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The Witcher W3EE - Overhaul mod to TW3 that fixed everything that was wrong with vanilla game.


Sep 29, 2007
Skies like this are not uncommon to see in Louisiana; but the local joke [meant tongue-in-cheek] is that it depends on what the refineries are burning that evening—or that you can tell what, based on the color of the sky.


Dec 13, 2017
Grab the Codex by the pussy
Do you guys play with default values? I am okay with the amount of damage I take but the dmg I do seems rather spongy. Thinking of installing the dark souls frames + increasing dmg to like 150% for a more fun experience.


sunset tequila
Mar 27, 2016
Disco Elysium
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Do you guys play with default values? I am okay with the amount of damage I take but the dmg I do seems rather spongy. Thinking of installing the dark souls frames + increasing dmg to like 150% for a more fun experience.
i do default values so far. the only enemies who are kinda spongy are bosses and some nilfgaard deserter with heavy armor


sunset tequila
Mar 27, 2016
Disco Elysium
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
anyway how do you get looting from horse to be working? i set the "loot while on horse" to "u" in my keyboard and i try to run around looting but it still dont put plants in my saddlebags.

Old Hans

Oct 10, 2011
Do you guys play with default values? I am okay with the amount of damage I take but the dmg I do seems rather spongy. Thinking of installing the dark souls frames + increasing dmg to like 150% for a more fun experience.
I usually double my health since I play with a controller and cant do all the fancy matrix moves

a cut of domestic sheep prime

I haven’t played the current build, but iirc, yes, you can find better weapons and armor. Better in every way.

It’s just not the same as vanilla to where the starting armor might as well not be any armor at all by the end when you are finding random gear that outclasses it by hundreds of points.

The idea is that they are Witcher swords and armor, not a paper shirt and sticks. All swords are swords, but some swords are better than others.

I found I would keep an extra sword or two to help if my current ones broke and I didn’t have enough repair kits or didn’t have the gold to repair them.

But there is no constantly swapping/upgrading your gear every 5 minutes like in vanilla, which was as bad as some cell phone games.

a cut of domestic sheep prime

anyway how do you get looting from horse to be working? i set the "loot while on horse" to "u" in my keyboard and i try to run around looting but it still dont put plants in my saddlebags.
Did you swap out the keybind file? Iirc, that’s part of the install instructions.

merit: oh this was a month ago nvm

a cut of domestic sheep prime

you dont get xp anymore from completing quests?in char tab there is no mention of lvl or lvl progression bar.
There are no levels. You gain points by using skills, not by getting XP.

I personally don't usually like this sort of system, but I find in this game it works well enough.

It means level has no effect anymore and all drowners will always be drowners instead of having level 30 drowners rape you if you take the wrong quest too early. It has the benefit of making the game non-linear as the quest design clearly meant it to be.

You can now visit Skellige first if you want.


Mar 28, 2014
yeah and visiting it costs you 300 instead of 1000. You start game with around 240 and you get around 300 for griffin which means you can literally go Skellige first. Moreover since game is flat now you can easily take master armorers quest chains from get go and do them rather quickly. Same with Novigrad quest chain and releasing Dendelion which gives you ability to go to Tousaint.

You can easily unlock most of important lands and things for gameplay in less than 5 hours if you just go straight at it.

Especially that archgriffin fight for master armorer is easy since it takes place in wide open hill which means you can easly play knight errand and hack it from your horse if you have blinders.

do you ever find anything better than the starting armor/waepons?

No if you look at base damage and armor.
Armor has 3 tiers light, medium and heavy which gives you respective amount of armor.
All swords have more or less same damage while different weapons can have different like battle axe.

W3EE "upgrade" system is based around creating builds rather than stacking armor and damage. Usually all those relic weapons etc. have bonus and mallus. So one weapon can be amazing for killing wraights but suck at pretty much everything else. Other one can be bleed heavy but damage itself could be lower than of trash sword.


Apr 23, 2015
This mod makes the game how it was supposed to be in the first place, however CDPR are not getting single dollar from me(simply because unmoded game is shit) and I doubt this mod would work on pirated version I used to try the game


May 25, 2015
on the back of a T34.
Deleveling the loot is a step in the right direction but completely making most of it useless is dumb,there are videos of people playing naked with starter swords defeating late game mobs making the point of different builds mute.if there where hard counters making different builds would be worthwhile.
So whats the point of doing quests if you dont get xp/skillpoints?


