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Ireneaus (sp ?) seems to hate me.



Neckbeard Shitlord's alt
May 2, 2017
It's not just that the Pope looks remarkably unhappy, it's that he looks so much older than before, sick even. Skinner, pale, bigger bags under the eyes...

Nosferatu exposed to the light.

He will go diddle drink the blood of a few small shildren then he'll be right as rain. Or right as the antipope can be.


Neckbeard Shitlord's alt
May 2, 2017
It is still a way's off but he will not finish his term. There is ZERO incentive for the Congressional GOP to side with him when they can install a puppet to rubber stamp their legislation and nominate judges hand picked by the Federalist society.

It's not even a political issue it's basic common sense.

If they do that then they will be admitting democracy is dead, which is something their livelihood depends on, and possibly their very lives.
Dec 30, 2015
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire
Hah retards thinking Trump will be impeached, keep dreaming. They would rather see everything go to shit just because they didn't get what they want.


May 19, 2014
If Democrats somehow get control of Congress in the coming mid-terms I can see Trump getting impeached. Now, whether or not he's actually removed from office is a different story.


Dumbfuck Repressed Homosexual The Real Fanboy
Nov 24, 2012
Rio de Janeiro, Cidade Desespero
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera


Neckbeard Shitlord's alt
May 2, 2017
They hate the trump because after his 8 there is a serious chance republicans will get another 8. He is like reagan but stronger and better. I doubt republicans will get another 8 because by then the demographics in this shithol will be even more huehuehue than ever, but if anyone can set that up it's Trump. Only if his own party is not completely traitorous though, and so far they are the same worthless fucks they were under bush and obama.


Neckbeard Shitlord's alt
May 2, 2017
It's not just that the Pope looks remarkably unhappy, it's that he looks so much older than before, sick even. Skinner, pale, bigger bags under the eyes...

Nosferatu exposed to the light.

He will go diddle drink the blood of a few small shildren then he'll be right as rain. Or right as the antipope can be.
still toying with his prerogative to call for a worldwide crusade despite his personal leftist beliefs

He can't decide whether he serves the jewish billionaires best by cucking whites or rallying them to fight off the arab onslaught before it's too late.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
It is still a way's off but he will not finish his term. There is ZERO incentive for the Congressional GOP to side with him when they can install a puppet to rubber stamp their legislation and nominate judges hand picked by the Federalist society.

It's not even a political issue it's basic common sense.

If they do that then they will be admitting democracy is dead, which is something their livelihood depends on, and possibly their very lives.
'Democracy?' You mean the Democracy where Trump won despite not winning the popular vote? You can't extol the virtues of the Electoral College without admitting the United States is a Republic. And part of that is the system of Separation of Powers where Impeachment is Constitutionally designated power of Congress. The same Congress that is DEMOCRATICALLY elected by the people.

Trump is a shit bird that gamed other ignorant shit birds winning the GOP nomination with only around 30-40% of support of actual Republicans. Most of this country won't miss his ass when he's gone.

I can understand why a sheltered internet troll thinks some kind of revolution/uprising is just around the corner because they have nothing else to hope for in life but... don't hold your breath.


Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
Trump is a shit bird that gamed other ignorant shit birds winning the GOP nomination with only around 30-40% of support of actual Republicans.

40% of the vote is pretty nice in a 16-person race. GOP Senators vote 96% of the time in tune with Trump, according to 538, so clearly there's no great divide as you'd like to think.

Sorry, lad, it's gonna be an 8-year ride. Better get used to it. :smug:


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
Trump is a shit bird that gamed other ignorant shit birds winning the GOP nomination with only around 30-40% of support of actual Republicans.

40% of the vote is pretty nice in a 16-person race. GOP Senators vote 96% of the time in tune with Trump, according to 538, so clearly there's no great divide as you'd like to think.

Sorry, lad, it's gonna be an 8-year ride. Better get used to it. :smug:
Of course they do because Trump is following the Koch Brothers company line... nothing Mike Pence couldn't do in his stead. Keep dreaming about that eight years... you Slavs seem to be willfully ignorant about the political reality Trump faces now. I'll let you get back your $5/hr dirt farming.


Very Grumpy Dragon
Apr 9, 2017
'Democracy?' You mean the Democracy where Trump won despite not winning the popular vote? You can't extol the virtues of the Electoral College without admitting the United States is a Republic. And part of that is the system of Separation of Powers where Impeachment is Constitutionally designated power of Congress. The same Congress that is DEMOCRATICALLY elected by the people.

Trump is a shit bird that gamed other ignorant shit birds winning the GOP nomination with only around 30-40% of support of actual Republicans. Most of this country won't miss his ass when he's gone.

I can understand why a sheltered internet troll thinks some kind of revolution/uprising is just around the corner because they have nothing else to hope for in life but... don't hold your breath.

Too bad you need legitimate reasons to impeach a president. So far there's zero evidence of Russian collusion, the Comey memo was a farce (missed their deadline to deliver the evidence a few days ago), and your feelings, unfortunately, aren't a good enough reason to impeach either. Looks like you Never Trumpers are fucked, but you guys always have been.

