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Kotor 2

Commissar Draco

Codexia Comrade Colonel Commissar
Mar 6, 2011
Привислинский край
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Kotor2 was above usual SW childish Good as seen by XX century Kwan Urbanite liberals Vs the Evul Empire Siths Questioning the nature of force and Man itself. For all this alone its worth playing not to mention best companions ever or plot which makes tried Biowhore 4 Planets + Hub (The ship Ebon Hawk) formula right.


Nov 25, 2014
Pathfinder: Wrath

Anyone else tried this mod? I thought it was pretty good, but game is still easy after you gain a few levels though. It reduces the force points guardians and weapon masters gain per level, so you can't spam force powers as much with a melee class.


Ph.D. in World Saving
Nov 30, 2003
Clogging the Multiverse with a Crowbar

While the team at BioWare Austin is working diligently to bring story back to Star Wars: The Old Republic, there's still a large sector of fans that love the more classic Knights of the Old Republic games it was based on. This is a good day for those fans, as Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II has come to Mac and Linux today, with that release accompanied by a massive update.

All owners of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II can download a 175MB update right now. It includes Steam Workshop support, which also means The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod will now be made available to all users. Aesthetic changes include widescreen resolution support and 5K monitor support. Controller support, achievements, and Steam Cloud saves have also been added.


Jan 15, 2015
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
I think I played KOTOR 2 with every single class/prestige class combo out there. Is it wrong that I find the KOTOR character system to be pretty fun? Also, Dark Side Mira is a personal "achievement". Best NPC jedi gunman in the game.

While we're on Kotor 2 what is good build for Atton Rand plis.

Atton is an amazing Jedi Gunman. Mira is better, but he has more skill points.


Jun 22, 2014
This is just questionable on so many levels. You start the game being able to use the force, when your only companion is Kreia, who herself is cut off from the force. So how are you using it? Do you just leech it off everyone around you (enemies, bystanders), and if so, what's even the difference between being cut off from the Force and not being cut off? Then, if you cut yourself off but can still use it, why does the Jedi Council want to cut it off again (before Kreia kills them)? They cut it off with Kreia before and she is still using the Force, so clearly it doesn't work. Then, just the whole notion of a "Force Bond" sounds like a cheap gimmick so they can glue badly fitting pieces together.

Also where did you get that Kreia was cut off from the force by the jedi? I'm not sure this ever happened.

This is from http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Darth_Traya:
"Eventually, Traya was overthrown by Sion and Nihilus, who stripped their Master of her connection to the Force."

I remember her saying in dialogue at some point that she was stripped of the Force too, but I guess it was her apprentices who stripped her and not the Jedi Council (that whole part I didn't get at all because of cut dialogue or whatever), but obviously the point is still the same about her having no connection to the force.

The jedi council explains everything, "You are a cipher, forming bonds, leeching the life of others, siphoning their will and dominating them", and you do this unintentionally. You were force bonded with everyone that you led in the Mandalorian wars, and had to cut yourself from the force when everyone around you died. I guess the ability to create force bonds was so strong that it eventually returns. Maybe the reason for its return is at the start of the game when you nearly die from the poison, maybe the only way for you to survive is to force bond yourself with the person nearest, which is Kreia.

This does not sound like a good explanation to me at all, it's just a lot of maybes which create a sort of messy logic. Moreover, this whole approach basically shits on you as a player because everything is unintentional and contrary to how you are playing. Are you really nice to your companions and try to help them out? Well, fuck you anyway because you are unintentionally leeching and manipulating them. Are you a Light Side devotee aiming to do good things? Well fuck you, you are a threat to the Force and the Jedi anyway. Are you a Dark Side power hungry asshole trying to work your way up? Well, fuck you because you are just gonna destroy everything with your bonds anyway.

The ability that you have to create force bonds somehow became corrupted after the Mandalorian wars. The council says that they see in you the death of the force. Apparently you even feed on the death around you, the reason why you become so much stronger in such a short amount of time. And the more bonds you create the stronger the ability becomes, and that is why the council wants to completely cut you from the force, "You are a threat to all livings creatures, and all who feel the Force".


Well, again, if according to the game:
1) (as shown above) Kreia has her force connection cut, but is still going around and using it (through bonds or whatever)
2) you cut off your own connection after the war and are still using bonds now despite that,
then why on earth would the council think cutting you off from the force solve anything?

Look, I know it's possible come up with some kind of explanation for all of this, but what I am saying is, all of this just doesn't strike me as a particularly coherent, elegant storyline.

First, while Kreia - according to her testimony - was "cast out, exiled" by her apprentices, and stripped of the Force, I do not remember the game specifying *when* exactly did that happen. This is important to note, because Kreia was searching for the Exile(d Jedi) for an undisclosed period of time, during which - we can assume - she may have been able to regain the ability to feel the force again, much like is the case with the Exile. After all, literally at the beginning of the game, she says "I will guide you down the familiar paths" - how could she say that without being able to feel the Force as well, without knowing certain things, without appropriate perceptions.

