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Saving During Combat

Save during combat?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 16 18.8%
  • No!

    Votes: 52 61.2%
  • I don't like it, but I absolutely need the option for when I have to leave.

    Votes: 17 20.0%

  • Total voters


Oct 5, 2021
No unless battles take a really long time to resolve.


I savescum constantly, no matter what it is I'm doing. No fucks given.

They see me savin'
They hatin'
Patrollin' and tryna catch me savin' dirty


Glory to Ukraine
Mar 28, 2010
If they are really long battles that could last more than 15 minutes then I think that it is a very good feature to have.

I am also just generally in favor of being able to save any time I want to. I dislike and find it insulting when a developer tries to limit when I can save to make sure I am playing the game the way they want me to play it. I have never had a gameplay experience where I said to myself, "I am glad I wasn't able to save here" or "I really wish I couldn't save here". In the past I have actually stopped researching games I was thinking about buying upon learning that they had a restrictive save system. It isn't the only thing I consider, but it is a negative.

Although I could understand if small dev teams left out the option to save during certain times if too much development time would be required to add and support it.
Last edited:


Dec 13, 2019
I don't really care about savescumming myself. If people want to do it, they will find a way anyway (especially in a singleplayer-oriented game). For me saving is very important when I have to be able to leave at moment's notice. Otherwise I don't even start the game until I am sure I have the time for it.
Jul 8, 2006
sometimes I save during really long combats just in case some sort of computer freeze up happens I don't have to replay an hour worth of combat I already have done. Also a game where you can accidentally miss click and fuck up a well calculated attack might also do well to have a way to either recover from the miss-click or offer saving during combat..
Jul 8, 2006
Also a game where you can accidentally miss click and fuck up a well calculated attack might also do well to have a way to either recover from the miss-click or offer saving during combat..
This is why some Turn Based games have an "undo" button. To solve exactly the situation in which you just described.
yes, and I really appreciate games that have that since I play various games at the same time and some are right click to move and some left click to move and some are all left button (move+action) and some mix it up etc..I can sometimes miss click and not being able to undo the action can be annoying..
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Also a game where you can accidentally miss click and fuck up a well calculated attack might also do well to have a way to either recover from the miss-click or offer saving during combat..
This is why some Turn Based games have an "undo" button. To solve exactly the situation in which you just described.
This shit drove me insane in DOS2. Characters are animated during combat and their hitbox moves with the animation.


The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
Very interesting results so far.

I need more data on average encounter length and such, but it looks like I'll have to serialize the data regardless. Quitting in a pinch when real life calls and not having to redo something is basic QoL.

Plenty of time left to make a final decision on saving during combat.

Putting it in a cheat options menu like rusty_shackleford said might work. That would make it clear the game wasn't designed around savescumming but still allow it.

Also a game where you can accidentally miss click and fuck up a well calculated attack might also do well to have a way to either recover from the miss-click or offer saving during combat..
This is why some Turn Based games have an "undo" button. To solve exactly the situation in which you just described.
Having an action rollover log to facilitate an undo button adds a lot of complexity. I've only ever seen it in 4x games. Any tactical combat examples?
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
The issue is generally caused by putting multiple actions on a single button, avoid that and I doubt an undo feature is needed.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Topical to this conversation, the most recent Lost Eidolons dev video goes over this topic.

Timestamped where the discussion begins. The developer goes over his opinions on saving & loading during combat(doesn't seem to like it, although finds it useful)

Any tactical combat examples?
Shit, I don't actually remember any... Sorry.. It's weird because I remember playing some Turn Based games that had the feature in past. I just can't think of any at the moment.
Timestamped where he begins discussing the undo system

Seems you get a limited number of undos per battle.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
Don't like saving during combat? Don't do it.

Blocking off if others from doing so is just pathetic, SJWish, and what a Nazi Karen would do it.

This literally effects nobody but the one doing it. Lol


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
Not really. The choice of including features or not can affect everyone. What raves classes, skills, spells mobsters, etc effects everyone. The choice if tb vs rt combat or even including both effects everyone. Graphics and music's affect everyone. Writing styles (BG vs DA2) affects everybody.

So, stop with the intellectual idiocy, moran.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Not really. The choice of including features or not can affect everyone. What raves classes, skills, spells mobsters, etc effects everyone. The choice if tb vs rt combat or even including both effects everyone. Graphics and music's affect everyone. Writing styles (BG vs DA2) affects everybody.

So, stop with the intellectual idiocy, moran.
So you'd be OK with RPGs adding a button that just killed any enemy you target no matter what?


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
Go right ahead. Isn't that what the awesome button is for?

I mean Codex believes every game is easy, anyways. Lol

I personally wouldn't want them to waste time adding such a button but devs dint tailor games for Volourn. Plus, that isn't the same since that is adding something. Actively stopping the playing from saving at certain times us taking an option away. I am not anti freedom? Are you?


Oct 1, 2018
"Give me 1000 skill points every time I level up. I'll avoid spending them all if I want, but if you limit me in any way you're anti-freedom."


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
My two cents:
  • Speed up combat movement by x2-x5 depending on the actual speed
  • Speed up Combat animations by the same amount
  • Improve your AI calculation to make it faster

Once it's done, would the game still have long battles?
If so, allow a save mid-battle or every 3/4/5 turns.
You know speeding up gameplay at a toggle is a great idea. A lot of emulators have turbo options and various states to speed things up (I tried it recently on a slow tactical game and it made grinding more enjoyable instead of watching the same damn slow animations and text over & over again.

A quick combat like Wizard's Crown and a few others is ok for battles you can easily win.

I don't have a problem with saves anywhere as since if I'm in a time pinch and can't quit the battle or there is no deep dungeon save, I'll just flip the switch off and lose progress because time is more important when I need to be elsewhere.

So what if I have to do the whole damn dungeon again. Or I might just say.... Done with game, moving on.

Save.... fine
Auto combat AI while away.... Good

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