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Let's Play VtM: Night Empire


Dec 7, 2010
Well, Computer Gamer Refugee make a nice point about Sabbat knows about our residence. IF we let them do as they please and those bloody shovelheads go home unchased, the higher-ups will know for sure and certain is that we dont have enough combat power to spare for a chase. Or not enough balls to chase. Either way, expect a major frontal assault after this as the first move to retake the central.
On the other hand, if we chase after them full force and let no one escape, higher-ups Sabbat will guess that yes, that location is Tony's home, and yes, the defense of that place is pretty strong and effectively repulsed their first recon. They will attack elsewhere in search of weaker prey.
CHASE make more sense by the minutes.

:crazyventruescheme(tm): OR...

We let these shovelheads go right now, and when they report back to whoever is led them here, they're going to say "Sommers didn't have the manpower or the balls to come after us, like a typical Ventrue pussy. Next time we come after him, we should hit him in force, with a pack of hardened veterans". Then while they're preparing for a more organized assault of our homes, we also prepare... by fortifying Witanhurst with a fucktonne of traps.

After they stage a doomed assault on our homes (which they will, eventually. We were single-handedly responsible for pushing the Sabbat back initially, so bloody revenge against Tony is pretty much mandatory for the Sabbat's morale and their offensive into the heart of the city), we can probably find some actually useful info from somebody we capture or off the corpses we've made. Then, we hit 'em fast and hard with a counterattack from Operation Wistman.


Jan 10, 2007
Searching for my kidnapped sister
I did think about baiting them into attacking our fortified residence, you know. Good plan tactically.

The problem is that I doubt Codex consensus has the patience for it. It requires Anthony sitting at home devote his actions and resources toward fortifying defense and try to bait them into attacking. From what I can tell, Codex is cheap, dont want to spend on defense, hyper-active, want to go out and about. You can revise our actions from the start of this Act 2 and you can see that. The plan needs to have fortified defense at the very least and I so advised, but they ignored it for jewgold. IF that first step is not taken, the plan can not have enough to succeed. So I abandoned that road.

IF we return to this plan now, it's highly possible our residence will get burnt down to the ground. Oh, we are sure to kill lots of them, but we dont have enough to preserve our base.

AAAA I beg you.


Jan 10, 2007
Searching for my kidnapped sister
Mind you, if you guys had agreed to the fortification, the next steps would have been even more crazier than this. You would have loved it. (refuse Turcov invitation but invite Archon into Wittanhurst to serve as bait. With prepared defense and Cribbs and us, we will be the anvil and Edgar will lead the team, along with Vogler and his people, to assfuck the Sabbat. Archon will be first row audience of our performance and be impressed no end. Crazy as a maddened fox because we need to convince that chap to be our bait along with us.)


Aug 30, 2008
The first sensible sounding thing you've said in a long time lac


Dec 7, 2010
The problem is that I doubt Codex consensus has the patience for it. It requires Anthony sitting at home devote his actions and resources toward fortifying defense and try to bait them into attacking. From what I can tell, Codex is cheap, dont want to spend on defense, hyper-active, want to go out and about. You can revise our actions from the start of this Act 2 and you can see that. The plan needs to have fortified defense at the very least and I so advised, but they ignored it for jewgold. IF that first step is not taken, the plan can not have enough to succeed. So I abandoned that road.

What? People have been discussing things pretty sensibly and with an eye toward the long-term over the entirety of the thread! If anything we've probably been keeping our heads down and playing things a little too safe. Sure, there have been some detours into wackiness (i.e. my Reichstag plan), but a lot of good, critical posters managed to put that risky plot to rest.

IF we return to this plan now, it's highly possible our residence will get burnt down to the ground. Oh, we are sure to kill lots of them, but we dont have enough to preserve our base.

We live in a castle made of stone, how is it going to catch fire? Our lawn might be burned in order to make our escape difficult, but remember... the Sabbat isn't aware of our secret entrance. Even if they set fire to the garden surrounding the castle, we've still got a back-door entrance that these guys don't even know about. We let these guys go, let them think that we're unwilling to engage because we don't have the manpower/balls to do so, and they'll come back again later. I think that it's only a matter of time before the Sabbat begins to organize a strike at the heart of London, and I think we're first on their shit list. Why not fortify now, be prepared to capture a few attackers via traps (a deep pit with a spike will impale our victim, and we can gather them for interrogation later), then use Wistman for a counterattack after we've managed to ascertain the location of a few Sabbat dens/leaders. I don't see the problem here.