Mar 28, 2014
Deleveling the loot is a step in the right direction but completely making most of it useless is dumb,there are videos of people playing naked with starter swords defeating late game mobs making the point of different builds mute.if there where hard counters making different builds would be worthwhile.
So whats the point of doing quests if you dont get xp/skillpoints?

- W3EE combat is way harder than vanilla. You can't stack armor and damage so you need to git gud and find different ways to beat what game throws at you. Like me for an example where i for the first time in TW3 had to drink black blood potion to force vampire into stun and get met extra hits because i had crappy everything else. Yes it means you can beat whole game naked like in dark souls if you are good at it but at the same time it means you will have hard time fighting ghouls if you suck.
- Skills. IN W3EE you get skills by using them and you get general skills by completing quests.
- Money. W3EE ain't vanilla, you won't be floating in money. Chance is that you will be broke most of the time, getting 1000 crowns is much much much harder than in vanilla in which you could just scour people houses and get easily few 1000s in random jewelry and rare materials.
- Materials. Crafting and loot has been completely overhauled. You will not find 99% of random junk and materials which are rare and relic will actually be rare and relic meaning you won't find them at shops or lying in people houses. In order to get best crafting materials you will have to explore ruins do quest etc.
Feb 11, 2007
I've reinstalled Witcher 3 (inspired by binging through first season of the series) and so decided to give this mod a try. And came to realization it's just not for me after giving it what I believe is a fair shake. It does a lot of things that I liked, with alchemy, cash scarcity, removal of level requirements, little quality of life improvements all around. But two things made me drop it in the end.

First is that in an effort of toning down the excessive character power creep (something I'm not opposed to) it seems to practically strip character progression away. Ok, Gerald should be a veteran witcher with decent gear at the start of the game (though the overall difficulty and lethality of combat made me think Gerald was way too flimsy to be that). But when I'm playing a crpg I need at least some feeling my character is getting stronger and better over time. Here, I did not have that feeling, not with gear (I was still using the same gear when I gave up on the mod) and not with my character (what bonuses that gave seemed very small and mostly out of my control - I really, really hate improvement with use systems in general). For me this is something that moves the game even more towards the action part of an already very, very action-focused crpg.

The second problem is difficulty. Now, I understand that I need to git gud. I passed through the White orchard area by getting better at combat and cheesing the hell out of it when taking enemies straight on was not an option (running around them on horse, letting immortal NPCs take them on, using terrain, running away, whatever worked to get the odds down to what I could manage). But that can only get me so far, and where it got me was the quest in Velen where I need to protect the sorceress against magical dogs while she's closing the portals. There's no horse here, no terrain to hide behind, nowhere to run away, and the NPC is too busy to help. Just three super dogs that surround me and kill me dead in about three hits, where I need about 10 or so to kill one of them. And when I do manage to kill one, another one shows up. And they regenerate, so slow and careful game of attrition is not an option. And even if I did somehow manage to kill them all, I would still have to repeat all this twice. Add to that a cutscene before every attempt and you get a perfect formula for frustration.

Now, normally in a crpg I would take that as a sign that I'm taking on this quest way too early, that I should get more experience and better gear before taking this on. But with this mod, I'm not sure that is even an option (see problem one). So I restarted and went with other mods instead. I find myself missing some nifty EE features, but sadly, EE just does not seem to be my cup of tea overall.


Mar 16, 2007
Tampere, Finland
Codex 2012 Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Fully agree.
This mod does a lot of stuff right - and I'd still use it for the better combat alone - but the further you progress through the game, the more you have to adjust its settings so that it won't turn the game into an unbearable slog.

With every good decision in this mod comes something autistically dumb.
Improved loot, where you don't find rare ingredients in a peasant's hut : Awesome. Much better immersion.

Everything has a weight : Atrociously bad idea in a game that is all about looting every square inch, grabbing every ingredient and going wild with alchemy (which this mod actually does make important). I don't want to spend 50% of my time browsing my inventory to make mental lists of stuff that I do or do not need. Nor do I want to run back and forth between where I should be and where my stash is.
Simulation-like approaches just don't work with games that were never even remotely meant to be played that way.

Improved combat: Awesome. You actually need to think about what you do now instead of being able to play the game blindfolded even on hardest difficulty.

