, save and reattach GBC to the saved file to have new map shown. Quite annoying, anything can be done to fix this?

It didn't happen in non-FRUA gold box games. I tried to register on http://ua.reonis.com to ask for help in GBC thread, kept getting "Error with Anti SPAM DB. Connection Failed" message however. Anyone willing to ask for me there? Thanks!


Jun 7, 2012
Monkey Island
Need some help for gold box companion.

I was using auto map feature of GBC in several FRUA modules(AT2: Dark Wizardry, for example). Once in a while, GBC failed to read the map with "Can not open GEO***.DAT" dialog box. Whenever it happens, I had to alt-tab to GBC, click off the dialog box, return to game, save and reattach GBC to the saved file to have new map shown. Quite annoying, anything can be done to fix this?

It didn't happen in non-FRUA gold box games. I tried to register on http://ua.reonis.com to ask for help in GBC thread, kept getting "Error with Anti SPAM DB. Connection Failed" message however. Anyone willing to ask for me there? Thanks!

Depending on what the issues are here, I might be able to help you on both counts, since I am both the administrator at the FRUA boards and the author of "AT2: Dark Wizardry." Let me first see if I can figure out why you're not able to register at forums. I will write you a personal message about that.


Gourd vibes only
Mar 22, 2013
What are the largest modules that in terms of size rival the classic goldbox games (also of similar quality level)?

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