Besides, we've got nothing better to do with the mithraeum anyways.

By the way, your idea to use the Archon as Sabbat-bait and fortifying the place is great. The only flaws I see would be getting the man himself on board with it. I wish you brought it up earlier, actually.


Jesus Christ. You have all gone full retard.



Let me just run a few things down for all of you:

1. Mandrake:

grotsnik said:
Her Majesty’s Grey Eminence

The corridors of power are shady places. Underhand deals, secret rivalries, even hidden love trysts…even with the help of trusty snoops like Mandrake, we will simply never know every deception that happens or has happened in Whitehall. Take Mr X. A young man – apparently in his late twenties or early thirties – who dines and meets with some of the most powerful men in the country in expensive London restaurants and hotels during the dead of night. He is wined, dined, and clearly listened to, by dignitaries such as Sir Humphrey Trentbridge, former Home Secretary, William Horn, Permanent Secretary of Her Majesty’s Treasury, and Assistant Chief of Defence Staff Thomas Fielding – Mandrake’s sources inform him that Trentbridge in particular was ‘utterly dependent’ upon this man during his government’s final days in power, frequently placing phone calls to him at 2am or later. An ‘advisor’ from Goldman Sachs, perhaps, or a friend from the unions? Whitehall claims Mr X is nothing more than a junior spin-doctor, but cannot provide us with his name – surely they know better, dear reader, than to tell such very poor lies! Mandrake will report back as soon as he has further details about this sinister man of mystery.

'Mandrake' intimately knows our conections with Trentbridge, Horn and Fielding. Intimately. He also knows that Trentbridge was 'highly dependent', ie. blood-bonded, to Sommers during his last days in office. Further, 'Mandrake' states he will continue digging and exposing evidence.

This is a threat to Sommers. This is a threat to the Masquerade. This is a threat to the overall stability of the Camarilla.

2. Fortifying, or renovating, the Mithraeum:

grotsnik said:
My funds are not limitless, and the house itself was costly; I’d rather leave it as is for now.

We took option C, because, as indicated, Sommers was already running low on funds. Establishing our relationship with a bank was done in order that we can expand our power base as well as deepen our coffers. If we want to upgrade the Mithraeum now, we should be able to cover the expense, however, we then lose the element of surprise where our bolt-hole is concerned.

If we move Operation Wistman to Witanhurst to act as guards for Sommers (a cover for their nature), then we kill two birds with one stone. If the Sabbat make an attack, we have our ghouls to take care of them (and no need to worry about the sunrise stopping their pursuit), and we don't reveal our bolt-hole for the whole. fucking. world.

3. The Archon, Iacomo:

grotsnik said:
“She’ll want to make an entrance, I suppose,” Iacomo says. “Well, no doubt more will make themselves known over the coming weeks, but we’ll make do for now. Good evening to you all. No doubt you are all aware of my general purpose here and upon whose authority I speak, but perhaps you remain uncertain as to my specific duties. I have been instructed, over the next six months or so, firstly, to observe the state of London, and carry out changes to its ordinance if I see fit, secondly, to make certain for the benefit of my superiors that there will be no more...internal troubles of the kind that have plagued you in recent months, and thirdly, to advise Venice to the best of my ability the right candidate to take the place once held by Mithras, Lady Anne Bowesley, and, ah, Roger Kirkbeck.”

Iacomo wants stability. That means we don't start a fucking war with the Sabbat. We don't start a war with the Society of Leopold.

We react, unless we can act definitively.

