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The Witcher 3 mods

a cut of domestic sheep prime

Sorry, I am not reading
I can see that.
the combat appears to be
because you haven't tried it but still can't shut up about it.
Player doesn't seem to have to respond to anything NPCs do
Then you have the wrong idea of how it works. I really doubt that's the devs fault as much as it is your own though.
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Apr 8, 2015

We might agree to disagree on what we prefer, but you are not getting my point. Whatever combat system you use, if you can defeat 3 enemies at the same time, that means those enemies are trash tier. A proper enemy would require your full attention.

You're the one who's not getting it.
My point wasn't that I prefer those games combat to KCD, DS and BotW (although I certainly do). My point was that KCD, DS and BotW don't have good combat mechanics (specially KCD), unlike the game's I mentioned that have superior gameplay design.

And another point I was trying to make when I posted those videos is that a game can have a combat system where you figth multiple oponents without losing quality design wise.
You should've payed attention to the videos. Because you can see in every one of those games, that a single one of those enemies is dangerous enough to end a player that isn't focused and commits mistakes.
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Nov 5, 2007
There are all these people talking up W3EE, but I have never seen ANY of them make any kind of a decent argument as to HOW W3EE improves combat. Every single youtube video of it looks worse than vanilla combat.
It makes it "like Dark Souls" and everyone knows Dark Souls has the best combat.
Completely ignoring the fact that DS-like combat has no place in a game where you play as a character with superhuman physique who would not get tired after swinging their sword a few times. It's the same retards who think you should play it on the hardest difficulty despite the fact that it's neither designed around it and a number bloat, and completely out of the setting.


Apr 8, 2015
There are all these people talking up W3EE, but I have never seen ANY of them make any kind of a decent argument as to HOW W3EE improves combat. Every single youtube video of it looks worse than vanilla combat.
It makes it "like Dark Souls" and everyone knows Dark Souls has the best combat.
Completely ignoring the fact that DS-like combat has no place in a game where you play as a character with superhuman physique who would not get tired after swinging their sword a few times. It's the same retards who think you should play it on the hardest difficulty despite the fact that it's neither designed around it and a number bloat, and completely out of the setting.

Technically speaking in DS your character can become superhumanly powerful - I mean weapons like the Demon's Great Hammer are stated to be rock, yet with enough Str you can wield it with one arm.
A stamina system wouldn't be out of place for a Witcher game.
Lambchop19 said it best, the biggest problem with the combat is that the RPG elements are so lazly designed and the damage/HP/protection/etc values are so cheap in the vannilla game that they just break any challenge you migth have.


Nov 5, 2007
The stamina system as it exists in DS is a terrible mechanic and a crutch for incompetent/unimaginative designers to add "depth" to the combat.

Also I'm pretty sure that there is not a single instance of Geralt being out of breath during a fight in the books.
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Dec 17, 2013
Another silly argument. Oh Geralt is superhuman, so combat should be easy as hell. Why not just give him a Fart sign then, he farts and everyone around falls dead.

My point wasn't that I prefer those games combat to KCD, DS and BotW (although I certainly do). My point was that KCD, DS and BotW don't have good combat mechanics (specially KCD), unlike the game's I mentioned that have superior gameplay design.

The games you mentioned are crap. They are all reflex based shallow twitchers. People spinning in air like retards and moving so fast, you can barely see what's going on.

This is what actual combat looks like:


Do you notice how it looks nothing like the crap you linked, and very much like KCD? It's much slower paced, methodical, people dont jump and fly, or spin like nuts.


Apr 8, 2015
The games you mentioned are crap. They are all reflex based shallow twitchers. People spinning in air like retards and moving so fast, you can barely see what's going on

You truly don't a thing about good action gameplay. Otherwise you wouldn't spouted this drivel.
In these games mechanical knowledge of the gameplay, and how to adapt to a given situation are of far more importance to gameplay mastery than twich skills are.
And what makes those particular games stand out among other titles, is their sheer mechanical depth plus very tight and polished game design - something KCD combat sorely lacks.

Also if your reflexes and perception are so bad that you have problems figuring out what's happening on screen then you should go see a doctor to get that checked out. Otherwise you migth cause a dangerous accident on the road grandpa.

This is what actual combat looks like:


Do you notice how it looks nothing like the crap you linked, and very much like KCD? It's much slower paced, methodical, people dont jump and fly, or spin like nuts.


Then I guess by your absolutely retarded logic Doom is shit and ARMA 3 is the best shooter on the market.

Realism in videogames isn't in any way a guarantee of quality, because videogames themselves are an exageration of reality.

Also I seen to remember mentioning Nioh, Mordhau, Severance, Dragon's Dogma and For Honor which have a much more slower paced and "grounded" combat.
Mordhau and For Honor being the best comparasion with KCD.
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Dec 17, 2013
Go play Street Fighter or something console peasants... Sees a guy jump around 3 enemies while spinning in mid-air: muh mechanical depth...


Apr 8, 2015
"The PC gets tired after 3 swing and the attack animations are all historically accurate. That must mean the gameplay is good and the mechanics solid."

Realism != Mechanical Complexity.

And again I did post other games besides DMC and NG that are more similar to KCD but are much better designed (even though those two do undeniably prove that an action game can have figths agaisnt multiple oponents without sacrificing quality).

Oh and good fighting games like SF do have much more gameplay depth than KCD or DS, but then again those types of games are all about the combat.
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Morkar Left

A combat system like Assassins Creed Odyssey would be perfectly fitting for the Witcher.