Almost everything is an HP sponge: This turns otherwise great combat into a ridiculous slog. Even normal enemies take forever and when you meet monsters like golems or leshens, be prepared for 10-30 minute long encounters, even when applying all the proper oils. I turned the overall enemy HP down to 70% and the relics/golems down to 20% just to not have to sit through these overly long combat sessions constantly.

More interesting weapons/armors: Awesome. You can really go for some specialized builds now, beyond just light/medium/heavy.

Tougher enemies requiring you to switch around equipped weapons: The UI is just not made for this. Very early on, I decided to stick with whatever weapon I currently had to spend more time in the actual game and not in the inventory, shifting items around.

W3 never really was much of an RPG, so I don't mind that much that this mod makes it even more of an Action game and even less of an RPG.
But it also bothered me that my character never really got stronger. Some slight upgrades through skills and equipment, yes, but it was mostly me who got better, not my character.

At least you can make it A LOT better using the mod's in-game options, but I prefer to actually play a game and not be forced to spend so much time in mod settings just to remove the stupid crap the mod comes with.
By the time I reached the Blood and Wine content, I was simply worn out.
Probably cause I had played through the game once already, though...
Last edited:


Mar 28, 2014
Tip for W3EE.

If quest is too hard for you, you are supposed to drop it and do something else. This is not vanilla where world is scaled to you.
If quest has elder vampire in it then this is a hint you should go back to it when you will have enough experience with combat system, some proper build and plenty of oils and potions in order to prepare.

I fought today with huge endrega. Normally in vanilla i didn't care, in W3EE i had to switch sword that allows me to cast spells for 40% less vigor everytime i crit with sword, dring oriole potion and get some corrosive oil, even with all of that i barely managed to beat it.

Everything has a weight : Atrociously bad idea in a game that is all about looting every square inch, grabbing every ingredient and going wild with alchemy (which this mod actually does make important). I don't want to spend 50% of my time browsing my inventory to make mental lists of stuff that I do or do not need. Nor do I want to run back and forth between where I should be and where my stash is.


Your horse is your stash. Go to your horse and stash option will show up when you will click inventory. If you play on pad you can double press left stick and you instantly go into stash.

Game gives you plenty of ways to reduce load. For an example you can extract prime substances from ingredients. So the idea in this mod is that you only look for alchemy ingredients when you need them, extract what you need and store only those substances. If you extract Rebis you get like 7 quality rebis which provided you have rest of components gives you 7 potions which is a lot.

Same with monster parts. The idea here is to keep only those that matter. So you shouldn't pick up monster claws but vampire claws you should. You shouldn't pick up monster feather, you should pick up griffin feather etc.

Finally you can easily modify in options weight limits for both geralt and horse and give each 9000 if you wish so.

Almost everything is an HP sponge: This turns otherwise great combat into a ridiculous slog. Even normal enemies take forever and when you meet monsters like golems or leshens, be prepared for 10-30 minute long encounters, even when applying all the proper oils. I turned the overall enemy HP down to 70% and the relics/golems down to 20% just to not have to sit through these overly long combat sessions constantly.

Disagree completely here.

It takes a while to understand mechanics and how damage works in W3EE. I too at start was annoyed that my attacks "didn't do anything" to even common ghoul. The problem lies in approaching W3EE after playing vanilla. In vanilla you use 99% of the time fast attack and you do it after dodge often continuing slashing after first fast attack until monster response and you do another dodge rinse and repeat. You don't use counterattacks unless you build into them, you don't use strong attacks because they do exact same damage unless you build around it, you don't even parry because why if you have much better dodge.

First major change: If you want to deal damage you have to use strong attacks. Fast attacks are mostly for crowd control, applying various stuff like bleeding, poison, debufs etc. Strong attack is where damage is. So if you are shocked that you need 10 swing with fast attack to kill ghoul... don't be shocked. Fast attacks can deal damage but you need to build into that aspect, go with crits etc. Strong attacks are main way to kill fast enemies by default. Short rend is great way to finish enemies or do massive damage when you have enemy close to you.

Second major change: Flanking. In vanilla you didn't care if you did damage from front or back. In W3EE flanking damage exist for both you and enemies. Rend to the back can easily shave off most of hp of monster.

Third: Counterattacking. Vanilla counters were shit. They barely did any damage. Here good counter does as much damage as normal hit and if you look at tree with some skills you will be handing crits one after another. Also it is a bit reworked, if you counter someone going at them you will kick them for stamina damage. if you go sideways you will counterattack for normal damage and if you are backing out you will counter for i think half damage.