So stop talking like fucking retards about "oh Sommers is just reacting". We don't know where the hunters are. We don't know where the Sabbat hold court. We don't even know who is currently in control of the London Sabbat. Where the fuck are we supposed to strike? And furthermore, how will a pack of shovelheads spray painting Sommers house know where the Archbishop is? What do you want to do? Hit a fucking pack leader? I'm sure the Archon will shower us with riches for that stellar performance: "Congratulations, Sommers, you've just sparked a new Sabbat-Camarilla War in London because they spray-painted your wall. Would you kindly step this way. Yes, right this way, into the Sunrise."

grotsnik said:
“Some of you are very old. Others,” and you try to meet his gaze with confidence, “less so, but in any case I take no pleasure in delivering a dressing-down to the barons of London, Kindred experienced and wise enough to have known better, as if they were schoolchildren. You failed to stamp out madness and rebellion in our midst, and now we are here, and there is no turning back. What I desire to see, more than apologies or recriminations, is evidence that you are once again in control, that you will obey your Prince, no matter who they might be, and that once again one of our most loyal cities can be trusted to keep itself in good order.”

The Archon wants demonstrations of of stability and loyalty. We don't demonstrate loyalty by running after some Sabbat shovelheads, we demonstrate the same kind of upstart flair that led us to kill Angelos. Start a war, Sommers loses everything.

grotsnik said:
"Cosy up to your choice of Prince as much as you desire, but look to yourselves first. The next time we gather at Knightsbridge, the barons of London will explain to me what they have done and what they continue to do to build Camarilla stability and strength in the city - why, if you like, they deserve to survive. One of you will have to be made an example of, to ensure the rest of you scheming fools get it into your heads that things have to change...and I daresay it’s no secret, young man, that many of your peers will cross their fingers and hope that it’s you.”

Iacomo has indicated that someone's head will be on the chopping block- that does NOT mean it will be Sommers'. Right now, Godric is the most likely of the candidates for allowing his barony to slip into a state of utter disrepair, in the face of Sabbat incursions. All Sommers has to do to survive, is prove that he is a team player. Playing for the Camarilla team means two things: preserving the Masquerade and scheming within our bounds.

grotsnik said:
“Yes, yes,” says Iacomo, “you’re all absolutely overjoyed that I’ve come along to babysit you, and you say prayers for my eternal soul every dawn before you go to bed. I don’t give a fig for this lip-service, Turcov. If you want to help, find out where these fanatics are hiding for me.”

The Archon doesn't care about the Sabbat right now. As long as the threat of the Sabbat is contained, they will remain a low priority. The primary threat at the moment to the Camarilla at large, and the Archon in particular are the hunters. He wants them tracked down. We have begun working toward that.

Why do all of you voting for 1. A, want to run around like attention deficit fucking children and now chase Sabbat instead? Is it impossible to stick with a strategy for longer than one update at a time? The Archon wants the Hunters found. Chasing Sabbat at dawn-rise is not the way to find hunters.

Edit- As an aside, do any of you remember what happened the last time a Camarilla Baron in London launched a strike against a den of Sabbat shovelheads? The war that raged and that ended when we killed Angelos? It was costly for both sides. Do you want to play as du Marchais, or as Anthony Sommers? If you want to play du Marchais and try to make yourself look good by being totally incompetent and going against the direct wishes of the Camarilla (du Marchais was supposed to find Rannigan, not start a Sabbat war), then go right a-fucking-head. What happened to Esteban du Marchais, by the way? Was he staked out for a sunrise and lost his barony? I wonder...

4. The Sabbat attack:

grotsnik said:
“Looks like you’ve been marked,” Vogler says, cheerfully. “Wonder how they got this far north.”

His face and beard is spattered with blood and droplets of gore, respectively; he doesn’t seem to care.

grotsnik said:
Vogler glances sideways at you.

“They’re just shovelheads,” he says. “Puffed-up on blood and a newfound sense of power. A nuisance, not a threat. We could take one alive, maybe find out who embraced them, if they were taken to a den we might find out where it is-”

“They’ll have a van nearby,” you warn. “They’ll have to - only way to get away before dawn.”

What the fuck do you want? Vogler to go full retard, turn into his wolf form and chase their fucking van like a dog chasing a car?

That'll sure look great on his curriculum vitae when it comes to choosing a Prince. He's already thrown himself in harm's way for no particular reason, other than blood sport. We need him to cut this shit out if he wants to be Prince. He's a gangrel, everyone already knows he's a badass beast. But fuck that. He wants to be Prince, he has to act like one.

