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Company News Silver Style got the go-ahead to fuck up The Dark Eye


Mar 7, 2006
Tags: Carsten Strehse; Silver Style

Looks like the Berlin based Publisher <a href="http://www.the-games-company.com">The Games Company</a> got the Dark Eye license, or "Das Schwarze Auge", as civilized people call it. That allows their internal development studio <a href="http://www.silver-style.com/de/home/profile.php">Silver Style Entertainment</a> to make a The Dark Eye action RPG. No shit.
If you speak German, read up on it <a href="http://www.the-games-company.com/de/news/index.php?nid=950">here</a>. You have to believe me if you don't - I got the news from <a href="http://www.rpgwatch.com">the RPG Watch</a>, so it's got to be true.
Anyway, let's get back to "No shit". Silver Style, developer of the renowned <a href="http://www.the-fall.com/">The Fall</a>, that German POS RPG that never hit the English speaking market, gets to make a DSA action RPG. And our old friend Carsten Strehse, once Lead Developer of said game, is CEO of The Games Company now.

Andyman Messiah

Mr. Ed-ucated
Jan 27, 2004
Monolith, why don't you just cast your evil eye at Carsten and his pals instead?

Also, while The Fall never did see an official release outside of Germany, there is a translation patch for it which a couple of us used to play it. However, I don't know if it can take you through the whole game as I stopped about halfway in and that was totally not innuendo. I always go all the way in otherwise. Anyway, yes, The Fall sucked but people outside Germany also managed to come to that conclusion. Get your facts straight, you dirty old Monolith!

Also Carsten is actually a Kerstin. Just google his name and tell me he doesn't look like a Kerstin.

Andyman Messiah

Mr. Ed-ucated
Jan 27, 2004
The Sorcerer? I didn't even know there was a fourth part. That looks good indeed. How would you say it holds up?


Jan 16, 2003
Besides The Fall not being regarded as a good game I don't think making statements like this won him much love either.


OK, here is the status:

- Yes, TF will be released in US, UK, Australia and all other English speaking territories. The game will also reach most parts of Asia.
- Yes, we already have partners for those territories.
- Yes, the English version will differ from the German one regarding some features. It will be the latest version (an advancement of the Extended Version if you want so).
- Yes, the release will be nearly simultaniously in the English speaking territories.
- No, we don't now the exact date, because it isn't that easy to coordinate the release on different continents. We are not EA (mercifully Wink).
- No, the English master isn't finished yet.
- What's the reason for the long waiting time? We simply want to release a perfect polished game, that's it.

One thing we really want to say: Thank you for your patience! Smile

Silver Style Entertainment

Carsten Strehse
Lead Designer

PostPosted: Thu Jul 7 7:41:25 2005
Last edited by Carsten Strehse on Thu Jul 7 18:10:22 2005; edited 2 times in total


May 25, 2006
Does this man there wont be any sequels to drakensang?
or is it a non-exclusive license?


Jul 3, 2007
Andyman Messiah said:
while The Fall never did see an official release outside of Germany

It was officially released in Baltics and CIS. The game had a great potential but as it often happens - the execution was extremely poor and it killed the game.


Mar 7, 2006
Gamebanshee found the English press release:
TGC Acquires „The Dark Eye" License

The Berlin-based publisher announces an epic action role-playing game taking place in the "TDE – The Dark Eye" universe.

Berlin/Leipzig, 20th August 2008: TGC – The Games Company starts off into the first day of this year´s Games Convention with fantastic news for all RPG fans. The Berlin-based publisher was able to acquire the most successful German RPG license for the development of a high-end game. The license has been granted by Chromatix GmbH, the holder of rights of the globally successful “TDE” brand.

“TDE – The Dark Eye” has enthralled RPG fans all over the world (in German: “DSA – Das Schwarze Auge”) for the last 24 years. At the beginning “TDE” was only available as a traditional pen & paper role-playing game, but within the last 16 years the license has also been used for four PC games. TGC´s latest “TDE” project offers the most intensive role-playing experience so far in the idyllic but dangerous fantasy world Aventuria.

TGC´s in-house development unit is responsible for the realization of the ambitious “TDE” adaptation. In Berlin the developers work at an action-oriented role-playing game that is to impose new standards within the genre with its enormous depth and an epic, movie-like story. The detailed background story sends the player on a thrilling adventurous journey through the vast “TDE” world Aventuria. The charismatic main character is controlled from a freely zoomable and pivotable isometric perspective. The authentic fights are based on the current edition of the “TDE” rulebook.