Fouth: Parry: Unlike Vanilla this is how you fight now. Dodges are fine but you need to build around them to play like vanilla TW3 dodging left and right.

Fifth: Special actions: Kicks, bashes, rend, whirl, double heavy strike. They all exist for a reason. If you kick someone you have chance of knocking them down which gives you chance to kill them instantly. Bashes (if you have shield) are similar. Rend and whirl are known, double heavy strike should be used when you have opening which will give you two quick heavy strikes.

Finally bosses. I don't know what you expect but for me all bosses like Leshen etc. Should be huge fights where your build is tested to the max. You should git gud, you should try to think around fights how to deal with them etc. This is what vanilla completely lacked and what W3EE brings.

Tougher enemies requiring you to switch around equipped weapons: The UI is just not made for this. Very early on, I decided to stick with whatever weapon I currently had to spend more time in the actual game and not in the inventory, shifting items around.

You should prepare for big fights. I don't know why you play witcher if you don't understand this. It is not skyrim where you YOLO from boss to boss. It doesn't mean you should do that for every fight but for bosses it should be expected.
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Mar 28, 2014

Got MultiCompanion mod working with W3EE and it works great:


What it does ? It spawns a lot of npcs and main characters after you finish main campaign into word from where you can recruit them, talk to them etc. It also gives an ability to summon those npcs to ally with you with console commands if you don't want to wait for game ending.



List of (name) to assign there. List is long and includes even monster so if you ever wanted a dog...

List of main NPCs and their location

Ciri (cirilla), (cirilla_young) - On the balcony of R&T and later at Corvo Bianco (Will remain at R&T if that's who you had as your B&W epilogue visitor)
Yennefer (yennefer) - Upstairs in the main room of R&T and later at Corvo Bianco (Will remain at R&T if that's who you had as your B&W epilogue visitor)
Triss (triss) - Upstairs in the main room of R&T and later at Corvo Bianco (Will remain at R&T if that's who you had as your B&W epilogue visitor)

Anna Henrietta (anna_henrietta) - At the Palace Gardens
Anna (anna) - In the main room of Crow's Perch
Avallac'h (avallach) - In one of the guest rooms of R&T
Baron (baron) - In the main room of Crow's Perch
Bart the Troll (bart_the_troll) - In the sewers under Dijkstra's bathhouse
Casimir (q603_demolition_dwarf_companion) - In a house around the corner from the Barber in Oxenfurt
Cerys (becca) - Crach's room in Kaer Trolde
Corinne Tilly (dreamer_corine_tilly) - In one of the guest rooms of R&T
Crach an Craite (crach_an_craite) - In Kaer Trolde
Damien (damien) - At the Palace Gardens
Dandelion (dandelion) - At Passiflora and later at Corvo Bianco (Will remain at Passiflora if that's who you had as your B&W epilogue visitor)
Dettlaff (dettlaff_van_eretein_vampire) - At the toy shop hideout
Dijkstra (dijkstra) - Sigismund's Bathhouse in Novigrad
Dudu (as Cyprian Wiley) (cyprian_willey), (dudu_biberveldt) - At the Novigrad hideoutRequired mod Door Unlocker
Emhyr var Emreis (emhyr) - At the Royal Palace in Vizima
Ermion (mousesack) - At the Druids' Camp
Eskel (eskel) - In Kaer Morhen and later at Corvo Bianco
Eveline (q603_circus_artist_companion) - In a house around the corner from the Barber in Oxenfurt
Ewald Borsodi (ewald) - In a house around the corner from the Barber in Oxenfurt
Fringilla Vigo (fringilla_vigo) - In one of the guest rooms of R&T
Gaetan (mq1058_lynx_witcher) - In Kaer Morhen
Graden (graden) - At Tamara's home in Oxenfurt
Gregoire de Gorgon (sq701_gregoire) - Outside on the top level of Beauclair Palace
Guillaume (guillaume) - Outside on the top level of Beauclair Palace
Hjalmar (hjalmar) - Crach's room in Kaer Trolde
Jad Karadin (sq106_tauler) - At his residence near Gildorf Square
Joachim von Gratz (von_gratz) - At the morgue in Novigrad
Johnny (godling_johnny) - In a Crone's hut at Crookback Bog
Keira Metz (keira_metz) - Upstairs in the main room of R&T and later at Corvo Bianco
Lambert (lambert) - In Kaer Morhen and later at Corvo Bianco
Letho (letho) - In Kaer Morhen
Margarita (margarita) - In one of the guest rooms of R&T
Milton de Peyrac-Peyran (milton_de_peyrac) - Outside on the top level of Beauclair Palace
Morvran Voorhis (voorhis) - In the quartermaster's tent at the Nilfgaardian Army Group Camp
Olgierd (olgierd) - In one of the guest rooms of R&T
Orianna (vampire_diva) - At her estate in BeauclairRequired mod Door Unlocker
Palmerin (palmerin) - Outside on the top level of Beauclair Palace
Philippa Eilhart (philippa_eilhart) - In one of the guest rooms of R&T and later upstairs in the main room
Priscilla (priscilla) - Upstairs in the main room of R&T
Quinto (q603_safecracker_companion) - In a house around the corner from the Barber in Oxenfurt
Radovid (radovid) - At the Novigrad docks near the royal ship
Regis (regis_terzieff_vampire) - In the alchemy lab at Corvo Bianco
Rosa var Attre (rosa_var_attre) - In the basement training area of the Var Attre Villa
Sasha (sq306_sacha) - At Passiflora
Shani (shani) - Shani's Clinic in Oxenfurt
Succubus (Salma) (mh303_succbus_v2) - Salma's house in Novigrad
Succubus (succubus) - Salma's house in Novigrad
Syanna (syanna) - In the top room of Beauclair Palace
Sylvan (Allgod) (mq1057_fugas) - At the Wastrel Manor ruins
Tamara (tamara) - At her home in Oxenfurt
Thaler (talar) - On the bottom level of R&T
Udalryk (udalryk) - In Spikeroog (northwestern island)
Vernon Roche (vernon_roche) - On the bottom level of R&T
Ves (ves) - Upstairs in the main room of R&T
Vesemir (vesemir) - In Kaer Morhen
Vivienne (sq701_vivienne) - Outside on the top level of Beauclair Palace
White Wolf (wolf_white_lvl3__alpha) - Near the stables at Corvo Bianco
Zoltan Chivay (zoltan_chivay) - At Passiflora and later at Corvo Bianco