Don't any of you remember the resent Kirkbeck got when he went in and started whacking shovelheads at du Marchais' little show of force?

Fuck off.

Not to mention it's almost dawn. Storyfag just used this trope in his own LP. Read between the fucking lines. They have a van nearby. It might be a trap. What happens if Vogler goes full retard and gets staked and dragged off to a Sabbat den in the van? What happens if Tony gets kidnapped? What then? Remember what happened to the double-agent working for Dubrik? You think Tony can pull any strings with only a torso? Fuck. Off.

As for the second vote:

The Assamite:

grotsnik said:
“My Swansea friends may not be of much use, but I can contact Venice for help if need be. Have you considered the use of an Assamite-”

From the wall above, you hear Cripps growling.

You think Cripps is going to keep his mouth shut if we secretly bring in an Assamite to tackle a Sabbat den? Why do we need a vampire assassin (an Assamite) when we have Operation Wistman? Heard of overlap much?

The Pell-Mell Queen:

She has made her entrance, but what makes you think she's going to close up shop tomorrow night and move on? She's in town for the publicity and the zeitgeist. She's here to make trouble, and to be honest, fuck knows what kind of trouble Sommers could be in around a Malk. Griddle's Seer already predicted the Centurion and Hob for Sommers [the candles in the darkness], and Don Jameson died at Sommers' hand-yes, it was his choice, but Sommers pushed the button-and no one else in the Camarilla, except Earnes, knows for sure how Angelos was taken down. You think we want it becoming public knowledge we sacrificed a high ranking hunter killer from New York for a petty London powerplay? No. fucking. thank. you.

I voted 1. C, 2. A because:

1. Dawn is coming. They're shovelheads. Vogler needs to calm the fuck down. They're shovelheads. We have a bolt hole. Dawn is coming. You're all full fucking retard.
2. Mandrake has been a lead since the first post. Mandrake knows far too much about Tony's kine relationships and even hinted that he knows what a blood-bond is. If it's another vamp, we shut it down and give the evidence to Iacomo so that he can ash the stupid, Masquerade-violating motherfucker. If it's a red herring set to draw us out or threaten the Masquerade, we shut it down. If it's a plot devised by hunters to draw out a Vampire with strong kine-connections, we shut it down and give up the hunters to Iacomo.

I've been planning since Update 1- if none of you can remember what the fuck we've been doing from one update to the next, that's not my problem.


Dec 7, 2010
IronBRO: keep fighting the good fight! We haven't *all* gone full retard.

ironyuri articulated the foolishness of attacking these dumbass shovelheads ten times better than I could have. Anyways, C is only down by one vote - only a single flip-flopper is necessary. Oh, and when we pick C, I think it's time we had a heart-to-heart with Mr Vogler on how a Prince is to conduct himself. This shit with the shovelheads is completely unfuckingacceptable. Seriously, this feels like Great Expectations, where we must tutor our would-be Prince on how to act as a proper :obviously: gentleman.


IronBRO: keep fighting the good fight! We haven't *all* gone full retard.

ironyuri articulated the foolishness of attacking these dumbass shovelheads ten times better than I could have. Anyways, C is only down by one vote - only a single flip-flopper is necessary. Oh, and when we pick C, I think it's time we had a heart-to-heart with Mr Vogler on how a Prince is to conduct himself. This shit with the shovelheads - unfuckingacceptable.

It's not totally unacceptable, per se- Vogler's a gangrel, his nature means that he will use protean/fortitude in combat to the best of his abilities. He probably has lupine fangs and claws, so a few levels of protean at the very least. What's unacceptable is that he tore after some shovelheads and killed one of them on sight. If he had brought one down and captured it, we wouldn't have to worry about this vote, and we could have just interrogated the prisoner.

What is unacceptable, is that if he wants to be Prince, he needs to keep his gangrel nature in check. Once he's in the job, he can show his fangs (literally), even before that, if we find a hunter den, he can go in with teeth and claws and tear them to shreds at the Archon's side. Before that, he shouldn't be taking unecessary risks. He just suggested bringing in an Assamite when all we've found are shovelheads. Talk about using a sledgehammer to swat a mosquito. We really need to reign in the wild, frontier nature that he just displayed. London won't tolerate a Prince with gore all over his beard.


