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Vapourware Scam Citizen - Only people with too much money can become StarCitizens! WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW MORE?

Mar 16, 2016
Actually SQ42 supposed to be quite similar to COD:IW.

Battle in the stars and face-to-face as you seamlessly transition between dogfighting and ground combat.

Serve aboard a massive Navy capital ship as your custom character interacts and builds relationships with a living, breathing crew.

As for what kind of game it's gonna be in the end even Chris himself don't know.


May 19, 2005
No, its not.

SQ42 should be like Wing Commander, a arcadish combat sim because that was what it was sold to the backers, there would not be ground combat (that is fucking retard, if it reached point were they have to grab a rifle and be grunts you pretty much have lost) since it was never billed as such, Star Marine was added later.

At this point nobody knows what SQ42 is supposed to be, not that it matters since Star Marine seems to be on hold indefinitely so SQ42 is not going to have any ground combat even if at some point that was perhaps planned, you are a pilot of a starship ... this is what sold to the backers, this is what they wanted ... not fucking COD, not Battlefield .... Wing Commander, not yet another fucking military shooter with drivable vehicles.
Last edited:


Mar 28, 2014
Yeah, I have no idea why Mass Effect and COD are there. NMS, well, that's at least understandable but the rest? Either I missed something, or Smart got too carried away with the hyperbole.

NMS has nothing to do with design of SC.
SC closest comparison are X games and Freelancer. There isn't anything else out there with that kind of design.

SC whole point is to have most of the things created by hand while filling some things with procedural stuff while other games like NMS, limit Theory, Elite are just bundle of random stuff enclosed in some rules.

Closest thing comparable to SC is X:Rebirth. It has both first person and ship flying but it is uber small compared to what SC is trying to do and pile of shit that barely works due to old DX9 renderer.


Jul 13, 2007
From Smart's blog again, because I don't expect sane people trying to navigate that trainwreck of a layout.

Star Citizen – They’re building a movie set!!
So AroundTheVerse had their 100th show yesterday. Today they had another ReverseTheVerse as well. These, along with the 104TC nonsense, are supposedly “paid for by subscribers”. Which doesn’t make one lick of sense when you consider the fact that EVERYTHING at CIG/RSI is paid for with backer money. And the people on the show, are all staff with paychecks. So what exactly are the subscribers “paying” for in order to host these shows?

And just as they announced that “subscriptions are up” (they would be, since they were using it as a way to get people to download the 2.4 patch if they didn’t want to wait), they just started sending this email out to backers.


It’s the usual CIG branded bullshit. Moving along…

In case you didn’t watch it, AtV was the usually rubbish. For a milestone show, it was as flacid as the character models in this $116 million train wreck.

Interestingly enough, Chris was showing off the LA office. Again. And in what we believe was an edited section where they probably removed it, they not only didn’t even show the space door entrance, but they took great pains not to show the rumored 20K espresso machine.

Last I heard – and as claimed by CIG two weeks ago – this week was supposed to have something special. In fact, I was expecting them to follow through on what sources told me was an attempt to necromance Star Marine – again – and “prove” that it’s not dead. Though Chris has gone on the record as saying that what was planned for SM was already in the PU.

Yeah, we’re still laughing at that one.

Seriously, there is simply NO GAME. Word is they’re still trying to build a CryEngine fps level to pass off as a new FPS (aka Star Marine Necro) “coming soon” as part of their usual begging drive which goes on during August (Gamescom in Germany) and Oct (CitizenCon). Thing is, they’ve done that many times in the past, and all that Cinebox created content never made it into ANY version of the game. And only the truly gullible backers are going to fall for that one now.

Yes, Chris was showing the LA office, instead of, you know, showing off the game they’re supposedly building. I’m guessing this is a play on that whole “how can it be a scam if they have offices and staff?” <—- if you’re thinking, let alone saying this, congrats, you’re an idiot. With a pulse.

As I said in my latest blog*, I believe it to be totally a money-grabbing scam now.

What Chris didn’t mention was that while furious backers are wondering where the money has gone, even as CIG/RSI comes up with every trick in the book to deny refunds, Chris is reported to now be building a GODDAMN MOVIE SET at Imaginarium studios in the UK where they’ve done some mocap work. If you know anything about that place, then you know it’s one of the most expensive studios in the entertainment world. And this one is said to be for Mark Hamill’s performance in SQ42. And they’re also shooting at Ealing Studios.

Meanwhile, five years and $116 million later; not a single in-game footage of SQ42 has been seen by backers or the media.

And it’s already July and no official word yet that BOTH projects have in fact been delayed and will NEVER release (I called this one months back. You’re welcome) in 2016.