Other Spawnable NPCs


Anabelle (anabelle)
Arnvald (arnvald)
Bea (q310_favor_girl)
Birna an Tuirseach (lady_bran)
Blueboy Lugos (lugos_the_glaucous)
Boris (borys_the_troll)
Carduin (carduin)
Carlo Varese (karl_varese)
Djenge Frett (mq2013_bounty_hunter)
Djinn (djinn)
Donar an Hindar (donar_an_hindar)
Dora (mq3019_woman)
Elihal (elihal)
Folan (q202_folan_the_blind_with_clothes)
Ge'els (geels)
Halbjorn (halbjorn)
Halgrim (hallgrim)
Hattori (hattori)
Hjort (hjort)
Holger Black Hand (holger)
Hortensio (q302_ortensio)
Hubert Rejk (coroner_psycho)
Irina Renarde (irina_renarde)
Isilira (q210_avallach_lover)
Jutta (mq2038_shieldmaiden)
King of Beggars (king_beggar)
Lussi (q309_raisa)
Mad Kiyan (kiyan)
Madman Lugos (lugos_the_mad)
Mary Louisa la Valette (luiza_lavalette)
Menge (menge)
Nathaniel Pastodi (nathaniel_priest)
Otrygg an Hindar (otrygg_an_hindar)
Pellar (guslar)
Sergeant (sergeant)
Sukrus (sq304_sukrus)
Svanrige (svanrige)
Tomira (prologue_village_herbalist)
Vernossiel (vernossiel)
Vigi (q202_vigi)
Vimme Vivaldi (vimme_vivaldi)

Eredin (enemy_eredin)
Imlerith (imlerith)
Caranthir (canaris)
Hound of the Wild Hunt (wildhunt_minion)
Wild Hunt Mage (wildhunt_mage)
Wild Hunt Warrior (wildhunt_axe), (wildhunt_halberd), (wildhunt_hammer), (wildhunt_spear), (wildhunt_sword)

Adela (mq6004_dealer)
Gaunter O'Dimm (mr_mirror)
Horst Borsodi (horst)
Iris (iris)
Ofieri Mage (q601_ofir_mage)
Vlodimir (olgierd_brother)
Wild One (Female) (q601_olgierds_girl), (q601_olgierds_gang_girls)
Wild One (Male) (q601_olgierds_men), (q601_olgierds_men_big)