Nov 5, 2007
Arkham's combat is popamole trash so that's not a bad thing.
A combat system like Assassins Creed Odyssey would be perfectly fitting for the Witcher.
How exactly is it different from W3? I haven't played it, but from gameplay videos it seemed to be pretty much the same thing except with the awful GoW slomo shit.
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sunset tequila
Mar 27, 2016
Disco Elysium
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.

so i am restarting this game with the W3EE mod, other than that what are the must have other mods for this? or just fun mods that add features that's fun for the game?

i am also looking for graphics mod for the occasion of testing my new PC.


Feb 10, 2007
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
so i am restarting this game with the W3EE mod, other than that what are the must have other mods for this? or just fun mods that add features that's fun for the game?
I mostly just used quality of life mods:
Better Than Icons makes finding the right potion/oil/bomb/etc much easier
All Quest Objectives on Map so you don't have to click around in the journal to find nearby objectives
No GPS No GPS! What's the point of an open world if you don't have to navigate yourself?
Friendly HUD HUD customization, and easier quick-use menu for potion/oil/bomb
Witcher Armors Dirty and Worn Retexture with Blood&Wine CDPR redesigned witcher armors, giving them a yucky power ranger color palette, this tones it down
AutoLoot if you want to loot shit but can't be arsed to look in every barrel of fish yourself

For graphics there's the texture pack HD Reworked Project. Don't think I've used it, but it looks quite faithful to the original textures.
Other than that, Increased Draw Distance? The ENB guy decided not to do Witcher 3 IIRC, so maybe a reshade preset of your choice if you find one you like.


sunset tequila
Mar 27, 2016
Disco Elysium
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
so i am restarting this game with the W3EE mod, other than that what are the must have other mods for this? or just fun mods that add features that's fun for the game?
I mostly just used quality of life mods:
Better Than Icons makes finding the right potion/oil/bomb/etc much easier
All Quest Objectives on Map so you don't have to click around in the journal to find nearby objectives
No GPS No GPS! What's the point of an open world if you don't have to navigate yourself?
Friendly HUD HUD customization, and easier quick-use menu for potion/oil/bomb
Witcher Armors Dirty and Worn Retexture with Blood&Wine CDPR redesigned witcher armors, giving them a yucky power ranger color palette, this tones it down
AutoLoot if you want to loot shit but can't be arsed to look in every barrel of fish yourself

For graphics there's the texture pack HD Reworked Project. Don't think I've used it, but it looks quite faithful to the original textures.
Other than that, Increased Draw Distance? The ENB guy decided not to do Witcher 3 IIRC, so maybe a reshade preset of your choice if you find one you like.
isn't the friendly HUd already included with W3EE?

Old Hans

Oct 10, 2011
so i am restarting this game with the W3EE mod, other than that what are the must have other mods for this? or just fun mods that add features that's fun for the game?
I mostly just used quality of life mods:
Better Than Icons makes finding the right potion/oil/bomb/etc much easier
All Quest Objectives on Map so you don't have to click around in the journal to find nearby objectives
No GPS No GPS! What's the point of an open world if you don't have to navigate yourself?
Friendly HUD HUD customization, and easier quick-use menu for potion/oil/bomb
Witcher Armors Dirty and Worn Retexture with Blood&Wine CDPR redesigned witcher armors, giving them a yucky power ranger color palette, this tones it down
AutoLoot if you want to loot shit but can't be arsed to look in every barrel of fish yourself

For graphics there's the texture pack HD Reworked Project. Don't think I've used it, but it looks quite faithful to the original textures.
Other than that, Increased Draw Distance? The ENB guy decided not to do Witcher 3 IIRC, so maybe a reshade preset of your choice if you find one you like.
isn't the friendly HUd already included with W3EE?
yea w3ee comes with a bunch of stuff built in & its all customizable.


Mar 28, 2014

so i am restarting this game with the W3EE mod, other than that what are the must have other mods for this? or just fun mods that add features that's fun for the game?

i am also looking for graphics mod for the occasion of testing my new PC.

W3EE is incompatybile with almost everything as it touches almost everything. You only need W3EE no other mods.


sunset tequila
Mar 27, 2016
Disco Elysium
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.

so i am restarting this game with the W3EE mod, other than that what are the must have other mods for this? or just fun mods that add features that's fun for the game?

i am also looking for graphics mod for the occasion of testing my new PC.

W3EE is incompatybile with almost everything as it touches almost everything. You only need W3EE no other mods.
I am playing it with W3EE and some visual mods. I think the mods recommended in the W3EE. Also the 4k texture works too. I died like a dozen time in the first ghoul encounter lol.


sunset tequila
Mar 27, 2016
Disco Elysium
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
okay i am really enjoying W3EE so far. i have to throw away all my memories of witcher 3 gameplay or i will die.

-dodging/ rolling no longer have i-frame. no longer spinning around like ballet dancer and evade most damage. this is the most game changing features.
-counter attack and parrying become your #1 defense method
-stamina meter adds more depth in your attacking / defense cycle
-no longer quen spamming
-oils and shit are really actually useful now

just fought the devil of the well, and yeah, it totally feel like a whole different game.

Old Hans

Oct 10, 2011
okay i am really enjoying W3EE so far. i have to throw away all my memories of witcher 3 gameplay or i will die.

-dodging/ rolling no longer have i-frame. no longer spinning around like ballet dancer and evade most damage. this is the most game changing features.
-counter attack and parrying become your #1 defense method
-stamina meter adds more depth in your attacking / defense cycle
-no longer quen spamming
-oils and shit are really actually useful now

just fought the devil of the well, and yeah, it totally feel like a whole different game.
and if you wanna practice you can bump geralts health up to like 40 times the default. Quen is still crazy though from what ive seen. with heavy armor and quen you can just power through most monsters. Poor foglets and hags dont stand a chance

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