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4X Interstellar Space: Genesis - MoO2 inspired space 4x


Mar 16, 2015
Yeah I remember the start is very slow and while you can get a 2nd colony ship pretty quick through culture perks its a real long time before you can start pumping out colony ships to get more colonies. I remember that using the first outpost ship you get to mine an asteroid belt and setting it to send production to your capital was critical for getting to more colony ships quicker. Otherwise you just fall behind...
The most irritating part so far is that some dragon faction keeps going to war with me and their ships are faster than mine (only part of their ships that is better in tech) and they keep flying into my space and taking my Outposts :D
I feel like I am playing whack a mole all the time. And it takes 2 turns for those outposts to start producing again after I spend 3 turns taking them back. I grabbed all I could from worlds around me ( spawned in middle and I am surrounded by 3 factions) and they send their production to two of my worlds that are ship producing ones.
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Mar 16, 2015
Oh this was shorter than expected. Game ended at around turn 250 when I got Allied victory screen (spent less than 10h playing). And this was without being allies with one of the factions that I wanted to fight for fun. They kept sending me allied requests lol. I eliminated one of the factions and colonized their planets and allied with others except 2nd strongest (after me).

I certainly learned a lot now. I guess I need to try a new run now. Maybe even try to learn how to make custom ships and do battles manually.


Oct 1, 2020
Yeah I had a lot of fun playing it too (after I turned off the stupid diplomatic victory that is still too easy despite years of complaints).


Mar 16, 2015
I started a new run, still on Average difficulty while I am learning. This time I took some Fire worlds science focused faction. Got so much more luckier this time. Spawned in corner, with no space monsters blocking good worlds and found a bunch of worlds with good asteroids around me. Skyrocketed my production and science. When I went to war around turn 150 I steam rolled my closest faction and now I am going against strongest one left.
I think for next run I will try it on Hard and pick a factions that has Spy based bonuses. I hope it reminds me of playing with Cardassia in BotF and being unstopable force of sabotage of ships and worlds.


Mar 16, 2015
I finally felt good enough to start doing everything myself (designing ships and doing manual combat). Now I am doing largest map with 8 enemies on 2nd hardest difficulty. It is a fun game.
Before this one I did two runs on Hard (one less than current difficulty). So for 5 games in total.

Luckily game has galactic council that lets you win without a need to go around and bomb every planet to zero. But my current run I decided to not vote for myself because I would win and I didn't yet get to try the best weapons on my Titan ships.

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