Delwyn of Creigiau (sq701_delwyn)
Donimir of Troy (sq701_donimir)
Guy de Bois-Fresnes (sq701_guy)
Hermit (mq7006_hermit)
Lady of the Lake (mq7006_lady_of_the_lake)
Llinos of Metinna (sq701_llinos)
Majordomo (butler)
Rainfarn of Attre (sq701_rainfarn)
Prince Horm Akerspaark of Maecht (sq701_horm)
Count Tailles of Dorndal (sq701_tailles_rest)
Unseen Elder (q704_original_vampire)
Witch of Lynx Crag (mq7004_witch)

Common NPCs
Nilfgaardian Officer (nilfgaardian_officer)
Nilfgaardian Soldier (nilfgaardian_soldier)

Redanian Officer (redanian_officer)
Redanian Soldier (redanian_soldier)

An Craite Shieldmaiden (skellige_shield_maiden_craite)
Clan An Craite Guard (skellige_warrior_craite_axe)

Temerian Guerilla (roche_soldier_sword)

Cleaver's Henchdwarf (novigrad_cleaver_thug)
Sigi Reuven's Henchman (novigrad_djikstra_thug)
Whoreson's Henchman (novigrad_whoreson_thug)

Knight Errant (knight)

Ducal Guardsman (q704_ft_bow_guard)

Guardsman (guard_lvl1)

Courtesan (novigrad_courtisan_naked)
Strumpet (novigrad_prostitute_exclusive)



Brewess (witch_brewess)
Weavess (witch_weavess)
Whispess (witch_whispess)

Alghoul (alghoul), (alghoul_lvl1), (alghoul_lvl2), (alghoul_lvl3), (alghoul_mh)
Ancient Leshen (lessog_lvl2__ancient)
Arachas (arachas_lvl1)
Archgriffin (gryphon_lvl3__volcanic), (gryphon_mh__volcanic)
Armored Arachas (arachas_lvl2__armored)
Basilisk (basilisk), (basilisk_lvl1)
Black Troll (troll_cave_mh__black)
Chort (czart), (czart_lvl1), (czart_mh)
Cockatrice (cockatrice), (cockatrice_lvl1), (cockatrice_mh)
Cyclops (cyclop), (cyclop_lvl1)
Devourer (rotfiend_lvl2)
Drowned Dead (drowner_lvl4__dead)
Drowner (drowner), (drowner_lvl1), (drowner_lvl2), (drowner_lvl3)
Earth Elemental (elemental_dao_lvl1), (elemental_dao_lvl2), (elemental_dao_lvl3__ice), (elemental_dao_mh)
Ekhidna (siren_lvl2__lamia), (siren_mh__lamia)
Ekimmara (vampire_ekima_lvl1), (vampire_ekima_mh)
Endrega Drone (endriaga_lvl3__spikey)
Endrega Warrior (endriaga_lvl2__tailed)
Endrega Worker (endriaga_lvl1__worker)
Erynia (erynia), (harpy_lvl3__erynia)
Fiend (bies), (bies_lvl1), (bies_lvl2), (bies_mh)
Foglet (fogling), (fogling_lvl1), (fogling_lvl2), (fogling_mh)
Forktail (forktail_lvl1), (forktail_lvl2), (forktail_mh)
Fugas (fugas), (fugas_lvl1), (fugas_lvl2)
Gargoyle (gargoyle), (gargoyle_lvl1)
Ghoul (ghoul_lvl1), (ghoul_lvl2), (ghoul_lvl3)
Golem (golem), (golem_lvl1), (golem_lvl2), (golem_lvl2__ifryt), (golem_lvl3)
Grave Hag (hag_grave_lvl1), (hag_grave_lvl1__barons_wife), (hag_grave__mh)
Griffin (gryphon), (gryphon_lvl1), (gryphon_lvl2)
Harrisi (arachas_mh__poison)
Harpy (harpy), (harpy_lvl1), (harpy_lvl2)
Hym (him)
Ice Elemental (ice_golem)
Ice Giant (ice_giant)
Ice Troll (troll_cave_lvl3__ice)
Ifrit (ifrit)
Katakan (vampire_katakan_lvl1), (vampire_katakan_mh)
Leshen (lessog), (lessog_lvl1), (lessog_mh)
Nekker (nekker), (nekker_lvl1), (nekker_lvl2)
Nekker Warrior (nekker_lvl3__warrior), (nekker_mh__warrior)
Nightwraith (nightwraith), (nightwraith_lvl1), (nightwraith_lvl1__doppelganger), (nightwraith_mh)
Noonwraith (noonwraith), (noonwraith_lvl1), (noonwraith_lvl1__doppelganger), (noonwraith_mh)
Pesta (pesta)
Rabid Rock Troll (troll_cave_lvl1), (troll_cave_lvl2)
Rotfiend (rotfiend), (rotfiend_lvl1)
Simulacrum (simulacrum)
Siren (siren), (siren_lvl1)
Tangalore (fogling_lvl3__willowisp)
Venomous Arachas (arachas_lvl3__poison)
Water Hag (hag_water_lvl1), (hag_water_lvl2), (hag_water_mh)
Werewolf (werewolf), (werewolf_lvl1), (werewolf_lvl2), (werewolf_lvl3__lycan), (werewolf_lvl4__lycan)
Wraith (wraith), (wraith_lvl1), (wraith_mh)
Wyvern (wyvern), (wyvern_lvl1), (wyvern_lvl2), (wyvern_mh)

