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Elder Scrolls The appeal of Skyrim

Do you like Skyrim?

  • Yes, one of the best games ever made

  • Yes, it was alright, but i got bored with it.

  • Meh, not my type of RPG

  • It was a bad RPG, didn't like it

  • I am a sperg, i don't consider Skyrim to be an RPG, you fucking popamoler

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May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
*though I remember in Oblibun, he also wrote Mankar Camoran's books, and Pelinal being a cross between Gilgamesh and Terminator was also his.
Beth then proceeded to have Mankar spout wrong information about the oblivion planes, such as who rules over what. Which might have been a heavy handed way of hinting that he was wrong or crazy, but it doesn't inspire a lot of respect for the guy. At least they addressed the race issue by classifying him as Altmer/Bosmer mixed in Legends (the card game).


Feb 7, 2018
How is the survival mode? It's currently free in their "Creation thing that does not recognize non-english keyboard layout".
Do I have to eat every 15 minutes? Can i make campfire or buy a sleeping mat?


Game Analist
Apr 18, 2016

This is a pretty good video that examines why people might have liked Skyrim. He's pretty correct, but his praise of the stealth system is a bit odd. It's neat that it tracks so many things for detection, but alert states need to be longer and enemies need to search more.


Dumbfuck Bethestard
May 30, 2013
Cradle of Western Civilization
The stealth in Skyrim is better than almost any other game, period, if you play it as strickly a stealth character. I don't understand why people have so much trouble accepting this truth. Seriously, take all the stealth mechanics from Skyrim and compare them to other so called "stealth" games, including Metal Gear and Thief. Skyrim is more advanced. Even in vanilla, but if you mod it too, there is no comparison, really.

Of course you are so butthurt against Bethesda that there is no chance you are ever admiting this.

Max Damage

Mar 1, 2017


Sorry to break it to you but this appeal you speak of was simply huge marketing costs that happened to pay off. The game is as shallow and grey as its scenery.

Darth Canoli

Jun 8, 2018
Perched on a tree
Let's give some retarded ratings to TemplarGR, the thread...

Ok, I did my Codexian duty, next step is giving back his retard of the year crown back to Templar (although Ontopoly ... )

The Jester

Mar 1, 2020
I still can't play New Vegas to this day because of how horrifying the visuals are, and no amount of visual mods can fix how ugly those games are because it's not just about the textures or models but the very structure of the world and how those things mash togheter which is amateurish to an astounding degree.
No need to fix the ugliness of the engine.
It's enough to hide it so that you can't see it.
I use Realistic Wasteland Lighting Redesigned from Viva New Vegas with Dusty Distance xEdit Scripts.

-Hides the ugly terrain distance
-Better performance
-And makes the atmosphere more like Morrowind:)


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
I think it's just that stealth plain feels better when everything else is so undercooked.

Perhaps, but I do think it's genuinely enjoyable if you're into it. I also like the atmosphere of the game. Those two things combined made it very easy to play through the entire game (which most people here did anyway, no matter how much they bitch about it).

Fallout 4 very similarly had enjoyable stealth and silenced weapons gameplay, much better than 3 and New Vegas (as much as I love my NV).

The Jester

Mar 1, 2020
The stealth in Skyrim is better than almost any other game, period, if you play it as strickly a stealth character. I don't understand why people have so much trouble accepting this truth. Seriously, take all the stealth mechanics from Skyrim and compare them to other so called "stealth" games, including Metal Gear and Thief. Skyrim is more advanced. Even in vanilla, but if you mod it too, there is no comparison, really.

Of course you are so butthurt against Bethesda that there is no chance you are ever admiting this.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
The stealth in Skyrim is better than almost any other game, period, if you play it as strickly a stealth character. I don't understand why people have so much trouble accepting this truth. Seriously, take all the stealth mechanics from Skyrim and compare them to other so called "stealth" games, including Metal Gear and Thief. Skyrim is more advanced. Even in vanilla, but if you mod it too, there is no comparison, really.

Of course you are so butthurt against Bethesda that there is no chance you are ever admiting this.

They actually had one of the Thief devs work on that. I guess it demonstrates just how fucking incompetent Bethesda are but ultimately it doesn't matter because the game is still shit, even while playing as a stealth character.

The level design in Thief alone buries this pile of shit of a game to the ground who gives a fuck if the stealth mechanics are "good" (mentioning mods is a big red flag you are talking bullshit btw) if the world you are sneaking in is completely and utterly retarded and ill designed?


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
Skyrim is a great action game but awful RPG.

INB "stealth archer is the meta " - I don't see it as a problem. Archery is lackluter in over 99% of games.

Bad Sector

Mar 25, 2012
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I mostly agree with the video about exploration in that there are a lot of interesting places to explore and many of them tend spark my imagination (especially the ruins). The big issue when it comes to exploration is the compass at the top of the screen - not the compass itself (this is useful) but the icons that show nearby stuff. I think it robs me from the sense of discovery that the game tells me not only that there is something nearby but also what sort of "something" it is.

As a related thought, lately i started to think that the introduction of a quest log in the Morrowind expansions wasn't such a great idea and in my recent plays i tend to completely ignore it and only use the journal instead. Though it might be that i'm familiar with the game... and the quest log entries are often broken which annoy me :-P. It might not work with other games (not that i can think of any open world game with a detailed journal like Morrowind's).


Jan 12, 2019
I still can't play New Vegas to this day because of how horrifying the visuals are, and no amount of visual mods can fix how ugly those games are because it's not just about the textures or models but the very structure of the world and how those things mash togheter which is amateurish to an astounding degree.
No need to fix the ugliness of the engine.
It's enough to hide it so that you can't see it.
I use Realistic Wasteland Lighting Redesigned from Viva New Vegas with Dusty Distance xEdit Scripts.