“I am glad that we have got the coveted license”, says Carsten Strehse, CEO at TGC. “It emphasizes TGC´s high ambitions to be able to use such an attractive license for our lavish game development. This enables us to provide players not only with a very good but with an extraordinary RPG. We strive to set new standards in story-telling, graphics and game worlds with our “TDE” project.” “An action-oriented role-playing game offers fascinating new possibilities to carry the player off to the varied world of Aventuria”, says Dr. Stefan Blanck, managing director at Chromatix. “I am convinced that gripping gameplay combined with an emotional story will offer an exciting experience to role-players.”

Sergei Quaid said:
Whats wrong with The Fall?
What's wrong with you?!

Andyman Messiah said:
Monolith, why don't you just cast your evil eye at Carsten and his pals instead?

Also, while The Fall never did see an official release outside of Germany, there is a translation patch for it which a couple of us used to play it. However, I don't know if it can take you through the whole game as I stopped about halfway in and that was totally not innuendo. I always go all the way in otherwise. Anyway, yes, The Fall sucked but people outside Germany also managed to come to that conclusion. Get your facts straight, you dirty old Monolith!

Also Carsten is actually a Kerstin. Just google his name and tell me he doesn't look like a Kerstin.
I'll try to cast a lot of evil eyes on them if I get a chance to meet them. Anyway, what LCJr said.

Claw said:
I liked Simon 4.
They are making a Simon 5.

Spectacle said:
Does this man there wont be any sequels to drakensang?
or is it a non-exclusive license?
It's non-exclusive.


Jun 7, 2006
Monolith said:

I don't know what's up with you people. Kissing PB's ass and dissing Silver Style, which is one of the most talented and visionary teams in Germany :shock:

Anyway, why don't you look at it this way: Being a non-exclusive licence (and the absolutly for sure sequel(s) for Drakensang) we will have a lot of games to chose from. If ACPGs are not your cup of tea - don't play it and stay with Radon Labs games.

It's not that the 15 DSA games for mobile phones made anyone screaming "fuck up" - why should anyone do when Silver Style tries to make a competent ARPG of DSA?

I really can't imagine.


Jan 12, 2006
Sir Brennus said:
I don't know what's up with you people. Kissing PB's ass and dissing Silver Style, which is one of the most talented and visionary teams in Germany
And your high opinion of them is based on what excactly? The Fall isn't their only crappy game. Pretty much their entire back catalog consists of nothing but amazingly poor ripoffs and bland licensed titles. There's nothing visionary about them at all. They usually just pick an internationally successful game and try to imitate it.

I'm in full agreement with Monolith here. They're a terrible developer and Strehse is an arrogant windbag.


Jun 7, 2006
Uz0rnaem said:
Sir Brennus said:
I don't know what's up with you people. Kissing PB's ass and dissing Silver Style, which is one of the most talented and visionary teams in Germany
And your high opinion of them is based on what excactly? The Fall isn't their only crappy game. Pretty much their entire back catalog consists of nothing but amazingly poor ripoffs and bland licensed titles. There's nothing visionary about them at all. They usually just pick an internationally successful game and try to imitate it.

I'm in full agreement with Monolith here. They're a terrible developer and Strehse is an arrogant windbag.

This is just retarded.
Their games
2008 - Going Downtown (Adventure) = 80% ratings
2007 - Everlight (Adventure) = 80% ratings
2007 - Simon - Chaos happens = 80% ratings
2004 - The Fall = 70-80% ratings (NOT only in Germany, but also in France)
2001 - Soldiers of Anarchy = 70-80% ratings (Gamespot, Withingames, IGN = 80%!)

Their 2001 debut Gorasul was a low budget Baldur's Gate rip off, but they have come a long way since.

BTW: Carsten Strehse is an industry veteran (have you ever played Heirs to the Throne? I did and I think it was very competent) and worked with guys like Damien "Puuk" Faletto. I don't think he is a windbag.

The problem with The Fall was that Koch Media never really tried to get a big publisher for The Fall in the US. That is the reason Silver Style went off to TGC and made even more successful games there (see above).

If you doubt my facts, then check them up at mobygames. Don't bother with Metacritic or Gamerankings, because they are rediculously americo-centered.