Ethereal (ethernal)
Nightwraith Iris (nightwraith_iris)
Specter (q604_spider), (q604_big_spider)
The Caretaker (q604_caretaker)
The Toad Prince (toad)

Alp (alp)
Alpha Garkain (q704_monster_hunt_vampire)
Arachnomorph (spider_early), (spider_mid), (spider_late), (spider_large_early), (spider_large_mid), (spider_large_late)
Barghest (barghest_mid), (barghest_late)
Beann'shie (banshee_mid)
Big Bad Wolf (q704_ft_big_bad_wolf)
Bruxa (bruxa)
Cloud Giant (q704_ft_giant)
Dettlaff Monster (dettlaff_van_eretein_monster)
Fleder (q704_fleder)
Garkain (q704_garkain)
Golyat (q701_giant)
Kikimore Warrior (kikimora_early), (kikimora_mid)
Kikimore Worker (kikimora_small_early), (kikimora_small_mid)
Protofleder (q704_protofleder)
Scurver (q702_graveir)
Shaelmaar (sharley), (sharley_q701), (sharley_mh)
Slyzard (dracolizard), (dracolizard_early)
Spoon Collector (q702_wight)
Spriggan (spriggan)
Wicked Witch (q704_ft_witch)
Wight (wight)


May 25, 2015
on the back of a T34.
the light-medium-heavy armor build is a hoax by the way,you really dont want to get hit altogether than try to tank hits.loosing hp mean loosing dmg/vigor/stamina regen which means quickload.
this mod make the game what is was supposed to be, an interactive movie,since you dont need anything than your starting equipment you dont have to wonder around doing sub quests(you dont get xp) or getting random loot which is worse than the original.just progress through the main quest and enjoy the cutscenes.

Old Hans

Oct 10, 2011
the light-medium-heavy armor build is a hoax by the way,you really dont want to get hit altogether than try to tank hits.loosing hp mean loosing dmg/vigor/stamina regen which means quickload.
this mod make the game what is was supposed to be, an interactive movie,since you dont need anything than your starting equipment you dont have to wonder around doing sub quests(you dont get xp) or getting random loot which is worse than the original.just progress through the main quest and enjoy the cutscenes.
you actually do experience they just dont show it. doing quests is how you get the general skill points


Mar 28, 2014
Doing Wild at Heart. Trying to kill warewolf. I spent 2 hours on it and i am yet to kill it. Warewolf isn't that much of a problem.
Its wolven companions are the problem because i need to parry those hits from warewolf but i get stunned by those wolves which are very aggressive.

Probably will have to go back in shame and try it later on.

Old Hans

Oct 10, 2011
Doing Wild at Heart. Trying to kill warewolf. I spent 2 hours on it and i am yet to kill it. Warewolf isn't that much of a problem.
Its wolven companions are the problem because i need to parry those hits from warewolf but i get stunned by those wolves which are very aggressive.

Probably will have to go back in shame and try it later on.
one thing ive noticed in W3EE and that Ghost mode mod. when you wound that werewolf enough, the AI breaks and it stops attacking and just starts running around in a passive state. I swear wolves and dogs are the only enemies in that game that act in a consistent, aggressive manner.

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