Jan 10, 2007
Searching for my kidnapped sister
Not convinced.

My crazy plan goes out the window the minute you guys vote not to fortify the place, so that's why I dont bring it up again. Without it, it's no way to secure the place against Sabbat attack and the security of Archon. Forget the idea of baiting Sabbat into attacking us, if you would. It's why I advocate AAAAAAAAA. Because with A we puffed up our available defense up past its reality and make us an unappetizing target. Plus gather possible intel for a location of Sabbat to unleash the squad. And other minor considerations.

I will remind the peanut gallery that the last time a courageous option was offered and you guys denied it, opportunity for major character development was missed. I said it before and I say it now: being Cassandra give me no pleasure.

VOTING AAAAAAAA for no regret.

EDIT: as for The Wild, it depends. I personally feel the fucking barons of fucking London need to be shown a little fang and gore. It is very useful to have a very scary Gangrel Prince on the throne, and a reasonable Ventrue as Seneschal. People will get scared of the big bad wolf and go to talk with the articulate and welldressed chap.


Jan 10, 2007
Searching for my kidnapped sister
Well okay. I should probabbly talk abit about long term targets, so that people know what to expect, support, or oppose.

I believe that the old system of barons has erode much support from under traditional political Prince. It simply become unstable for such to exist long. Should we by some unexplicable means to become Prince of this system, we will shortly be circumvented like Kirkberc and deposed off.

Therefore I believe Anthony will not be, should not be, the next Prince. The one after that, yeah, but not for the current throne. I also believe that the current Prince should rule a long time to get back stability in the system, so that when we ascend, we can reasonably sure to rule well.

A reign of fangs and claws are, and should be, in demand. A Gangrel prince like Vogler is pretty ideal. He will scare the other barons into obedience, suppress the Sabbat, bring back the Gangrels into the fold. With such a scary Bad Wolf sitting on the throne, suddenly the prospect of dickering with a young but reasonable Ventrue like Anthony become sooooo much more palatable. You despise Anthony? Heeeeeere comes Vogler.

But Vogler alone is not enough. We need to bring in more new bloods. The misfits of Swansea is one possiblity. They are new to the city, so it's easier to command status and respect among them. The return of the Gangrels also need to be expedited, to gain new strength.

Erika as Sheriff also is in plan. For one thing, our relationship with her work in favour of future smooth cooperation. For another, a combination of Prince-Sheriff as Gangrels will scare other barons shitless.

There! That's the basic outline of at least five decades process.


Well okay. I should probabbly talk abit about long term targets, so that people know what to expect, support, or oppose.

I believe that the old system of barons has erode much support from under traditional political Prince. It simply become unstable for such to exist long. Should we by some unexplicable means to become Prince of this system, we will shortly be circumvented like Kirkberc and deposed off.

Therefore I believe Anthony will not be, should not be, the next Prince. The one after that, yeah, but not for the current throne. I also believe that the current Prince should rule a long time to get back stability in the system, so that when we ascend, we can reasonably sure to rule well.

A reign of fangs and claws are, and should be, in demand. A Gangrel prince like Vogler is pretty ideal. He will scare the other barons into obedience, suppress the Sabbat, bring back the Gangrels into the fold. With such a scary Bad Wolf sitting on the throne, suddenly the prospect of dickering with a young but reasonable Ventrue like Anthony become sooooo much more palatable. You despise Anthony? Heeeeeere comes Vogler.

But Vogler alone is not enough. We need to bring in more new bloods. The misfits of Swansea is one possiblity. They are new to the city, so it's easier to command status and respect among them. The return of the Gangrels also need to be expedited, to gain new strength.

Erika as Sheriff also is in plan. For one thing, our relationship with her work in favour of future smooth cooperation. For another, a combination of Prince-Sheriff as Gangrels will scare other barons shitless.

There! That's the basic outline of at least five decades process.

Where the hell does half of this come from? Starting with your final point, first:

1. Erika will never be sheriff. She is a gangrel. The Barons of London WILL NOT accept a gangrel Prince and gangrel sheriff. Further, she made it clear she does not want anything more to do with Sommers because he GETS PEOPLE KILLED, precisely because of the kind of shit you're advocating here.