Even as key dev staff are bailing (several in June, more coming in July I’ve heard) on the project, he’s off making a movie. With backer money.

And as if the recent ToS fiasco wasn’t bad enough, now they have a new form letter (scroll down to the July 1st comment) for denying refunds; even to those who haven’t agreed to the new ToS.

And in one other recent response to a backer, they are now saying that CIG is not the “correct” entity to address grievances to; that is should be RSI. This despite the fact that they only made that company liability change (it’s in my recent blog) in the latest ToS…which this person hadn’t even agreed to.

Yes, you heard that right. They’re now actively saying that CIG is no longer the entity with the Star Citizen liability in the US, and that RSI (just a shell company up to the 2.4 ToS change) now is. Even though this particular backer, and thousands of others, have email receipts that clearly show they purchased goods from CIG…which still happens to be an active entity.

Something is amiss. Just trust me on this.

More soon.


Jan 21, 2008
Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
From what Smart is saying, it sounds like they are either very poorly managed or they're intentionally trying to limit their liability or something. Or it could be both, I guess.

Taka-Haradin puolipeikko

Filthy Kalinite
Apr 24, 2015
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Bubbles In Memoria
Someone got a refund
A backer who, like so many that contact me, use my online resources for navigating this farce etc, has been fighting diligently for over a month to get a refund of $3K from CIG/RSI after they changed the ToS and stripped him of rights he already had, has PREVAILED.

It’s only going to get worse from here on out, seeing as I have now been made aware that the LA county consumer protection office is also looking into similar complaints, and complainants (regardless of where you live here in the US or overseas) have been advised to file a complaint on their website.

Notice how Ortwin ( that would be this guy), Chris Roberts’ long-time business partner (and entertainment attorney), basically lied (I have now made them aware of this in detail) to the Attorney General’s office when he stated the following – in writing (!):

i) cited the ToS which the backer never agreed to, hence the whole point of the refund battle

ii) states that the backer has an agreement with RSI; when in fact the backer (like all backers before the ToS change) actually has an agreement with CIG. Note that this is all part of them shifting the liability from the more established CIG entity to one of the several shell corps associated with this train-wreck.

Reprinted verbatim in the backer’s own words:

Ok, so after a while of dealing with Cloud Imperium Games, I have finally received a refund of $3000 USD.

After the terms of service change, I contacted CIG and requested a full refund.
Here’s a full transcript with personal identifying information removed.






Essentially, a full denial.

I did exactly what I said I would, and ended up recovering $900 dollars through Amazon payments.


On June 29th, I received three official responses, pretty much identical in spirit, though the one I received from the District Attorney of Los Angeles was signed by Ortwin personally.





Two days later, I received Paypal responses about my inquiry of a refund. I received the following response on all my claims:


Then, on July 11th, I was contacted by an LA County Investigator inquiring information about CIG and RSI.
We had about an hour long conversation, where I detailed everything about CIG and how I felt it was a scam (my opinion). He told me to get as many people as I can to write complaints into them, so they can build a case. For clarity, I’M DEREKS SOURCE FOR THAT.

Less than 24 hours later, I received the additional balance of what I was unable to recover.


I plan to record an upload a video to Youtube detailing my journey, but I promised to update the thread for you guys, so here you are.


Dec 12, 2005
PayPal is a scam too. I was almost ripped off for $50K on an eBay sale of my Renishaw ML10X interferometer. The buyer claimed to not receive the item and used PayPal to try and recover his money after they inexplicably sided with him. I had documentation of his signature on receipt of delivery as well as my own documentation of my shipping details obviously. Throughout the entire process they were incredibly arbitrary and they could give me no reason why they sided with the buyer other than simply taking him at his word. They even admitted to knowing that all of the evidence in the case greatly favored me. They didn't even give an excuse why they chose to ignore these details. The court fortunately sided with me and a second court granted me restitution on damages in the counter-suit. It really is incredible that such a large and successful business like PayPal could be so inept at conflict resolution. But there's my own anecdote for you.

Never ever trust PayPal is my advice.


One Bit Studio
Dec 28, 2010
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
I never had any problems with paypal, but what Nael told us really sucks and infuriating. 50K is a lot afterall. Unfortunately there are people who try to make adventage from Paypal's buyer protection system, but there is no excuse about them not giving a shit about your evidences.


Mar 1, 2014
Copium Den
Yeah paypal... I once had to create an account for a one-time payment, using an email extra created, and only for that purpose. One day after creating I got spammed by some chinese online dealer for a month and even got fishing mails about "change your paypal account password". Totally safe and trustworthy company indeed. :salute:

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