And to answer in advance to some potential questions, the reason Kreia does not use the Force in its full potential, but "learns" the powers and skills just like the Exile does, may simply be due to her wanting to remain hidden and in disguise from the Exile. After all, she did say for Darth Traya, that "she must remain hidden until the time is right, otherwise all our efforts will be for nothing". Also, the fact that she was declared dead by the staff of the morgue at Peragus facility, indicates that she indeed possessed great strength when she was able to "come to life". Not to mention the fact that Kreia may have been "dead" for 3 full days before being "awoken" by the Exile - time during which many things happened (the scheming of the HK assassin droid). [The medical logs indicate that between the moment Kreia and the Exile were received to the morgue, and the moment the Exile "awoken" 3 full days have passed. Now, assuming that no misdiagnosis occurred when it comes to Kreia, that means 3 days of "death" which could only be "reversible" if the Force was involved... Maybe even Kreia somehow reconnected at that very point, but that is unlikely considering... a lot of things.] Thus, it is only reasonable to assume that Kreia did regain her connection to the Force, perhaps even expanded upon in, during the search for the Exile, but decided to hide that fact (at least to a degree) for whatever reasons.

Last, but not least - another reason for Kreia to hide the extent of her Force abilities at the beginning of the game, but also later on, is that she too has a common enemy with the Exile. That enemy is primarily Darth Nihilus, but also his slaves (the assassins), which could - in theory - kill her and that which she was searching for (the Exile) before she could learn and see whatever it is that she wanted to learn and see.

And, while Kreia did say "There are techniques within the Force against which there is no defence", that still does not mean that those "techniques" cause *permanent or irreversible* damage (or "damage") as is plainly visible by the example of the Exile.

tl; dr: Kreia (apparently) was cut off from the Force. Such a state (being cut off from the Force) is not irreversible. Kreia was, perhaps for a long time, but certainly for some (unknown) period of time, searching for the Exile (among other things). During that time, and considering her vast knowledge of the Force, it is quite likely that she somehow reconnected to the Force. Thus, even at the beginning of the game, she is not really "cut off" form the Force, but for various reasons hides her connections (to gain trust from the Exile, to hide from her enemies, especially Darth Nihilus), or hides the true extent and strength of that connection. Also, being "dead" for 3 days is quite an argument for her not being cut off from the Force; though, whether that "death" could actually have triggered her reconnection to the Force somehow, which I personally doubt, is another matter.

I could, perhaps, elaborate even more, but I think this will suffice, at least regarding the dilemma of Kreia "being cut off from the Force, but still using it".

So, hopefully that part of the puzzle is resolved. With the necessary disclaimer that I may simply be wrong, but this is how I view these things and am quite certain of them.


Apr 17, 2012
The Shadow Broker's Hideout Ship
niggers i heard obsidian was working with mods to patch restored content mod into the game officially.

Has this happened yet?

Also is there a way to play restored content mod without shit droid planet gay?

pls answer ASAP im dling the game noW


Mar 26, 2014
Kotor 2 is one of the few games I played twice in a row, in order to experience both the good and the evil playthrough. Even though most of the game remains the same (running through boring corridors fighting boring ennemies), this is one of the few games where playing evil doesn't feel like playing a dumb psychopatic manchild (and where the best course of events isn't determined by the amount of gentleness and love thrown around you). For this reason alone, the unfinished mess that is Kotor 2, is worth playing and is a better experience than Kotor 1 (and most star wars material exept Tie Fighter maybe)


Aug 21, 2015
shouldn't this thread be in bioware forum btw?
Obsidian made Kotor 2.

Kotor 2 is one of the few games I played twice in a row, in order to experience both the good and the evil playthrough. Even though most of the game remains the same (running through boring corridors fighting boring ennemies), this is one of the few games where playing evil doesn't feel like playing a dumb psychopatic manchild (and where the best course of events isn't determined by the amount of gentleness and love thrown around you). For this reason alone, the unfinished mess that is Kotor 2, is worth playing and is a better experience than Kotor 1 (and most star wars material exept Tie Fighter maybe)
With TSLRCM the game becomes far, far more complete and closer to what Obsidian intended it to be. Without it Kotor 2 would still remain a good game, but the restored content elevates it to fan-fucking-tastic.


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
Man, nostalgia's a Hell of a drug. I'd never played with the TSL Restored Content mod (or did I? It's been ages), so this week I decided to crank the old beast up one more time.

The incredibly awkward d20 System shit-tier character and combat system; the excessively randomized loot tables that can grant awesome free stuff or a long succession of total crap; the bare-bones, ugly, empty environments (I don't understand this, since Morrowind also came out on Xbox and actually had rooms with decorations, a bunch of stuff, and people in them); Pazaak, banal-shit-boring and rigged (for years fanboys claimed it wasn't, but examination of the code revealed NPCs get cheat cards); the racing minigame....

It's a fairly good Jedi/Edgelord LARPing simulator, and the characters and writing are quite good as advertised, but is it worth it? Well, I'll probably suffer through to the end one last time. It's a shame this game will never be faithfully (in terms of characters and writing) remade in a non-janky engine of some kind, with more complex environments, more environmental interaction, and just generally better stuff in place of what's shitty, but here on the Codex those sorts of wishes outnumber all the stars in the sky.