2. A reign of claws and fangs sounds like just what London needs... now we just need the other Barons not to assassinate Vogler because they see him as a threat to their power, and we need Venice not to consider him a liability to the fucking Masquerade if he RUNS AROUND SLAUGHTERING SHOVELHEADS HIMSELF AND BRINGS IN AN ASSAMITE TO KILL A PACK PRIEST.

3. Since the start of Night Empire (the current campaign) NO ONE has suggested Anthony will EVER be Prince. What we (Esquilax, myself, Storyfag, Hellraiser) have been advocating is tacit support for Vogler (while keeping our options open), while angling for Vogler to become Prince with Sommers as his Seneschal. So what the fuck do you even mean?

4. The Archon has already outlined the problems of the Camarilla in London and the power of its barons to do whatever they want. No one is arguing this point. You seem to forget, however, that it is not up to Sommers. The Archon will decide how best to redistribute power and he didn't ask us to run off and kill some Sabbat and bring him the corpses like a cat dropping a mouse at his feet.

laclongquan said:
I will remind the peanut gallery that the last time a courageous option was offered and you guys denied it, opportunity for major character development was missed. I said it before and I say it now: being Cassandra give me no pleasure.

An opportunity for major character development that, as grotsnik has already told us in the past, would have resulted in a Masquerade violation and Sommers being tracked by a Scotland Yard Detective.

Have you even read the update? Sunrise is coming. You want to chase Shovelheads with the would-be Prince, our ONE-AND-ONLY bodyguard and Sommers (who has not exactly had a high success rate in fights against Sabbat brujah antitribu [see SEWERS]) and risk losing one of those assets? Maybe you want Vogler to frenzy and pick up another mutation or two?

laclongquan said:
My crazy plan goes out the window the minute you guys vote not to fortify the place, so that's why I dont bring it up again

Your crazy plan which would have revealed our secret exit to everyone. The strength of the bolt-hole into Highgate cemetery is that it is unknown to anyone except Sommers (and possibly, Cripps). You bring in a building team, then the rest of the Camarilla knows we're hiding something, and we just draw unecessary attention. And you think it'll be built overnight and the Sabbat will wait? Who is to say they won't just start doing a little investigation of their own and find the exit to set up a trap for us? They could just take one of the fucking builders hostage.

SCO said:

Is that 1.C or 2. C? or both?

Edit- Lac, since you didn't even take the courtesy to quote or refer to anything I said in my post other than "you're not convinced", I'll assume you haven't read it.


And just as an addition to what I said directly above, you haven't presented any evidence from the previous updates that reinforce your argument, which is why I disagree with it.

Read my post again- Mandrake is going to continue exposing Sommers influence, and we know someone had cameras covering our meeting with the board of directors at the bank- that means that we can expect another 'Mandrake' expose' in the near future. The first one hit before the Archon was in town, do you want a picture of Sommers in The Times newspaper for Iacomo to read over his morning vitae? How long do you think it'll be before Iacomo sends someone to Witanhurst to remind Sommers that it has been too long since he worked on his suntan?


Jan 10, 2007
Searching for my kidnapped sister
Ah, the Not Convinced line is referring to Esquilax's post, not you. I did not even see your post when I post that. Not refreshed yet, dontchaknow?

EDIT: and chap, damn but you are fiery this fine saturday's evening. :chill:


phase-based phantasmist
Mar 14, 2011
:salute: ironyuri

Another reason to go after Mandrake (as if we needed one) is that there's clearly a supernatural influence to the story - there's no way a Kine who isn't a Hunter or a Warlock or whatever could know that much. I mean, sure, I hope it's just a dude who happened to get way too much info on us through completely mundane means - then he'll be handled in a minute (once we get to him). But it's much more likely that somebody (another Kindred, Hunters, ...) is manipulating Kine to get at us. That shit needs to be handled asap and with extreme prejudice - not only because it's a Masquerade violation that could get us ashed, not only because it's like a giant beacon for Huntards and other unwanted attention - but, just as importantly - because manipulating Kine is *our* territory and the main reason we are a baron in the first place (as opposed to a 13th gen Ventrue bum lording over a kindergarten).