EDIT: What have Pirhana Bytes achieved in their lifetime? An action game with a stupid- not customizable control scheme that was made for consoles? They are in no way better in beta testing than Silver Style were with The Fall ( and ONLY there - the rest of their games are rock solid) in ALL their releases. Gothic 3 ranks up with Ultima 9 in the charts for "unfinished, cut-down games that have more bugs than pixels in them".

I don't know why everybody gives head to the most sloppy designers and biggest liars that ever disgraced the German gaming scene. The whole CRPG genre went downhill with games like the Gothic series. After they departed, this will change for the better now, I think.


Jan 12, 2006
Sir Brennus said:
This is just retarded.
Their games
2008 - Going Downtown (Adventure) = 80% ratings
2007 - Everlight (Adventure) = 80% ratings
2007 - Simon - Chaos happens = 80% ratings
2004 - The Fall = 70-80% ratings (NOT only in Germany, but also in France)
2001 - Soldiers of Anarchy = 70-80% ratings (Gamespot, Withingames, IGN = 80%!)
I don't agree with your notion that a high rating equals a good game, but I think that's beside the point to begin with. I wanted to know why you personally consider them to be one of germany's most talented and visionary developers and even those dodgy numbers don't indicate greatness. I haven't played any of their adventures, but I did play The Fall, Gorasul and Soldiers of Anarchy, and with all three, it was painfully apparent that their primary goal was to emulate other people's creativity. There's nothing visionary about those games. Nothing.

BTW: Carsten Strehse is an industry veteran (have you ever played Heirs to the Throne? I did and I think it was very competent) and worked with guys like Damien "Puuk" Faletto. I don't think he is a windbag.
My opinion of him is entirely based on personal experience and not on his status. I used to write for a german gaming site and I had quite a few conversations and debates with him. Your baseless idolization doesn't change that he's one of the most pompous douchebags I've ever met, who habitually skews the truth in his favour.


Jun 7, 2006
Uz0rnaem said:
Sir Brennus said:
This is just retarded.
Their games
2008 - Going Downtown (Adventure) = 80% ratings
2007 - Everlight (Adventure) = 80% ratings
2007 - Simon - Chaos happens = 80% ratings
2004 - The Fall = 70-80% ratings (NOT only in Germany, but also in France)
2001 - Soldiers of Anarchy = 70-80% ratings (Gamespot, Withingames, IGN = 80%!)
I don't agree with your notion that a high rating equals a good game, but I think that's beside the point to begin with. I wanted to know why you personally consider them to be one of germany's most talented and visionary developers and even those dodgy numbers don't indicate greatness. I haven't played any of their adventures, but I did play The Fall, Gorasul and Soldiers of Anarchy, and with all three, it was painfully apparent that their primary goal was to emulate other people's creativity. There's nothing visionary about those games. Nothing.

BTW: Carsten Strehse is an industry veteran (have you ever played Heirs to the Throne? I did and I think it was very competent) and worked with guys like Damien "Puuk" Faletto. I don't think he is a windbag.
My opinion of him is entirely based on personal experience and not on his status. I used to write for a german gaming site and I had quite a few conversations and debates with him. Your baseless idolization doesn't change that he's one of the most pompous douchebags I've ever met, who habitually skews the truth in his favour.

I also used to write for a german gaming website (the The Fall review on mystics.de is written by me) and had contact with him through their forums. He never was caught telling lies IIRC. The problems with the english version only happened because Silver Style were fucked by Deep Silver/Koch Media.


Aug 7, 2004
The center of my world.
Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
Andyman Messiah said:
The Sorcerer? I didn't even know there was a fourth part. That looks good indeed. How would you say it holds up?
Well, it isn't one of 'em great classics. It's a very modern adventure, which could be called dumbed down. Puzzles are generally easy - helped by the simplified interaction - unless you overlook something, and at least once Simon will simply tell you how to proceed, as if it weren't obvious anyway.

There seem to be many fans who dislike the "new" humour, and I think it references modern pop culture more than previous titles. There may also be some German-centric jokes.
My main complaint would be that the game feels very linear and is rather short.


Jun 7, 2006
Claw said:
My main complaint would be that the game feels very linear

Which is true for about 95% of all Adventure games since Maniac Mansion. So, why criticize Silver Style for that?

Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
Sir_Brennus said:
BTW: Carsten Strehse is an industry veteran (have you ever played Heirs to the Throne? I did and I think it was very competent) and worked with guys like Damien "Puuk" Faletto. I don't think he is a windbag.

