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Completed Let's Die Together in ADOM: I have no idea what I'm doing Edition


Aug 24, 2011
I guess my squeak-talking, French-thinking, rat personae is now well established :).

Sorry, I mean :

Squeak S-Squeak, Squeeeak !


Aug 22, 2012
The Eye of Terror
I guess it’s not really necessary after all this time but Dayyālu ’s mention of a Dominions Disciple game sent me on a “tying loose ends” journey for the Codex so here goes.

-that bug I kept having where the game would randomly freeze? That happened a lot actually, about every 10-15 minutes but also very unpredictability, sometimes never for a solid hour, sometimes every couple of minutes. In particular selling items was singularly painful, not making easy the already relatively convoluted method required to do so.

-I don’t think I really clicked with the game, something about the moment to moment gameplay just didn’t suck me in.

But I would probably have soldiered on at least for a couple more character (I was looking forward to bardcore star Valevelkal, had his whole personality planned out) if not for the following:

Blogdex on:
When I started this, I was taking care of my mother who was fighting against cancer. Unfortunately, as can be expected she started getting worse, by eating away at her bones the cancer started releasing too much calcium into her bloodstream which caused her to start losing her head. So she had to be permanently hospitalised. She would still recognise the people around her, but she kept being less and less present, and less and less capable of talking. Usually it felt like she wasn’t really aware of her situation anymore, but every so often she did, and those moment were hard. There are few things worse in the world than seeing your loved ones saying “I still believe, I am not ready yet” with the terror evident behind their eyes and you having the knowledge that they won’t make it. I continued to visit her every day until she passed away the one morning that I happened to sleep next to her (when the nurses offer to set up a bed for you for the first time ever you know not to refuse). To make this even harder, I live in England and she lived in France, so I didn’t have any friends around, the rest of my family lived scattered around Europe and her own friends stopped visiting very quickly because “it’s too hard for me to see her like this” (motherfuckers…), leaving me the only person that she had for far too long. And extra fun to be had, it was right in the middle of coronavirus, so I was literally not seeing anything but masked faces everywhere (since France mandated that they were to be worn even on the street at that time), not a single human smile to soothe the soul.
So yeah, writing silly stories about pixel people, something that was helping me cope with all of this initially just wasn’t doing it anymore.
Blodgex off.

I’m not sure what prompted me to write this, but I guess that when I was about to write “family tragedy” I couldn’t bear to write something so generically bullshit, so there.

At least I am glad that I got to finish up the stories of Trollbaud and Dayyalina, those were a lot of fun to write and I hope you had fun reading them. Given that they both had a full and satisfying conclusion, I shall now tag this as completed, who cares if we never got very far and I did say
completion of the game optional.
in the intro!

Cheers codex bros!
Last edited:


Aug 24, 2013
Saw this and had to log in, this two-step log in process be damned.

My condolences, man. Stay strong.


Oct 21, 2010
-that bug I kept having where the game would randomly freeze? That happened a lot actually, about every 10-15 minutes but also very unpredictability, sometimes never for a solid hour, sometimes every couple of minutes. In particular selling items was singularly painful, not making easy the already relatively convoluted method required to do so.
Same crap happened to me, stopped playing because of it. I found some users on Steam saying that replacing the sdl2.dll with a more recent version would fix the issue.

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