(that's supposing that a Scotland Yard Detective didn't find a shard of the Vase, and has ever since been guided by the Lasombra Antediluvian, who is really turned on by Anthony because... he has a posh reflection, unlike the old blob of darkness?)

And as for the idea that capturing shovelheads will provide intel - seriously? "Intel" is not information that the enemy just happens to provide for you on a silver platter: "intel" is info about the enemy they are not aware of you having. Or are you saying that shovelheads will just happen to know valuable info, and that their higher-ups (if any, assuming they are not random retards) will be really surprised that they got captured - or will be completely taken aback by our ability to use Dominate? Really? Let's not even discuss logic like "if we manage to Dominate them, we'll know their info is useless; if we fail, we;ll know we've just fallen into a trap". How about: we just don't fall into any traps, either now or set up by their "intel"?

And as a final incantation that will perhaps be of use, ponder upon the words of the elders:
Serious_Business said:
There is no paranoia in the WoD, there is only insufficient pessimism.


Aug 30, 2008
You never fought.

As a second lieutenant under the Western Desert Air Force, you worked tirelessly at Staff HQ, organising supplies, maintaining the administration of the various fighter squadrons. You were taught how to fire a gun; how to navigate in a Hawker Hurricane. But you never really learnt how to aim, and you never flew anything other than milk runs. The other officers, quietly, but surely, made their opinion known – you were a coward.

You ignored them. Your work was necessary, you told yourself – even vital – to the war effort. Not everyone could strut around acting the hero. You were content to continue doing your part behind the scenes; and besides, there was always Mary Sommers, the smiling, puck-cheeked girl who you married hastily before you joined up with just as much thoughtlessness as romance. And your burgeoning career, mostly thanks to Mary’s father, in Government…

And, although you agonised over it, although you denied it and even, in the middle of the night, stared into your bedroom mirror and called yourself a coward, a failure, not even a man – you were afraid of dying. And as the casualties of the war increased, you became more and more fearful that you would be called upon to start flying combat missions.

You met the girl in Bardia, as Allied forces poured into the town as part of Operation Compass; she was a nurse on the night shift, dealing with the ever-growing number of casualties. Evangeline Turner, she called herself, as you stepped into her ward to take stock of hospital supplies. A pale girl, with the tireless calm of someone far older, her black hair pinned primly back, who gazed at you with – you thought – something like repressed lust. She ran the hospital – overstepping the orders of the drunken, pitiful doctor and his sullen Libyan assistants – with a dazzling efficiency, in spite of the chaos in the town, and, indeed, appeared to get a real kick out of organising the wards.

You visited Evangeline again, in the dry hot nights of Bardia. Slipping your wedding ring from your finger – breathless, shameful, but unable to stay away. But as she dragged you into the relative privacy of the empty doctor’s office, she hissed at you,

“Anthony…you’re afraid of dying. But you don’t have to be. You don’t have to ever die – not if you don’t want to.

She clasped your hand and told you to come to her when you were ready. That she had a gift for you – a way out, an escape route – but that it came at a price. You could live forever, so long as you were content never to see sunlight again. Confused, and disturbed, you made your excuses, and fled.

The next day, the 9th Armoured Division set out from El Alamein. And corpses flooded the town of Bardia. Men who had been torn to pieces by anti-tank shells; men missing limbs, and heads. Some of them old, some of them young. You sat on the steps below the hospital and watched the bodies come in. A stretcher passed by. A dying boy in uniform, his stomach exposed and gory, snatched hold of your arm.

“I-I’m going to be a fireman,” he whispered.

You gazed into his eyes; you watched as the light faded.

“I-I’m going to be a fireman,” he repeated.

That night, you found Evangeline, and told her you were ready. And so you slipped into a world of darkness.

There were plenty of night-time positions available; as the desert war began to turn against Rommel’s troops, staff were needed on-hand around the clock. When superior officers asked you to put in some day-time hours, you found it remarkably easy to persuade them otherwise. Slowly, you began to care less and less about the fate of the foolish Kine all around you.

After the war, Evangeline left for America; you returned to London, shunning your old friends, and ignoring Mary. When her father, outraged, came to your door late at night, demanding that you do the decent thing and divorce her, you managed to quickly convince him to instead hand over the contact details of several prominent politicians.