Aug 21, 2015
Man, nostalgia's a Hell of a drug. I'd never played with the TSL Restored Content mod (or did I? It's been ages), so this week I decided to crank the old beast up one more time.

The incredibly awkward d20 System shit-tier character and combat system; the excessively randomized loot tables that can grant awesome free stuff or a long succession of total crap; the bare-bones, ugly, empty environments (I don't understand this, since Morrowind also came out on Xbox and actually had rooms with decorations, a bunch of stuff, and people in them); Pazaak, banal-shit-boring and rigged (for years fanboys claimed it wasn't, but examination of the code revealed NPCs get cheat cards); the racing minigame....

It's a fairly good Jedi/Edgelord LARPing simulator, and the characters and writing are quite good as advertised, but is it worth it? Well, I'll probably suffer through to the end one last time. It's a shame this game will never be faithfully (in terms of characters and writing) remade in a non-janky engine of some kind, with more complex environments, more environmental interaction, and just generally better stuff in place of what's shitty, but here on the Codex those sorts of wishes outnumber all the stars in the sky.
I played it quite recently and it still holds up pretty well. The issue with Obsidian's games usually is that they have to make the most of a shitty engine, and in a perfect world they'd have all the development time and resources to create a fantastic game. But that will never happen. Mechanically it's a weak game, enjoyable I suppose but definitely not it's strong suit. Thankfully as an RPG it soars, which is really all the Codex wants. :p


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
Thankfully as an RPG it soars, which is really all the Codex wants. :p

Well, we can argue about "What is an RPG?" all day (a Codex tradition going back 13 years), but to focus on one particular aspect, the combination of the d20 System and some other design decisions really limit character-building.

First of all, the attributes are point-buy and the cost of an attribute point doubles past 14, which strongly encourages mostly 14s, a 12, and a 10. That 12 can become a 10 to get a 15. Speaking of attributes, thanks to the fact that only even attribute numbers matter in d20's shitty system, there's quite a lot of equipment that is partially or even entirely useless thanks to granting +1 or +3 to something. Also, the class you choose will further limit what attributes you want pick. I went hog-wild and chose 14 Intelligence for my Consular, and only 12 Constitution!

Speaking of Jedi Consular, the feat and even the power progression is pretty much cut-and-dried. I'm not saying you can't mix it up at all, but in general you'll pretty much be best served by Toughness 1, Dueling 3, Lightsaber Finesse, Lightsaber Focus, Flurry 3, and then whatever else you want to tack on at levels 20+/mix up with prestige classes (and to be fair, with Consular especially choosing something other than Jedi Master/Sith Lord is an entirely viable and enjoyable way to add variety and versatility). There's much more leeway with powers, but ultimately, due to the absurd level restrictions, Light/Dark specializations, and the redundancy/overlap of some powers (not to mention that too many buffs will take an entire combat to cast before you can actually join the fray) means that people who know the game mechanics will tend to go a certain way.

Well, it is what it is, and I still enjoy it for what it is. The d20 System is responsible for most of it, and it's important to note that Obsidian handled the idiocy of weak Jedi (at low levels) very well by playing it as a Jedi slowly reestablishing his or her connection to the Force.

On a personal note, for some reason, level ~10 enemies save against the powers of my Jedi Consular with 18 modded Wisdom, 14 Charisma and Improved Force Focus (+7/+9 save DC, depends) quite often, I'd say nearly 50% of the time. In fact, that's been true since I started my current game. I can't imagine trying to use offensive powers as a non-Consular, especially stuns. Thankfully, Force Lightning is incredibly overpowered and you can spam everything to death with it. Thanks, Kreia!


Jul 10, 2013
Blaine I've been watching you on Friends List playing that fucking game and crying inside for you. Every time I pick it up I have to put it down immediately.


Aug 3, 2015

Thought this might as well be a good place to post my current annoyance.

Been playing KotOR 2 with the Restored Content mod for the first time lately. Got done with all the planets and had the Restored Enclave part in Dantooine happen. But I didn't get a "Point of No Return".

I think it's because I have one HK party left to defeat for the HK Factory mission and there are no squads left to slaughter. It seems I have to do the HK-50 factory to reach Telos and Ravager. But there's no way to do it. :S

Is this the case or am I missing something else?

Also tried messing with KSE but that can't even find the HK-50 factory quest.


Oct 10, 2015
I think the KotORs were good games, I felt betrayed when they turned it into a $$O, didn't want to touch it. By the way, Bioware still owes us the third part, which was looking kind of awesome.

I enjoyed KotOR 1 and don't understand why people pan it -played it back in 2005 and never again completed it, though I have it on my Steam library. Cliché? Yes, but with the classic Bioware feel.

KotOR 2 had amazing potential on its story to be something brilliant. The underlying ideas are kind of conveyed but lost on mutilation. Gameplay-wise it was as silly as getting the Force wave and make enemies fly around the place. Meaning that a high level Jedi Counselor was quite something. Then the game turned out very boring, but the story was appealing to the end.

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