If you think mailing a few assignments for the few months Puuk worked there "working with", sure.

Putting Puuk in the credits of The Fall is almost as bad as putting me in the special thanks list. So. Dirty.


Jun 7, 2006
Brother None said:
Sir_Brennus said:
BTW: Carsten Strehse is an industry veteran (have you ever played Heirs to the Throne? I did and I think it was very competent) and worked with guys like Damien "Puuk" Faletto. I don't think he is a windbag.

If you think mailing a few assignments for the few months Puuk worked there "working with", sure.

Putting Puuk in the credits of The Fall is almost as bad as putting me in the special thanks list. So. Dirty.

AFAIK he wrote and designed the complete American Native scenario, didn't he?

I forgot to mention Jeff Husges (BG2:ToB), though.

Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
Sir_Brennus said:
AFAIK he wrote and designed the complete American Native scenario, didn't he?

If he did he sure rushed it.

Regardless, outsourced work barely counts as "working with" someone. Nor are Foletto or Husges, much as I love 'em both, big or even medium-names in the industry.

So anyway, how exactly do you excuse the treatment of the English the Fall community by Silver Style?


Jun 7, 2006
Brother None said:
Sir_Brennus said:
AFAIK he wrote and designed the complete American Native scenario, didn't he?

If he did he sure rushed it.[/url]

Regardless, outsourced work barely counts as "working with" someone. Nor are Foletto or Husges, much as I love 'em both, big or even medium-names in the industry.

So anyway, how exactly do you excuse the treatment of the English the Fall community by Silver Style?

What kind of treatment do you think of? They still host the english forums, even if they no longer are with Deep Silver/Koch Media who hold the rights to the game.


Those fucktards promised to Silver Style to get a contract with a major publisher in the english speaking world for 2 years. This publisher was supposed to provide professional english voiceover work, too.

Carsten and his team even programed the "US version" (you know, the one that gave the european versions the "engine upgrade") and probably even designed a lot for The Fall - Mutant City which would've been integrated in the english version, but in the end DS/KM never kept their promises and along came the fallout (pun intended) between Strehse and DS/KM.

I think there was a breach of contract from the publisher involved, so that Carsten could leave for TGC. I'm still sorry that Mutant City will never see the light of day, as will the (already finished) offical english release.

EDIT: Even found a logo artwork for Mutant City.


Oh, what could've been... *SNIFF*


Dec 31, 2007
Aquiring licencies of already acclaimed titles and trying to make sequels without ever having anything to do with the original project is one of the things I hate. If you have talent please make a new game , don't try to feed from the fanbase and fame of an already known title.

Buying a license of a universe like forgotten realms or Planescape or Dark Eye, is not a big deal, what sucks is trying to make direct sequels of older titles.

I don't think these guys have anything to do with Adventure Soft that created the first 2 Simon games. They shouldn't make any sequels for the same reason Bethesda shouldn't make FO3. If they have ideas and talent they should develop their own titles. Simon the Sorcerer may not be such a well known adventure, but imagine them buying the Monkey Island License to make a new sequel... How about Grim Fandago 2 : Back to Black ... fuck yeah.

Even when they don't really have a license they try to copy known settings. The Fall is obviously one of these attempts. There is nothing wrong with being heavily influenced by a game like fallout but even the game's name is almost identical.


Jun 7, 2006
ghostdog said:
I don't think these guys have anything to do with Adventure Soft that created the first 2 Simon games.

Why is noone able to fact check before boasting around shit...

Mobygames said:
Credits for Simon the Sorcerer - Chaos happens

Creative Director:

Carsten Strehse
Development Director:

Ronny Knauth
Technical Director:

Sebastian Tusk
Art Director:

Oliver Specht
Technical Art Director:

Daniel Töpfer
Game Designer:

Stefan Hoffmann, Petra Rudolf, Csongor Baranyai, Florian Faller, Anja Rudlaff
Additional Design:

Michael Woodroffe, Simon Woodroffe


Alexander Miseler, Andreas Bender, Thomas Horn, Torsten Vollrath, Josua Dupke, KING Art

Christian Mauck, Martin Dietrich, Malte Fritzler, Adrian Kästorf, Jan Jordan
Musik & Sound:

Thomas Herrmann

Dominik Deichsel

Is that enough or already too much info to cope with?

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