Other Kindred in the city were slow to notice you – and those who did recognise your existence often demanded tribute or undying loyalty. You soldiered on, gaining more and more respect amongst the Kine politicians in Whitehall, while your Kindred superiors betrayed one another and squabbled amongst themselves.

The higher you rose, the more unwelcome attention you received. A couple of murder attempts in the 70s, that were swiftly avenged by a young Toreador in your employ by the name of Edgar Fellowes, were followed by a grudging acceptance by several elders. Gradually, common Kindred began to speak of you as ‘the Patrician of Whitehall’. The Gehenna scares around the turn of the Millenium, meanwhile, did their part in establishing you as a genuinely stable power in the centre of the city.

Mary is no longer puck-cheeked, and she’s stopped smiling. Sat in a nursing home in the lush countryside outside the city, she pisses into a catheter and eats mush. You are aware that she’s still alive, but you don’t visit her. Kine are Kine, you tell yourself – though, perhaps, you just don’t want to be reminded of your former life, or the lingering stench of death.

Look I know something here could go wrong. It could be an ambush or Volger might frenzy. But that is unlikely. We need to address this flaw of Anthony's. Remember when Anthony lost his shit because someone played a schoolboy prank on him with the super-glue? The man is repressed. Now Anthony wasn't some amoral Commissar Cain or Blackadder cynical, cunning type who didn't place himself in bodily harm out of rational self interest. He really wanted to be able to bring himself to fight, but couldn't bring himself to.

Anthony needs this chance. This chance to prove to the SS wolf and, more importantly, himself that he's not a coward and that he's not a failure. Of course Anthony's strengths aren't in beating up Sabbat. But Vogel has shown he can play politics and show some tact so let's show Vogel that we have an ounce of manliness left in our long-dead body and we are actually capable of fighting. This is a golden opportunity for Anthony to address his fear that crippled and dominated him when he was a man. The very fear that made him accept the offer of Embrace.


phase-based phantasmist
Mar 14, 2011
oscar: That's pretty much the only valid reason to vote for 1.A, and is a good point. I'm just too paranoid to choose it. It's like choosing the first door in a game of chance, then being told a nicer prize was behind the third one - then choosing the third door when given the next similar choice. The voices don't like it, is all...


Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Sep 29, 2010
Al Scandiya
Oh, but I think he managed just fine against that Sabbat during the raid on the Nosferatu headquarters. No need to push it, though. Sommers is a Ventrue, his greatest strength is his ability to manipulate, dominate and command others into doing his dirty work for him. It would be best for him to rely on his abilities, rather than to ignore them and attempt to develop new ones, especially in situations that could be extremely dangerous.


phase-based phantasmist
Mar 14, 2011
Don't know about you guys, but I imagine Anthony as a non-combat char in the AoD demo - he's fucked up as soon as he needs to consider personal physical force as an option. It's just not a feasible option and provides less "experience points" than the alternatives he specializes in. Fortitude is there just to facilitate survival of inevitable fuckups - even with 1% fuckup chance per year, centuries add up fast.

"But he has combat-oriented allies with him, it should be simple!". While I'm sure Cripps would just love to bash some heads, his loyalty list definitely doesn't include Anthony at the first place (his charming primogen and his snotty self being two obvious choices for higher positions). His ultimate purpose is unknown, but even assuming it's straight - if his reaction to unnecessary risks is as any bodyguard's should be, he could leave our employ if he gets fed up with bullshit. And Vogler of course, is an ex-SS from Swansea (love the alliteration) and a Wolf Who Would Be Prince, halfway too smart for what he appears to be, and has ~20% chance (imho) of being antitribu or worse himself. A great combat team right there.

Sure, sometimes shovelheads are just shovelheads, and bodyguards are just muscle for hire. But more often than not, shovelheads are cogs in a byzantine machine grinding for your blood, and bodyguards are biased intel gatherers with ulterior motives (well hello there Edgar!). Any 13th gen who believes in simplicity better start pursuing Gloconda in a secluded monastery, because his chances of survival are drastically impaired by foolish notions of simplicity and taking things at face value.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be by the pool, sipping my Long Island Iced Teas and facepalming gently. M:

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