-Hides the ugly terrain distance
-Better performance
-And makes the atmosphere more like Morrowind:)
Not bad. I honestly think that New Vegas looks even more shittier when people download a 100plus mods. I wonder how people can think that looks good.

The Jester

Mar 1, 2020
I still can't play New Vegas to this day because of how horrifying the visuals are, and no amount of visual mods can fix how ugly those games are because it's not just about the textures or models but the very structure of the world and how those things mash togheter which is amateurish to an astounding degree.
No need to fix the ugliness of the engine.
It's enough to hide it so that you can't see it.
I use Realistic Wasteland Lighting Redesigned from Viva New Vegas with Dusty Distance xEdit Scripts.

-Hides the ugly terrain distance
-Better performance
-And makes the atmosphere more like Morrowind:)
Not bad. I honestly think that New Vegas looks even more shittier when people download a 100plus mods. I wonder how people can think that looks good.
The only texture mod I use is NMCs Textures NV MEDIUM


Jan 6, 2015
I still can't play New Vegas to this day because of how horrifying the visuals are, and no amount of visual mods can fix how ugly those games are because it's not just about the textures or models but the very structure of the world and how those things mash togheter which is amateurish to an astounding degree.
No need to fix the ugliness of the engine.
It's enough to hide it so that you can't see it.
I use Realistic Wasteland Lighting Redesigned from Viva New Vegas with Dusty Distance xEdit Scripts.

-Hides the ugly terrain distance
-Better performance
-And makes the atmosphere more like Morrowind:)
Not bad. I honestly think that New Vegas looks even more shittier when people download a 100plus mods. I wonder how people can think that looks good.
Yeah, New Vegas can look really fucking bad with tons of textures and shit. All those lightings just make the game look worse. I typically play a very minimal setup with New Vegas. Like, JESawyer Mod, New Vegas Redesigned (which is better without an ENB), and the patches. That's kind of all I use.

Skyrim gets a fuckton of mods, though, in comparison.

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015
This is a pretty good video that examines why people might have liked Skyrim. He's pretty correct, but his praise of the stealth system is a bit odd. It's neat that it tracks so many things for detection, but alert states need to be longer and enemies need to search more.
I think it's just that stealth plain feels better when everything else is so undercooked.
Yes, as much as it pains me to praise any aspect of Oblivion, I do feel compelled to mention that Bethesda had managed to improve the stealth system already in that earlier game relative to its predecessor Morrowind. It is not something for which Skyrim deserves commendation, except to the extent it didn't make this particular system worse, and in any case falls far short of, for example, the Thief games.


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
I still can't play New Vegas to this day because of how horrifying the visuals are, and no amount of visual mods can fix how ugly those games are because it's not just about the textures or models but the very structure of the world and how those things mash togheter which is amateurish to an astounding degree.

Em, nope, they totally can. You just need HD textures pack, removing piss filter, some stitches here and there, and game looks okay. Still ugly even for 2010, yes, but, well, remember that it was assembled in 18 months for the price of Cyberpunk2077's week budget for ads. The stories pay it all back.

Made a screen for you from my version:

View attachment 16671

I tried already. I followed that guide from Viva New Vegas to the letter, but nothing fixed the Bethesdaness. Like i said, it's not just about the details of textures it's everything, including the design of the terrain. 2010 shit i can mention way older games that did 3D landscapes better, starting with Gothic 2.

That is hardly a fair comparison. Gothic 2 had around 3 years of development time, assuming they started shortly after G1 release, with an engine the team was intimately familiar with. Obsidian by comparison had a mere 18 months which is merely half of G2`s development time on a shitty unfamiliar engine tied down to Bethshits ridiculous terms. I also think that New Vegas was noticably bigger overall so something had to give.


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
I am speechless then. Still there is a difference taking over an engine and using one you have developed yourself from a previous game and continuing to use it. Still does not change the fact that the engine was horrid.

Bad Sector

Mar 25, 2012
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Usually when people say that Bethesda's engine is bad they refer to animation and physics glitches, which sure - they happen. But Sawyer's comments about the engine was largely due to its tools - recently he wrote that it was the fastest engine he had used to develop content in. But he also wrote (in another comment) that their unfamiliarity with it was a source of optimization issues.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
I still can't play New Vegas to this day because of how horrifying the visuals are, and no amount of visual mods can fix how ugly those games are because it's not just about the textures or models but the very structure of the world and how those things mash togheter which is amateurish to an astounding degree.

Em, nope, they totally can. You just need HD textures pack, removing piss filter, some stitches here and there, and game looks okay. Still ugly even for 2010, yes, but, well, remember that it was assembled in 18 months for the price of Cyberpunk2077's week budget for ads. The stories pay it all back.

Made a screen for you from my version:

View attachment 16671

I tried already. I followed that guide from Viva New Vegas to the letter, but nothing fixed the Bethesdaness. Like i said, it's not just about the details of textures it's everything, including the design of the terrain. 2010 shit i can mention way older games that did 3D landscapes better, starting with Gothic 2.

That is hardly a fair comparison. Gothic 2 had around 3 years of development time, assuming they started shortly after G1 release, with an engine the team was intimately familiar with. Obsidian by comparison had a mere 18 months which is merely half of G2`s development time on a shitty unfamiliar engine tied down to Bethshits ridiculous terms. I also think that New Vegas was noticably bigger overall so something had to give.

I'm not blaming Obsidian. Fallout 3 looks just as shit and Obsidian just inherited that nonsense.

If only someone were to mod New Vegas in the original Fallout engine instead of doing bullshit like porting BG to the NWN2 engine or whatever bullshit is happening in the modding community.

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