Also, the electoral college is designed to give the states and districts equal say in the voting process. If there was no electoral college the Democrats would usually have an edge over Republicans, states like California would singlehandedly make or break every election. Read up on American history and our processes, if you call yourself an American it's your duty to understand why these things exist, otherwise don't bitch about it. I've read a lot of your posts and the pure ignorance seeping from each of them is astounding.

Also kys


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
'Democracy?' You mean the Democracy where Trump won despite not winning the popular vote? You can't extol the virtues of the Electoral College without admitting the United States is a Republic. And part of that is the system of Separation of Powers where Impeachment is Constitutionally designated power of Congress. The same Congress that is DEMOCRATICALLY elected by the people.

Trump is a shit bird that gamed other ignorant shit birds winning the GOP nomination with only around 30-40% of support of actual Republicans. Most of this country won't miss his ass when he's gone.

I can understand why a sheltered internet troll thinks some kind of revolution/uprising is just around the corner because they have nothing else to hope for in life but... don't hold your breath.

Too bad you need legitimate reasons to impeach a president. So far there's zero evidence of Russian collusion, the Comey memo was a farce (missed their deadline to deliver the evidence a few days ago), and your feelings, unfortunately, aren't a good enough reason to impeach either. Looks like you Never Trumpers are fucked, but you guys always have been.

Also, the electoral college is designed to give the states and districts equal say in the voting process. If there was no electoral college the Democrats would usually have an edge over Republicans, states like California would singlehandedly make or break every election. Read up on American history and our processes, if you call yourself an American it's your duty to understand why these things exist, otherwise don't bitch about it. I've read a lot of your posts and the pure ignorance seeping from each of them is astounding.

Also kys
Never bitched about the Electoral College. I said it was moronic for someone to call Impeachment undemocratic. If you, yourself, are actually an American you should probably pick up a newspaper or look at a website not run by Alex Jones and wake up to reality.


Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
Metro has been consistently wrong on literally every singe issue for the past year or so. Not only that, but he spouts his retarded bullshit with such blind confidence I'm legit amazed he hasn't killed himself out of shame already. The dumb nigger's self-awareness is in the negatives. I get why Nate Silver does it, his paycheck depends on it, but why this retarded cunt keeps doing it is anyone's guess.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
Lambach Please only alert me when your sister hits the porn industry. Thanks. Also, nigger? Bro, I'm whiter than you. But I get the rage. You and Iren are jealous of my skin which is kind of sad. Embrace what you are and don't be self-loathing.


Neckbeard Shitlord's alt
May 2, 2017
Lambach Please only alert me when your sister hits the porn industry. Thanks. Also, nigger? Bro, I'm whiter than you. But I get the rage. You and Iren are jealous of my skin which is kind of sad. Embrace what you are and don't be self-loathing.

Jews aren't white. Serbians are also much whiter than the average 'white' american retard.


And even if you were whiter than him, no one is whiter than me outside of rural swedenig or other north european fringes.

'Democracy?' You mean the Democracy where Trump won despite not winning the popular vote? You can't extol the virtues of the Electoral College without admitting the United States is a Republic. And part of that is the system of Separation of Powers where Impeachment is Constitutionally designated power of Congress. The same Congress that is DEMOCRATICALLY elected by the people.

Trump is a shit bird that gamed other ignorant shit birds winning the GOP nomination with only around 30-40% of support of actual Republicans. Most of this country won't miss his ass when he's gone.

I can understand why a sheltered internet troll thinks some kind of revolution/uprising is just around the corner because they have nothing else to hope for in life but... don't hold your breath.

The scenario you give (and the only way this could happen) is if his own party betrays him and 100% of the dems also vote to impeach him over trumped up ludicrous charges. There is nothing of democracy in that.

If you truly believe this you must be mentally retarded or something. I am guessing you are just full of shit, though, and trying to throw this out there as typical DRUMP :argh: nonsense.

Regardless this won't happen, and even if they did impeach him nothing would come of it. And if something did come out of it then there is a serioua chance that REAL civil unrest will occur as opposed to the fake shit stirred up by Soros and faggots like you.

Congratulations, I was going to quit posting at 777 posts but you pulled me back in.
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Apr 28, 2017
Lambach Please only alert me when your sister hits the porn industry. Thanks. Also, nigger? Bro, I'm whiter than you. But I get the rage. You and Iren are jealous of my skin which is kind of sad. Embrace what you are and don't be self-loathing.
Ivans like him have more Mongol and Turk blood in them than they have white.


Neckbeard Shitlord's alt
May 2, 2017
Think what you will faggot.

Metro should have "martingaled" his political predictions. I'm sure would have won "bigly" eventually, after pawning the whole economy of the known universe to match a bet.

I think this should be noted down by everyone as the most retarded prediction anyone has ever made. Seriously, having a president wildly popular with his constituents thrown out of office in the first year? :lol:

It's possible he won't make 8 years but give me a break.
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Neckbeard Shitlord's alt
May 2, 2017
Lambach Please only alert me when your sister hits the porn industry. Thanks. Also, nigger? Bro, I'm whiter than you. But I get the rage. You and Iren are jealous of my skin which is kind of sad. Embrace what you are and don't be self-loathing.
Ivans like him have more Mongol and Turk blood in them than they have white.

Serbians are very white. The same can't be said for american mystery meat liberal manlets.

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